Any answers to this mystery
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ok can anyone shed some light on this for me please...had an early meno at the age of 42 periods just stopped no real symptoms apart from vertigo and a bit of mild sweating....bang nine years later.lots of head pressure.feelings of panic.insomnia.tearfulness.night sweats.shaking and trembling even jaw.. crying for no reason.fears phobias health it possible menopause symptoms have finally got me had thyroid ardrenal diabetes checks all clear...anyone know.thank you
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vicky77852 christine66659
christine66659 vicky77852
Mars777 christine66659
christine66659 Mars777
Mars777 christine66659
Yes horrible sweating soaked I get .. plus anxiety .. don't want to come off HRT as i don't want the symptoms back its the lack of oestrogen with me x
Guest christine66659
Definitely menopause. I am in perimenopause and have all the symptoms. The anxiety sucks and everyone thinks I am crazy. Wonder why we all think we r dying? Maybe it's an aging thing.
vicky77852 Guest
It’s just hormones Dorothy! The lack of estrogen causes all these! I’m 42! I was feeling that I’ll die when I diagnosed a year ago! And I was suicidal too! It’s not an aging thing I think, it’s hormonal!
christine66659 Guest
juanita93228 Guest
I have no idea why we think we're dying. But I do think it's an aging thing. Menopause means getting older. I was just telling a friend that I couldn't believe that next year I'll be 60. But, praise God, as long as I'm living the good life(God knows what I mean) I hope to see 90.
christine66659 juanita93228
debra16694 christine66659
Hi Christine - I stopped mine 6 years ago & this last year has just been an E-ticket ride with horrific is the first day after a week of agonizing achiness & burning in my calves & feet that they feel OK. I have had 3 terrifying panic/anxiety attacks just this week & the brain fog/dizziness is just a total blast. Yes, I am living proof that the symptoms of menopause can rear it’s ugly head any time. I was a sole caregiver to my parents for 11 years & last year my Dad passed after my Mom. I really think my menopause symptoms came on after all the stress of caregiving & loss. I swear there is no way I would have been able to care for my parents feeling the way I do now...I just don’t get why I am getting all this now...I am 61 & 6 years post menopausal...crazy! I am trying to stick it out without any RX’s since I just came off of a really bad B/P RX which also might be making my symptoms worse - UGH! Hate this! Good Luck!
christine66659 debra16694
debra16694 christine66659
Oh Christine - I think our bodies/minds have a way of getting us thru stressful it running on adrenaline or whatever until we simply can’t anymore...I was running two household, getting kids off to college, helping my husband with his business, cleaning, grocery shopping for 2 households, cooking for two households & taking care of all bills etc. Now I am lucky if I go to the store to pick up milk and make a sandwich for me and my hubby...I am just spent & so are my adrenals - the naturopath told me that stress makes menopause worse, well...I guess she is correct. Even though my life is way less stressful now, I think I burned myself out. My advice to you is, start really taking care of yourself (easier said than done, I know) but whatever that is for you...allowing yourself to watch TV in the middle of the day or getting a massage once a week...we have to take care of ourselves! I have decided that I have to stop eating sugar because a see a direct correlation with sweets & flushing which then starts the head pulsating & palps. It’s almost like clockwork after I have had a flushing incident, the next day I get an anxiety attack...I think the blood sugar thing affects my cortisol levels which triggers an anxiety attack - i do notice when I eat healthy, take my vitamins, drink water that my episodes aren’t as debilitating - however saying that it seems like each week I have a new symptom to deal with...the burning calves & top of my feet thing was intense this week. Although not a new symptom for me, just way more intense - Good Luck in this journey & pray it ends soon!
christine66659 debra16694
debra16694 christine66659
Wow Christine, that is just horrific...I do think some people who are more emotional or empathetic suffer more with these symptoms & definitely with anxiety. Who knows really what the triggers are, but sugar can’t possibly be helping on any level - sounds like a little smoke here & there might calm you down, sounds like you have earned it! Take care -