Any chronic daily headaches and neck and back pain advice?
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I am a 28 year old female and I'm currently in my 20th month of chronic headaches. I am now on amitryptline, naproxen and paracetamol as I am now experiencing neck and back pain too. I never write on forums, but feel that if their is the slightest chance that anyone else is suffering like me then i'd love some words of advice or comfort. I feel that unless you deal with chronic pain, you really have no idea how hard it is to deal with and how difficult it is to speak to people about it, as nobody understands.
The pain first first came on suddenly during intercourse and it felt like I'd been hit on the back of the head- it was excruciating. I was then left with occasional headaches. After a few months, I was admitted to A and E as the dr suspected a haemorrhage as the head pain started to worsen when straining for the toilet. I was in hospital and had CT, MRI and a lumbar puncture and all sinister problems were ruled out .
Since then (19months) the head pain has increased to being constant- as in from the moment I wake till the moment I sleep, everyday. The drs have thrown the medication at me and labelled it as chronic daily headaches and their answer was always more drugs and that it is probably dietry or stress(as I am a teacher)!
I then tried everything I could to relieve the pain/find the cause. I have had lots of massage types (including deep tissue), seen the usual dentist and optician, bought a new mattress, new shoes, seen a podiatrist, bought a water pillow(great for neck ache look for mediflow on amazon) acupuncture , I have omitted all food groups from my diet (see candida diet) even reflexology!... no luck, just a poorer and more destroyed version of me.
Last week after having a nervous breakdown in the neurologists office and it seems for the first time i am being taken seriously. I think that if you're like me and you dont make a massive fuss, you dont cry lots and you just deal with it as best you can, then they will ignore you. TIP: When you see someone, explain your pain like it is your worst day, not the feeling right then and there and make a list of what you want from your appointment.
I had an urgent MRi scan of my cervical spine last week as the neurologist now wants to rule out a slipped disc. I kind of hope that it is, because at at least I will finally have answer (hopefully this week)
I don't know what I expect to come from writing here, other than for others to know that they are not alone. Constant pain is truly soul destroying. I now feel only the shadow of my former self. It's hard for others to understand and as a result you drift away from life. I am lucky to have a partner who is completely positive and supportive everyday. Surprisingly though, I have found that one of the best things for me is distraction and the 30 5-6 year olds at work are actually the best thing for me- can you believe it!
Thanks for reading. If anyone has any advice, I am all ears!
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J0rdan010 vicki48854
I'm also 28 with severe pain..your situation is EXACTLY like mine.. Everything down to the lumbar puncture.. I was medevac out of iraq and the military doctors diagnosed me with thunderclap migraines... Along with the head neck and back pain I have severe knee pain... Unfortunately I became addicted to the medication the doctors prescribed me... So now pain medications are out of the question because I have since gone to rehab.. I have recently gone to a chiropractor who said I am in desperate need of help so I will be returning to him shortly..I have a question, have you ever been checked for Lyme disease?
davidf39 vicki48854
I am in a similar situation but have been like this for over 30 years now. I am on similar meds and had some nerve blocks in my cervical spine last year to no avail. I've has an MRI of my cervical spine but not one lower down. I have sciatica and several sore spots along my spine, and wonder if it could be a disc problem. How have you got on since posting?
TruthFinder davidf39
Never the less, you problems may be from the mid or even the low back. Pain moves and radiates, so the Full MRI series may get you some real answers. I was told I had Fibermialgia before the MRI. Now that the Doctors have the true info, they can's just blow it off as no big deal..
Hope this helps
Sunny5 TruthFinder
i live in the uk and have just come out of hospital! i have
Numbness in my right leg and right arm ive had a headache
since september last year! my eyes and ears feel so much
pressure from the headache i feel my head will explode off
My shoulders! ive haf a CT scan and lumbar
puncture that was done whilst ive been in hospital for
five days! they say its migraine even though my legs and arm
go numb and continually have pins and needles in them.
The scan and lumbar punctar came back clear! they have given me
Topirimate to take alongside the 160mg propanalol i already am
taking from september(more pills)) for my headache! i had disc surgery twenty years
Ago for a trapped nerve in L5 DISC Bottom of my back and have
some nerve damage which i take tramadol and dyhydrocodenne for!! im sure my headaches
Are something to do with my back but they just wont listen!!! did
you get any further with your investigations! to all those people suffering
Pain out there i pray you find answers soon!!!take care everyone Sunnyxx
tara89220 vicki48854
TruthFinder tara89220
I use to think FibereMilagia was a BS made up thing when Docs didn't have an answer. I now kbow, it's real and very painful
Give the research on this a go.
Feel better
lu10720 vicki48854
Holly_m lu10720
I just wanted to let you know that my situation is very similar to yours; headaches for over two years, no medication works....well I've started 80mg of propranolol and that's working a bit! I'm so happy not being miserable ALL the time! Anyway if you ever need support, I'm here
lauren68900 lu10720
theboyfromxtown Holly_m
katie061212 lu10720
Hello. I am sorry to hear you are going through what I am. Daily headaches. First triggered by health anxiety and now won't go away. Been 4 weeks and I'm so down and I feel I won't get a break ever. I have the back and forth migraine type then tension then tightness in forehead and aching in cheeks and neck too. I stopped taking otc bc it was like three weeks of them. Not sure if this is rebound now: I just feel awful. Did anything end up working for you? I tried some neuro drugs and they gave me bad side effects. ;(
sgarrido93 katie061212
A little late but ever since my health anxiety came on I've been experiencing the same thing for over a month! Did the headaches ever go away?
MelX lu10720
The only thing I have found that helps during the heavy pain flare ups is, diazepam and sometimes ice.
cherishcherish vicki48854
I'm going Thur the doctors and every pill I've been giving isn't working... so yesterday a lady told me to elevate my legs w a pillow. Now my legs hv never swell hell I'm only 26... today in months my head stop hurting.... woke up for the first time w no headache although I feel like if I over work my self or turn my head to quick there is a chance my headache will come back..but I'm on my way to sleep now and I feel my head ache coming back because im writing this on my phone with the lights out... i feel like its something to do w circulation in my head. I pray its not a tumor... I'm n the process of getting my head checked...
Holly_m cherishcherish
Holly_m cherishcherish
I was saying--any advise or support I can give I'm here.