Any good supplements for anxiety during peri?

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I have been feeling shortness of breath for over month, had an x ray and it came back normal, wonder if this is due to perimenopause anxiety attacks or hormones raise/dip ( although I dont feel anxious but who knows?)  so want to try some supplements for anxiety to see if they help. Which ones will you recommend ?I'm taking magnesium and cod liver oil, also bought B6 but when I took B12 in the past I had some side effects so reluctant to take it yet. Anybody has good experience which chinese medicine - went to one yesterday , had an accupunture and got some herbs, took the herbs this morning but feel even worse - not sure if its because of them?

Thanks , hope we all feel better one day!


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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Polly

    Its maybe just possible you have a bad spell at the time you try different things and maybe think its the new stuff you try and maybe it isnt and more a coincidence 

    Jay xx

  • Posted

    Hi Polly,

    Last year I started having shortness of breath, that is when my hormones really started going whacky which in turn brought on anxiety.  Dr said it was anxiety but with anxiety synptoms and peri symptoms being so similiar who knows.  Thank goodness I havent had this for quite a few months now but also my anxiety had decreased somewhat.  I cant recommend any supplements, as everything I have tried has not agreed with me but I can tell you that 4 weeks ago I went for my first acupuncture session and the chinese dr gave me some herbs/tablets for anxiety/hormones and high cholesterol.  I didnt feel very good after taking them the first time and after a few days they made me feel terrible, heartburn/indigestion, so much gas and felt ill. I continued to take them for another week but then stopped and felt a little better.  Its hard to pinpoint at times what makes us feel terrible, the hormones or what we take to try to feel better.

    I sure hope we all feel better one day very soon smile

  • Posted

    Hi Polly, Vitamin B6 is useful for anxiety. If possible, please include soybean, fruits in your diet. Due regular exercise and meditation, it will help you to reduce anxiety.
  • Posted

    I have been having the same thing and have a Dr. Appt Aug 4. I dont know why I make them when they never find anything lol.

    What year of Peri are you in? I'm in my 4 th year going into my 5 th in September. I almost feel like I was finding herbs that worked for me entering my 4 th year..then this past few weeks I felt I was starting peri for the first time. I don't know if our hormones take a bigger plunge every few years as we decline in them along the way but I can't wait for this to be over with! 

    This shortness of breath hurts my chest and sometimes so deep it bothers my back. My heart palpitates with it sometime to. Does your shortness of breath hurt you? If this is hormones that are causing this then I'm nervous to see what happens when I have none at all during menopause

    I take Gaba when I feel anxious. It give a calming affect and has b6 in it. Its the one I prefer over all the ones I've tried. Google it and it will come up. I have also taken chamomile and found it very relaxing also. My doctor prescribed me Xanax a few years back but heard its addicting so I never took it but use benadryl in liquid form when I need something to help quickly. I hope this helps you...just typing thing out on this forum helps alot too!

    Sending a hug your way...hope today's better for you... be blessed!!!

    • Posted

      Hi Mimi and Jo,

      How often do you have this shortness of breath feeling?

      And how long have you had it for? Do you feel anxious ?

      I dont really as such  but thats the only explanation I can find on the Net. Not much use from GP appts.  I m not even sure how long I've had peri for - I'm 50 , main symptomps ( continuos periods etc.. ) started about a year ago. I have been on hols for 10 days or so, need to go back to work on Monday - not sure how its going to happen , have been feeling short of breath all this time. The main feeling is that I cannot take deep breaths and have an urge to take them most of the time.

      Thank you very much to everybody for your replies and support


    • Posted

      I have had mine in the first and second year of period, which I'm entering my 5 th in September. Yes when I get I feel worried not really anxious with it. It starts to bother me after it begins to hurt my back and jaws at some point... if it last for a long period of time. Mine sorta come and go almost as if my hormones are fluctuating with my breathing pattern. Its so hard to explain at times but you have the same issues so I'm glad you understand lol

      My periods were on a pattern it seems. One month they was heavy and the next month they was 1 day and wearing only a pantliner. 

      Since my last 2 periods they are now about a day heavy and stop ..then spot then bleed.. and so on.

      It must be a cycle as God has prepared our bodies to loose the hormones then loose a little more as the years go on.

      I also cannot take breaths at times either but I force myself. Lying down helps me alot or relaxing in a recliner layed back. Some has told me mine may be seasonal asthma as I get really bad when Im around mold or rainy weather that's humid. Google allergies and perimenopause. You may find something that relates to you. 

      Lets all stick together someone will come up with a break through along with our trials and error.😊

    • Posted

      Hi Polly,

      I think I had the shortness of breath on average probably 5 days out of 7 for about 7 or so months, beginning last October which was exactly 1 month after my last normal (lol whatever normal was) period and the beginning of all the symptoms hitting me hard.  I am 53 and probably been in peri for about 7 years.  When I first noticed the shortness of breath I didnt think I was anxious and put it down to the fluctuating hormones but I think the fluctuating hormones and all the symptoms that came with it, stressed me out big time and made me anxious and then finding out I was intolerant to alot of foods tipped me over the edge.  I felt exactly the same as you describe.  I declined the drs offer of antidepressants, they told me to get diazepam, which I did, I took 1/4 and hated the way it made me feel so havent taken anymore.  I read somewhere for anxiety to breath in for a count of 4 and breath out for a count of 7, I started to do that a few months ago so maybe that helped a little with the breathing and anxiety.  As I said I havent had the breathing problem for a few months it kind of just went but I never know whats around the corner. May and July this year I had a few days of spotting, so the countdown is on again for me sad

      Hope you get to work ok...hugs x

    • Posted

      Hi Jo

      it does pass the shortness of breath scenario... i use to get it too ...

      i still like you take a moment and breathe slowly in and out, its very calming, I do it also after a flush sometimes...  its sooooo calming ... basic ones are somethimes the best arent they... and easy to remember ... 

      like breathing in a paper bag for anxiety attacks but we have no paper bag .

      😐. have a great day Jo

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi Jay,

      Yes I am so glad it passed, I didnt like that one at all.

      I havent thought to the breathing exercise after a flush, so thanks I will start doing it.

      Lol I need easy to remember these days but yes I find it calming as well.

      How long did you get the shortness of breath for and have you experienced it again after it passed?

      Its nearly bedtime here but thanks for your wishes Jay and you have a great day smile

      Jo xx

  • Posted

    You aren't alone smile

    I went to the Doc a couple of weeks ago with breathlessness and what I could only describe as a 'pinching' when I tried to breathe. Full exam later - diagnosed with panic attacks. I was on anti-depressents a couple of years ago as I came to the end of what I now know was peri menopause. I'm now into full menopause but some of the symptoms seem to be coming late so it sort of fits with that. He is supportive of the natural route as I can't take HRT because of family history. B6 and B12 are good for me as is Oil of Evening Primrose tabs. Also try measured breathing when I notice a spell coming on - if you google Yoga breathing techniques, they work for me.

    These threads are great as people come up with things to try and at least we are all sharing!


    • Posted

      Thanks for sharing the yoga techniques ... I still say it has to be hormones that causes the breathing problem as I don't have it the whole month only some days. I'm going to Google it and try them ! 👍

  • Posted

    Hi Polly, I know this post was awhile ago, can you tell me how you are feeling with the shortness of breath? I've been experiencing this for 8 months now and I am not getting panic attacks from it. My saliva test shows my progesterone is high compared to my estrogen. My doc wants me to stop taking my progesterone cream and I just don't know what to do at this point. For the past 5 months, anxiety has set in and waking at 3:30am is the norm. As soon as I am up, the anxiety hits. It seems to mellow out by the evening. Please tell me there is hope! I cried so much today not knowing if this shortness of breath and anxiey will be with me forever. 
    • Posted

      sorry.... ment to say I AM getting panic attacks from the shortness of breath. 
    • Posted

      Hi Snowbell,

      Unfortunately I still have it and I

      cannot do lots of things because if it

      I am not sure if its because of perimenopause , anxiety or asthma ( have been diagnosed with asthma but I am still not convinced that I have it.) 

      Do you experience same pattern - cannot take deep breaths?

      What are your anxiety symptoms?

      Is it worse outside - in the windy and cold weather?

    • Posted

      Hi Polly,

      I'm so sorry you are still having the shortness of breath. How long has it been now?

      I had a great day 2 days ago and it came right back. Like you just can't take a good deep breath without really struggling. It's so tiring and uncomfortable. I'm so frustrated with it that I cry. No doctors can figure it out, leaving me even more worried. I'm not convinced it's asthma for me either. Does your shortness of breath get better when you rest and get worse when you are up and doing things? Mine is like that.

      As for the anxiety, it rears its ugly head as soon as I wake up. Mornings are awful for me. It feels like I'm so nervous, shaking, inside trembling, and no appetite to eat. Sometimes there is fear and doom and gloom. It usually lasts all day until about 5pm. I've lost so much weight and can't afford to loose anymore. I was given Xanax but haven't tried it because of the horrible addiction it can cause. I bought Aspen from Bach Flower remedies and it helps take the edge off. I also take GABA every morning. It's been getting me thru so far. I am praying the anxiety doesn't get any worse.

      Depression sets in at the end of my period and it's horribly debilitating. I've never had any of these symptoms in my life. I keep telling myself it's just perimenopause and it will pass, but at times you wonder if you are dying from something serious. I've been to the ER and doctors so much they are sick of me, they just keep telling me I have an anxiety disorder. Really??? I've never had depression, anxiety, or breathing problems a day in my 41 years of life and why the depression right after my period is ending each month? They can't give me an answer but Xanax and antidepressants, which I just can't bring myself to take.

      I'm super emotional and cry so easily it's just insane. I have to carry tissue with me at all times. I've NEVER been like this. I was a medical assistant for 14 years and saw my share of sad situations and held it together, nothing bothered me. If I was working now, I would be a sobbing mess all thru my shift. Thank God my husband is allowing me to be home during this awful, trying time.

      I hope us ladies can get some relief soon, and we all need to stick together for support. It helps so much to know I am not alone. If anyone needs any support, I am always open to lending an ear. My email is [email removed], please feel free to reach out. We could all gain strength and support from one another. Polly, my heart goes out to you. I am right here with you going thru this. Hugs

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