Any help would be perfect feel like I’m going to die soon
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I’m wondering what else I can do dread/doom feeling it’s came back with a vengeance and I really don’t know how to cope anymore I honestly feel like I’m loosing control like i can’t stop these thoughts or feelings anymore it’s gotten that bad I’m even waking up in the middle of the night with the intense feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach that something terrible that I’m going to die everything around me feels doomy and dark like the world is ending or something looking at my belongings fills me with dread and doom everything just feels so horrible and off/wrong I don’t know what’s happening to me but I’m filled with intense fear constantly when I get these feelings it’s like adrenaline running through my body makes my body burn it comes straight from the gut then my heart sometimes races and I automatically feel I’m dying I don’t get any other physical symptoms just that feeling I can’t cope any longer I feel like I can’t be helped like normally when inhave anxiety this just feels like ive been told this as a premonition or god and thats it basically like no one can save me its inevitable please Could you try and give me some advice on these feelings? Like am I really dying is this anxiety I just don’t know anymore it honestly feels so real and I’m waiting to die 😭😭😭 my whole world feels different and scary TO ME IT FEELS LIKE A PREMINTUION OR GOD IS GIVING ME A HEADS UP THAT MY TIME IS UP AND I JUST CANT TAKE IT I DONT UNDERSTAND IT EITHER BECAUSE IM USE TO MY ANXIETY AND GETTING CHEST PAIN THINKING IM DYING ETC BUT THIS FEELING FEELS LIKE IS IMMINENT AND ITS HAPPENING WEATHER I LIKE IT OR NOT ITS RUINING ME AS A PERSON I DONT LEAVE MY BED I JUST LAY HERE LIKE A SITTING DUCK WAITING FOR IT TO HAPPEN TO ME IM TERRIFIED HONESTLY ITS SO BAD AND FEELS SO REAL I FEEL LIKE IVE WENT TO THE HOSPITAL AND THEYVE DIAGNOSED ME WITH A TERMINAL ILNESS AND I DONT HAVE LONG LEFT THATS HOW BAD IT IS ITS SO SCARY PEOPLE SAY ITS ANXIETY BUT IVE HAD ANXIETY FOR 10 YEARS IT NEVER FELT LIKE THIS 😭😭 please any advice is so much appreciated
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amy39119 caitlina66778
Hi Caitlin, I have the same thoughts! Im still struggling abit, as in the middle of the night ill jump up from my sleep with my heart racing but it stops after about 30 seconds. I recommend you watching youtube videos about health anxiety. Theres this one guy that says, just risk it, as in it might be a heart attack but also it might not, as everytime you are thinking it you are fuelling your anxiety. If something is going to happen it will happen, so you've just got to risk it in your head I suppose. Just got to tell yourself itll be ok.
jan34534 caitlina66778
You are not going to die.
Severe anxiety can make it look that way but it is only an illusion! This is what the mind does. It’s not based on reality or fact! You are so worked up that you actually feel worse than what you really need to feel.
get on YouTube and look up mindfulness breathing exercises for anxiety. Or just breathing for anxiety. You need to practice this over and over to calm yourself down.
if you are panicking, search YouTube for panic talk down. They really help! there’s one with a picture of a ladies face with long hair. She is super comforting! You will love it!
i had to literally stop myself in my tracks from losing control and giving in to these horrible thoughts and feelings. I actually allow them to happen and told myself that I know they are there, and that’s OK because they’re not going to hurt me. You have to take a more relaxed attitude or else the symptoms will get worse.
get tough with yourself and with the anxiety.!
AGAIN, you are NOT going to die! Any symptoms from anxiety and stress cannot and will not hurt you even though it feels that way. I have been through this for many years and I am still here!
Also see if you can get some counseling for this. You need the support right now .I know what you’re going through but take One day at a time. Everything is going to be OK.