Any ideas

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Last Thursday I got a polyp removed under General anaesthetic.

I have not had any pain from the area it was removed but my throat

has been extremely sore and after the operation I had to get oxygen

as there was not enough in my blood .

W.hat I didn't know is that my oxygen level wasn't great before I went

in and I stopped smoking twenty years this year so as usual I have to

jump to the worse scenario .

Anyway I just want to ask if anybody has felt so crappy after this procedure

as I feel s**t but not in the womb area just the headaches very sore throat and

feeling crap.

Many Thanks in advance......Heather x

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Forgot to add that they fitted a mirena coil while removing the polyp. The consultant informed me that it keeps the lining from getting thicker.

    I also want to ask that if anyone who has post menopausal bleeding in Britain have had such poor treatment from

    the consultants I had one after two weeks which is procedure then they passed me to another but she didn't turn up on the day it was someone else then on the day of the operation it was someone else . If they find that my polyp is not benign will they give me another consultant . I checked procedures and they say they should explain everything to the patients to make clear what is going on and what is next , rather than one consultant after another contradicting each other.

    Anyway rant over if you've got anything to say about what I've said or you are p****d off like me feel free to send a reply .

    • Posted

      hi Heather

      How are you getting on since this surgery? I had the same procedure, plus Mirena and I have felt crappy ever since. I am thinking the Merina at this stage, but would like to know how you've been feeling since.


    • Posted

      I've been fine but I am sure my bladder has been filling up quicker cause I am always running to the loo. I think more urgently than before.

      Still spotting sometimes and bleeding heavier sometimes and feeling like your having a period, health professional says this may go on for a few months.

      I have health anxiety so everything bothers me and to be honest with you the consultant never came to explain everything after the procedure so I am going on what my practice nurse has told me.

      I am not sure if that's helped you but good luck....Heather

  • Posted

    hi heather did you have breathing tube put in?

    • Posted

      Not got a clue they never spoke to me after surgery except for one woman woman who was in recovery who I would describe in the Scottish vernacular as a nurse ratchett b*****d who said keep the breathing mask on who was unpleasant to both workmates and patients alike and told me she says it how it is. A nurse back up on t he ward said I couldn't leave till my stats were up (oxygen level in the blood) I was in for hours after but did not speak to anyone but nurses and auxiliary nurses.

      I can only say that they saw anxiety yet again and I was anxious but not stupid.

      I left hospital with a letter for my doctor which said I had day surgery for removal of polyp and fitting of coil and another for me telling me all about the coil .

      I don't think any doctor cares anymore and I mean that from the bottom of my heart and that is from gps upwards that is why a&e are so busy because your sent out a door of a gp with no knowledge of what's wrong with you or even what you can do to help yourself.

      Oh my, I am for ranting , but what the heck....Heather x


  • Posted

    you may have a slight infection. do you have a fever? chills? nausea or vomiting? surgery even for the smallest thing comes with risks. i would get checked out by your Md or the surgeon who performed the surgery.

    also general anesthesia (since they put a tube down your throat for breathing) can give you a nasty sore throat for a few days to a week depending on your body. im thinking it was from being intubated. if you stay feeling like this for a few days to a week after surgery, GO see the doc and get checked out. best of luck my dear!


  • Posted

    Hi Heather,

    Since I've been dealing with peri any anesthesia makes me feel really sick afterwards. Even twilight type. Recently I had been put to sleep to have a tooth removed and I felt completely horrible for three days. When I had my gall bladder out two years ago the same, and the sore throat was just awful! I think I'm just more reactive to any drugs now. When I had a colonoscopy done back 2011 I felt great coming out of the anesthesia, so it must be all this peri crap that makes us more sensitive.

    Someone on this forum, can't remember who, said that after general anesthesia she had vocal cord damage from being intubated. So if your sore throat lasts more than three days I would ask your doctor.

    Good you got the polyp removed, one less thing to worry about.


  • Posted

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    I told them in advance that I got sickly after surgery so I came out of that feeling absolutely hunky dory. The sore throat is really sore but I think that I may have had problems with my breathing while under and no one is saying.

    I specifically told them that I think no get sleep apnoea as I wake up with a sore head most morning's and I feel quite groggy in the morning's first thing (they asked if my husband had witnessed that , he wouldn't notice anything unless it was about football, that's just men for you , no multi tasking they can only think of themselves most of the time. lol) along with the splitting headaches.

    I would like to point out that I absolutely adore the crabby old bugger I am married to, but most of the time he switches off when I switch on.

    The letter to my gp was given to me as a letter and an envelope so it was clear that it only giving him details what I was in for and nothing as far as surgery went.

    As usual ladies hope you are all feeling well today , particularly the lovely Kerry.

    • Posted

      Hello Heather

      I've had lots of surgeries unfortunately and always get a terrible sore throat, and a few times a bad chest. You can also have headaches, and generally feel washed out with it.... Think it's just a side effect, I'm sure it will improve. I'm not a big fan of private letters about me to anyone, and so have been known in the past to either steam and reseal or just open and replace the envelope! I see it as my property to be honest (not suggesting you do the same, but kinda am if you really want to know)! I hope you feel better soon, but sure your GP will check you over xxx

    • Posted

      I have seen what's in the letter as it was handed to me and it says that I got polyp removed and merina

      coil fitted.

      Have seen a medic I have bad bruising at the roof of my mouth and throat.

      Thanks for replying ........


    • Posted

      Makes you wonder how hard they are shoving that tube down the throat in surgery!

    • Posted

      It really does make you wonder. I woke from surgery with a pain up my bum.... But was having a keyhole laperoscopy elsewhere 😂 sometimes it best you don't know, but in my experience I don't think you're carefully handled when you're asleep which is why you wake feeling like you died!

      Glad you got an answer Helen, hope you feel better soon xx

    • Posted

      Funny my bum was sore too but they found out weeks ago my womb tilted backwards (who knew) so maybe it was harder to get to the region.

      You are not going to believe this but I said as they were wheeling me in to the theatre 'please tell my husband and children I love them' she said don't think that way, but I'm a big girl and I was frightened.

      Just to let you know I appreciate these replies as I don't have sisters , though I do have an incredible amount of brothers, and it's nice to get others opinions and of course give my opinion , although not always appreciated.

      Many Thanks again Heather x

    • Posted

      My laperoscopy was looking at my womb, so maybe you get a poke up the bum as standard... Best not to think about it or we'll get a poke in the eye next time 😂 it's natural to be frightened isn't it. I've had about 7 ops now, and there's nothing calming about walking yourself into theatre, in half an outfit while they busy themselves chatting and gearing up for the main event. I said it each and every time because at least then I've told someone. How many is an 'incredible amount of brothers'?! I just have a sister so happy to look after one for you 😊 xx

  • Posted

    I haven't had that particular procedure but a mass removed from my ovary. If they put a tube down your throat when they put you to sleep it definitely can give you a sore throat. Or you could have oocked up something a out the same time you had this done. If your throat continues to get worse after a couple of days call or go to see the dr . I'm sure everything is just fine either way. Those rooms they do procedures in are cold to kill germs..You can get a little coughy or irritated in chest after surgery sometimes that goes away in a couple days. Try some high in vitamin c orange juice and take a vitamin with iron . Maybe your immune system needs a little help right now for your body to recover..After surgery is a delicate time for most people , baby yourself .

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