Any one else feel so 'ugly'?
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it's tough and I have no one to tell except my bf and I reckon I will turn him off me in a minute. Since I complain so much about my appearance. It's not easy, fat stomach, floppy boobs, horrible hair, , jowls , where did 'I' go?
I guess this is it, its downhill from here? I am so down I don't even want to set foot out of the door. I used to be pretty and vibrant. I am so depressed that I can't even work out to help myself and promise myself that I will tomorrow, tomorrow. I am just so exhausted too. I've taken to calling myself the fat cow ugly mug. I miss me. Anyone with any inspirations?? Or that can identify.
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louise44105 callianne_65675
callianne_65675 louise44105
Thank you louise. I wish I could 'feel' it, if that makes sense? xx
Fudgeybear1 callianne_65675
You do look very pretty in your photo,but I can relate to you,I feel down about everything and I ve never been like this,I always loved clothes now I haven't got the enthusiasm to choose new ones I hate looking in the mirror,,everything feels like hard work,my arms and legs feel like dead weights. Hopefully this phase passes soon.I do try not to moan to my family i try to pretend that I'm happy,i get on my nerves enough I don't want to get on there's aswell ?? I try and get out even if it's just for a little walk,it helps brighten my mood a little xxx
callianne_65675 Fudgeybear1
I so hear you. I've tried everything with clothes. I am battling to choose styles that suit my new bloated body. Some days are better than others I admit. Today I guess is a bad one. I will also try not to moan to my bf the poor thing must think I'm self obsessed, which I am right now, but not in a good way. x
pat81257 callianne_65675
We all have our down days
I cannot believe you have written that about yourself.
You do look very pretty in your photograph.
Life is a gift enjoy whilst you are able xx
michellemybell callianne_65675
Your beautuful start telling yourself that.
But I do get hiw your feeling.
Which is y I made this forum.
I feel fat tooo floppy boobs and just not me.
I used to b the life and soul of the party now o just wanna go bed.
And I loved my heels now ?????? can't wear them anymore it feels like your bring stripped of u.
But girls it comes to us all.
We survive everything and there mist be a light at the end if this tunnel xxxxxx
Cheer up girly your gawjuzz
callianne_65675 michellemybell
Yes! I used to talk to anyone everyone, now I'm like a skulking bag lady
I admit some days are better than others. Just watched a TV program about women in their 40s and 50s and having a blast. If I get the energy I will too. (Some days) xx
maisie05 callianne_65675
Hi calliane, you have just described me. I hate myself and no matter how much I tell myself how irrational I'm being I can't bring myself to look forward or look for the good in me. My body has changed, my mindset has changed. My husband and I have previous marriages and he fell in love with the vivacious, sexy confident me and now she's gone I worry he doesn't love me anymore. My daughter gets married in five weeks and I still have to find an outfit that will make her proud of me. Not look fat and frumpy. I try not to grumble, I'm a believer in not pointing out your imperfections to others as they probably can't see them. And a good friend said make the most of your assets then no one will notice your faults, but it's sooo hard. A lovely young girl passed me a tissue on the bus the other day, I hadn't realised tears were running down my cheeks, I was lost in my negative thoughts. Where has the strong confident positive me gone.
callianne_65675 maisie05
Perhaps the strong positive you (and me) has taken a brief hiatus? How sweet of that young girl though. I so relate too. My bf fell in love with a vibrant sexy confident woman, I'm now
the skulking mouse that bites him now and then. I'm sure we can find ourselves again, even if we are different?
maria45873 callianne_65675
Hi Callianne
Your not ugly your just going through the menopause
It does not matter at the end of the day how we look, what matters is to feel better
Getting old is a part of life I accept it what I can't accept is this crap will do anything to stop it.
sharon1984 maria45873
So so true. I am willing to accept all the menopause aging-bloated belly, floppy boobs, beginning of face wrinkles now- in exchange for feeling better. I am 50 and have had a very severe menopause- I just really want to feel better and don't care as much about the looks anymore. I am so tired of the muscle joints, aches and pains and severe fatigue to the point it is crippling. Give me ugly -if I can one day get rid of the feeling like I am almost dying on some days.
MoodyNoire callianne_65675
Callieanne, Don't be so hard on yourself. I think you're very pretty. I am struggling along with you. I think it's so hard on women ( like me) that have always taken an interest in looking and dressing their best and are used to compliments. I hate it too, but, I tell myself that my outward appearance is only a part of who I am, not all of me. I try to think that I need to redirect energy into another part of my life and take comfort in being succesful in that area. I know we can't hold onto youth forever and even the current beautiful, young people won't have any more youth than we have had. I try to think of people that are older but everyone loves to be around because they have wonderful personalities that people flock to and try to model myself after them. You might not realize this, but I'm sure you mean a great deal more to your bf than just your exterior. If that's not so, well you deserve better and will be better off without him...good luck!
callianne_65675 MoodyNoire
MoodyNoire callianne_65675
You are right, and like I've always heard- yesterday is gone and tomorrow isn't here yet, so today is the only day that we can change. But, I believe that with this perimenopause stuff, there are times when I am so depressed and negative that I see things (especially me} as being so much worse than it really is.
sasical72 MoodyNoire
I'm trying to do that. For all my life, up to the age of 45, I always got complimented on my physical appearance and then very suddenly, almost over night, my looks completely changed. I have various health issues and I'm bloated, my skin is droopy and I'm losing my hair. I know looks are not the most important thing, I really do know that, as my health isn't great, but it is nonetheless shocking when you very suddenly become completely invisible, not only to men, but to everyone.