Any one else getting spots
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Hi Ladies
im in peri and one of the things i am getting is spots on my face
im 45 and didnt have spots as a child they dont contain puss just water they remind me of cold sores but i have has them tested and they are not cold sores
has anyone got them i have tried lots of medication but nothing helps
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debra16694 lisa67356
hi lisa - it might be rosacea - there are different types - do you get facial flushing as well? a dermatologist would have to diagnose it - many menopausal woman get it - me included
lisa67356 debra16694
thanks debra
Klp77 lisa67356
I had these at the very start of peri. Just loads of hard red painful lumps on my cheeks and on my jawline. I threw every spot / acne remedy known to man at them with no avail. I had the mirena coil and after that was replaced (after 4.5 years rather than 5) things settled right down ... which then led the docs to decide it was down to the start of peri-menopause (I was 39). Now if I get anything similar I know its time to get my Mirena changed. (BTW I'm now on HRT and I still only get these spots when my Mirena is due a change).
lisa67356 Klp77
i did think it was hormones as i get them in waves not all the time
im going to try the serum another lady mentioned first ans see if that helps if not i will make an appointment with gp
can i ask did you gain weight with the coil as i am constantly battling my weight and at the minute i am winning that battle
Klp77 lisa67356
I wouldn't say I gained weight because of it, but I do think it makes it harder to lose weight. I've gained the typical menopause weight around my middle over the last year certainly, however, this could well be managed by exercising more etc but as I also have ME and fibromyalgia this isn't an option for me.
I had my first Mirena in 2007, well before I started peri, and I don't think I had any real weight gain until the last year or so.
Kat7201 lisa67356
Hi Lisa,
I ended up seeing my GP as otc remedies weren't working for my spots. I used to get them as a teenager on my chin, right before I was due my monthlies. Since entering peri I get exactly the same. My GP prescribed a higher strength hydrocortisone cream and it works a treat in a short space of time.
I also have a mirena fitted. Struggling desperately with my weight. I was also recently given a short course of low dose HRT for other peri / menopausal symptoms and my weight went up scarily quickly even though my eating hadn't changed. I can't seem to shift that extra weight now either.
Feels like you're caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. Suffer the symptoms of menopause or suffer the side effects of the treatments to get you through it. Ahh, the joys of womanhood! 😂
sabrina1971 lisa67356
Try some niacinamide followed by a good moisturizer. Can't say the brand without getting my post deleted, but it's very cheap to buy on its own if you google it.
lisa67356 sabrina1971
thanks sabrina
i will have a look
sabrina1971 lisa67356
Forgot to mention azelaic acid is another one that is very good for spots. If you read reviews for either you may get a sense of which one could work for you. Testing out on a small area first is advised and if you feel especially sensitive, mix it with your moisturizer first. Both azelaic acid and niacinamide can be drying, but I found that easier to deal with than spots!