any other adult females with HSP??? pls reply
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Hi, im a 35 yr old woman who was diagnosed with HSP in 1997, after being admitted to hospital with abdominal pains. I was put on steriods & dapsone following diagnosis, which eventually eased the visual symptoms. It was all made worse after my son was born, which has left me in stage 3 kidney disease. I now suffer severe arthralgia in my knees hands & ankles, proteinuria, hematuria & problems with my bowels & kidney pain. No matter who i speak to, no one knows what will happen with my condition, & ive never been able to speak to anyone else with this condition in adult hood. Would anyone like to get in touch & share their experiences?? I hope so! would love to hear from someone else in the same boat!
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I suddenly developped a rash in Feb 2007. Strange enough, it started on my neck and it was itchy. I wasn't worried, but a few days later I spotted lots of tiny pin sized dots under my skin all over my body. They were not itchy or painful, but this time I was concerned. I suspected a bleeding disorder. I went to my GP however he was clueless. The initial rash disappeared after just a week with no scar or anything. Two months later though, after a climbing course with my colleagues, I woke up to find tiny red dots all over my body again the next day. This time I suspected HSP, and I went back to my GP. He sent me to A&E as he suspected meningitis. And of course it ended up inconclusive again. When it happened a third time, I was already aware of the possible HSP and renal involvement. I pushed for a urinalysis to be done along with the blood test. The urinalysis showed trace blood and trace protein. But my GP said i would be ok. It happedn another two times in the following 3 months. I was sure something was wrong. I kept requiring urinalysis. However they were both normal. Recently after going bowling with friends, I had all over me again. This time I was determined to get an answer. I was refered to a demertolofist. He had a look and said it didnt look as severe as HSP should do. I wasnt happy as it seemed to me he jumped to conclusions. He arranged urinalysis and blood test. The urinalysis showed trace of blood again(no protein touch wood). It has been sent to the lab for further examination. And I am still waiting for the results to be back.
The reason why I am so worried about this condition is that my mother had HSP and it resulted in severe kidney damage because she left it too late to be treated. I have been told that HSP is not a hereditary disease. However I just cannot explain what has been happening to me in the last year. I didn't have any joint pain or stomachache, so the diagnosis has been extremely hard. I am fighting to get an answer this time. Do I have HSP? And is that why I have trace blood in my urine?
I totally understand what everyone out there with this condition is going through. It is so frustrating and stressful. Please get in touch with me. I would really appreciate that.
I hope all the best to all of you.
Henoch Schonlien Papura HSP, is predominantly a childhood disease however as we now know adults can have it as well. I have been diagnosed with it about 4 weeks ago, however before that was established, the symptons i had to live with proved that there was hell on earth.
Like everybody else it is hard to find a forum or chatroom or something similiar where people can share their experiences except this site which is good.
I am worried too that this HSP may end up in the Kidney, they do say however that if it has not manifested itself within 3 months of presentation then the chances of Kidney infection can be rare, having said that, i wonder if it can affect the kidney whilst recieving treatment for it.
Currently i am receiving treatment with Prednisolone currently 80mg and Azathioprine 50mg combinded, to be treated for next 3 months with dosage slowly reduced to a maintenance level to keep immune system supressed, after that god knows what will happen, the clinical examinations and reports from around the world i have read all do state however that the prognosis is generally very good, but only if there is no renal involvement, the medical examinations also state that the chances of renal involvement is higher if at the time of HSP presentation the patient had hypertension (highblood presure) or suffers(ed) from it prior to the HSP onset, either way it is a very worrying prospect. I am cautiously optomistic that i should/may pass the renal failure or infection stage, but who knows, only 2 months ago i was a fit and healthy person.
I am a 39 year old male in London.
Of course naturally i feel everybodys pain and sorrow out there. I would like to believe that i caught my HSP rather quickly, think it was 4 days of tiny red dots appearing on my foot and lower legs before A & E visit.
There was of course, severe abdominal Pain, rectal bleeding, and at one point passing just fresh blood, loads of it, it was so bad the doctors suspected either C.DIFF, Ulcerative Colitis or CROHNS disease, i had to have a Colonoscopy (camera from the bum) and in the intestine they found traces of HSP, which caused inflamation and bleeding, the camera thru the mouth showed HSP in the stomach and Helico Bactor Pylori virus. I am happy to say C-diff UC and CROHNS were all negative. So that just left me HSP.
My next appointment is in a couple of days, i have a bit of soar throat thing coming on which is worrying me alot, coz i hear its hard to get rid of infections when your immune system is suppressed.
Apart from that I will monitor this site closely and see if i can give and recieve some support.
Good luck to US ALL.[/i]
andre48633 Guest
elaine55 andre48633
i havnt had any episodes since January 2004. My souls of my feet have been sensitive and need to sleep with a pillow under them in bed also when I am relaxing at night time need to keep my feet elevated. I have been very lucky with my recovery and havnt had any problems with my kidneys despite it taking the hospital nearly two weeks to diagnose me. How have you been?
sallyrr elaine55
I am a 19 year old female currently going through my second bout of HSP. I am very glad I found this site. I feel terrible to know that there are other people out there who have gone through the same horrible thing as me, but at the same time, it feels nice to know I'm not alone.
It all started last September when I noticed small red spots on my legs. Being a pretty active and busy person, (and at the time I was fencing 12 hours a week and going to school full time), I paid little attention to them, until they seemed to spread and get larger. I went to the doctor who basically shrugged and told me they we bug bites, which clearly I didn't believe. About a week later, (they were gradually getting worse as the week progressed), I began experiencing pain in my abdomen, lower back and legs, I was vomiting, as well as running a high fever. Over the course of a few hours the spots grew- each one of the turning into a massive blister approximately 1 inch across. My legs and feet were so swollen i could barely walk. I went to emergency, and was surprised when they told me that I would be staying the night. I had no idea that I would end up staying almost a month there. They diagnosed it almost immediately as HSP, and for the next few weeks I saw various doctors and specialists, and managed to completely baffle all of them. They stuck me on prednisone, which did nothing but make my face puffy and my hair fall out. They couldn't figure out why it was so bad, and why it wasn't going away. Luckily, I had no renal involvement and my doctor continued to monitor me long after I was out, (just in case I was to show signs of damage later on, as is sometimes the case with HSP.) During my third week in hospital the lesions appeared to healing somewhat, and my abdominal pain and other complaints seemed to be lessening, although I was still experiencing high fevers at least every second night. They let me out shortly after seeing any glimmering hope of improvement, but I didn't really start to heal until a few weeks after being back at home. They gave me loads of material for dressing the wounds, and boy did I need it- I had really nasty open sores all over my legs from my knees down. It was a good month and a half after returning home before I could wear socks without bandaging my feet up first.
After they fully healed, I was very happy to fall back into my active lifestyle again, finally I was able to fence, swim, run, heck- walking was still a novelty. I lost so much muscle laying in that bed in the hospital I was very eager to get it back again. The scars were pretty bad (the doctors kept swearing up and down while I was in the hospital that there would be no scarring..) I went to my dermatologist to see what could be done about them and he said that they weren't actually scars- just hyper pigmentations from the wounds, and that they might take up to a year to go away. Well, it's almost been a year and they are exactly the same. Trust me Mr. Specialist, these are scars. Hyper pigmentations don't dent the skin like scars do.
Anyhow, for the past few months I've been getting the little red spots, but they never progress to anything more. Last week they did. They started to blister, I got a fever, felt sick, my legs swelled up, and the rash developed. Here I am again. Now my legs are just as bad as they were when I was in the hospital. I finally got in to see my specialist yesterday and he didn't have anything helpful to add, except that they will be sending me for weekly tests for my kidneys and seeing me every week to keep an eye on the sores. That's really all they can do I guess. I'm just frustrated, in pain, and really fed up.
Right now my feet are so swollen that when I stand up my toes don't touch the floor- it feels so weird, like I have watermelon for feet or something. The worst is that EVERY night I wake up at around 3 AM, and my feet are HORRIBLY itchy and irritated, so itchy
I have just read all your messages and i am releived, if you know what I mean, that my sister is not the rare case the doctors keep telling her she is.
My sister has had HSP for the last 8 weeks and its showing no signs of going either. She was in hospital for 3 weeks with regular visits every couple of days once discharged. At the moment she currently has her 5th flare up, with the horrible purple rash on her ankles and legs. Her feet, ankles and lower legs are so severly swallon and she is in so much pain. The new rash thats coming out on the back of both ankles just burns and the apin killers she has been given dont touch the pain at all. The doctors are currentlt bringing her down from the steriods she is taking because they are not doing anything and they may give her some other medication in 4 weeks time that may help with the pain and swelling but will leave her infertile. She is currnetly staying with my parents as she has 2 children aged 3 & 4 and she is still unable to walk on her swallon feet. She was under the physio dept at the hospital but they cant help as her feet and ankles are to swallon to work with.
Have any of you had a miracle cure or do you know how we can help her with the pain or the swelling. Any advise will be great. Deb. xx
i just hope mine will not go this extreme. please read my post and symptoms. may be you can help me now...
I am 22 years old and got diagnosed with HSP 9 weeks ago. It started off with a few spots on my leg which i thought was probably an allergic reaction to something so i thought nothing of it. Over the next few days the rash spread and got worse and my ankles began to swell. I went to the doctor and she looked at me blankly having no idea what was wrong with me. The next day i got much worse and went to my local A&E, the doctor checked me over and said I had vasculitis and it would get better on its own. At this point my feet were swollen and i was finding if difficult to walk. I got worse after this appointment and went to stay with my mum. She took me to another hospital where they admitted me for the night. Some of the spots on my ankles and feet ruptured into blisters as did some on my legs. My feet and ankles swelled and i couldnt put my toes on the floor. My knees swelled too as did my elbow and my fingers. I got told i would have this for about 4 weeks and they placed me on steroids. The blisters got worse and i was in alot of pain with only sleeping for 4 hours a night. I am a student in my final year of university and i have had to leave my course because it is based on attendance and i have had to be on bed rest as I got swelling and felt exhausted if i as much as made myself a sandwich! Due to having to leave uni i have to move out of my student house too and im devastated i wont be graduating with my friends. I am still on steroids and antibiotics now but i am much better, i can walk around and do alot more then i could. However everytime I do any kind of activity such as walking around to much i get an attack of the spots on my feet, legs and arms. The blisters have all burst now, but i have massive indented scabs on my feet which are definately going to scar. I just dont know how long this is going to last. It is nice to read these posts and know i am not alone with my experiences and it shows that the \"specialists\" have no idea what they are talking about. They have no idea why i am still getting the spots and dont no how to help me. I just want to get my normal life back now, this has been so lonely and isolating and very stressful, i wouldnt wish this on anyone. I hope you all get better soon
Eventually diagnosed by Darren Seukeran and under the care of Prof CoveSmith at James Cooke hospital in middlesborough. Was at the time doing my nurse training, forced to take a year out and held off my studies so graduated (in the end) a year later than expected but I was adamant I would not let hsp win!
Now, 40 with one son after being told to hold off having children because of the kidney involvement. My son is 9, and he too is now under the specialist because of proteinurea. I am left either scars, chronic kidney disease and horrendous joint pain. Because my kidneys dont function properly I have gout (at 40!!) Which is unbelievably painful.
I have high blood pressure and was very poorly after an emergency section with my little boy. It's taken me years to get where I am now, but SO sick of being told will grow out of it!!!! I started with problems when I was 10, so in 30 years I haven't grown out of it can't see me doing it now!
Would love to talk to others as it's a very isolating condition especially as so few know anything about it.
Emma x