Any successful stories

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Any successful stories

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8 Replies

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    i was wondering the same thing couple of days this hell will ever end?????
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    I hope every single day that I will live to see the end of this and be healthy and happy again.  Any success stories would be most appreciated.
    • Posted

      same here...  it seems never ending and scares me at times when I feel absolutely rubbish....
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      I got through my gyn check-up this past week without having a total anxiety attack:  success.  I also tried one more time to talk with her about my peri symptoms and got nowhere:  predictable.  Won't try again.  One out of two will have to do.  

  • Posted

    Seem to be having some success with bio identicals. 10 weeks in now. Troche with estrogen progesterone & testosterone. Levels done according to my bloods and symptoms.

    My symptoms seem to have pretty much gone and the horrific mood swings are heaps better. Still have low mood days but the extreme stuff like crying and anger etc have settled tremendously. The moods were probably my worst problem.

    Fingers crossed I think its a success but only time will tell.

  • Posted

    Hi Pili41981,

    I am 56. Been menapausal for almost 2 years now. About 5 months after my last period ended I started bio identical hormones. Estrodial/Estriol, Progesterone and Testosterone transdermal creams. Within a month my symptoms were gone. Hot flashes, headaches, sad moods, motivation, anxiety, etc. My hair, skin and nails that were already showing signs of aging ,and menapause started to repair back to normal. I have been with a holistic dr. through this process. I couldn't be happier. I can't say it LOUD ENOUGH, women do not need to suffer through  menapause. I have been on bio identicals for a year and half. I will stay on them for the rest of my life for good health and aging gracefully. You have to get your blood work done regularly to know what your body needs. Very simple process if you are committed. Good luck

    • Posted

      Fantastic to hear you've had success with bio identicals too. Didn't mention it in my first post but all my other symptoms are pretty much gone too. No more hot flushes, nausea, exhaustion etc. I too will be on them for life and will have my levels checked each year.

      They have saved my life and I also want to SHOUT OUT there's no need to suffer through this and DON'T BE SCARED OF BIOS.

      Hopefully its all smooth sailing from here.

      Cheers Rosemary.

    • Posted

      So true Rosemary, hormone replacement has a bad wrap and rightfully so from hormone replacement from years ago and the use of synthetic hormones ( pregnant horse urine ) that does not belong in womens bodies. Still used today sadly. The use of bio identical hormones has so many benefits that go beyond menapause problems. Womens problems seem to escalate after menapause if you don't replenish these hormones. I feel the same as you, they have saved my life and I couldn't be happier with my life now and with my doctor. I had to switch to a holistic dr. but it was the best move I could have made. Nice to hear you are having positive results too. Heres to many more years!

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