Any thoughts??

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Hi my name is Sam and I am 25. At the end of April I suffered with a severe pain in my lower back. I went straight to the gp, which I rarely do! Had a couple of mris, was unable to bath and dress myself. It effected my legs and bladder and was horrific. Anyways cut a long story short both mris came back ok and that there was nothing wrong. I went to see my gp a month ago after being told this to beg for help. My joints had started to cause me pain and felt poorly and believe it or not my back was starting to ease. She told me she believes me as blood tests have come back and abnormal. She refered me to a rheumatologist said she suspects arthritis, this was a huge shock! At present my back pain is fine, I have constant pain in my feet, hands, ankles and wrists, and on and off pain in my knees hips back neck and jaw. I feel like I have flu, constant fatigue and headaches. I have been unable to work since April. The rheumatologist told me I could have had a back problem to start with which is easing now but triggered arthritis, or it could have been arthritis from the start. But he confirmed arthritis but unsure on type and did further blood tests and gave me a steroid injection. That was two weeks ago. I have not had any relief infact I feel worse and even more swollen. My blood tests which gp done were esr of 37 crp of 38 and rf factor 9. No idea what that means. I have my next appointment with the rheumatologist tomorrow evening, hoping for some relief and diagnosis and should get new blood results. Does anyone have any thoughts? Thanks in advance xx

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sam

    I'm not a doctor but a lot of it seems to point to fibromyalgia which is a form of arthritis. Don't know about bloods....I have OA in hips, ankle, lower back, so afraid I dont know what the figures meanwink

    You must have been to see the rheumy again since you posted that last one.....what was said then? Any more matter what you have its better to get a diagnosis then you know what you are working with and how to manage it.

    Let us know what the last rheumy appointment was like?



    • Posted


      thank you for your message, and I am sorry to hear your pain.

      i go back to see him tonight and I am petrified of what he could tell me, but also for him unable to help or not believe me. Silly I'm scared of it all! Xx

    • Posted

      Hi Sam

      You are bound to be scared....make a note of the things you want to ask him make sure you get them in. I know if I dont make notes I come out thinking.....Why didnt i ask that or the other???wink By the way who are you seeing? GP or Rheumy?

      Believe me once you get a diagnosis you will be able to handle it much better. I've got OA in hips, lower spine and neck and also Kyphoscoliosis which is a C shaped curve in my back and a slight hump at the top. I can deal with those so much better than I can with this fracture....It is supposed to get better but doesnt seem to be getting better so I get very frustratedfrown

      Let me know what happens




    • Posted

      Hi Eileen.

       My appointment was with the rheumatologist. He said that my inflammatory markers have gone down he thinks I have a form of tempary arthritis which is getting better, but that's not my problem. He diagnosed me with fibromyalgia. Not quite sure what to make of it all.

      take care xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Sam

      I dont know what he means by temporary arthritis but you've got fibromyalgia???? Fibro is arthritis!!!

      At least he has recognised it.....a lot of doctors refuse to recognise that and make the patient think they are imagining things.

      I'll put this in and hope the mods let it stay.....if not pm me if you see it deleted. is the best place to get information



    • Posted

      Hi Eileen,

      For info - I changed the link in your post above. There was nothing wrong with your link but in future if you use the link as above it will not go for moderation so will not get delayed.

      Hope this helps.



  • Posted

    Hi eileen

    it won't let me reply direct to you as I guess the post is not there yet!

    im not sure what he meant, saw gp today and she agreed that I had a form of arthritis which is going and that's normal. But yes rheumy diagnosed fibro. Gp seemed a bit unsure and said shel see me again after she has heard from them.

    i will look at the link thank you so much for taking the time to help me out.

    if I get the courage I may also give them a call.

    i hope your feeling week today.

    sam xx

    • Posted

      Hi Sam

      Thats OK.....the message probably wont come through but as long as you got the private message.....thats what I wanted to say.



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