Anybody else get weird adrenaline surges?
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These are driving me insane! They'll just happen out of nowhere and last for a couple of minutes. I was just sitting at my desk trying to do some work started feeling a little jittery, then the adrenaline rush hit and my heart started pounding hard and fast. I have read this is common with perimenopause.... does anyone else to go through this and what do you do about it?
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dawnm1970 klm1213
maria76995 dawnm1970
dawnm1970 maria76995
Hi Maria! I’m sorry I never saw this....mine did basically stop. But now I’m having periods again (after 10 1/2months) and they are starting up again. But no hot flashes 😊
Gypsy014 klm1213
Hi klm, all anxiety... Its awful just be glad it's only lasting a couple minutes, just imagine feeling that way all day and it doesn't let up!! The anxiety during peri/meno is so so so hard to handle.. But with some meditation, and breathing to keep it from turning into a full blown panic attack you should be fine and should be able to control it with some different techniques.. Lots of things can trigger these attacks crowds, lights , bad tv/movies, sometimes you can have an attack out of your sleep, has to do with high levels of cortisol hormone, and feels like you just drank 17 cups of coffee, not a very good feeling. Learn to breathe and meditate through your episodes, and avoid caffeine processed foods and sugars, to keep attacks to a minimum. Maybe see a therapist for some CBT therapy if you get worse, mine always got worse before I felt any relief.. Its a nasty time in life for us all going through this but hopefully time will ease most or all symptoms! Hope you feel better soon and it doesn't escalate for you..
klm1213 Gypsy014
maria76995 klm1213
klm1213 maria76995
The exact thing happens to me some mornings!!! I can't stand it, if that would go away I could handle all of the other perimenopause symptoms just fine
maria76995 klm1213
klm1213 maria76995
I haven't had too may of those yet. had plenty of night sweats though LOL
maria76995 klm1213
Kim you LUCKY..mine is mostly hot with lightly sweating, in the day break out in a heat suddenly hoping now come post in January they don't get worst just stay as they are.
camwen klm1213
hi, same with me today , just siting doing nothing ,my blood pressure was high ,and i can't sleep ,am sweeting ,and stomach pains. i have been using hotflash and nightsweat remedy and it works but today i dont know why .am 45 years old. 9 months , with out my period . i have my simptoms almost everyday
teri76755 klm1213
Someone in another discussion commented that I should do some reading on adrenal surges...she said it's what I described. Happens to me a lot, including times like this morning where there was no apparent trigger. It's maddening. It felt a little like a low-sugar episode. Shaky, heart pounding, tingling in chest and arms and a feeling that was more like fear than anything else. It is very unsettling though and it's hard to get back to normal - even when the extreme feeling has passed. I'm 18 months post-menopause.
jill19850 klm1213
klm1213 jill19850
Hi!! Yes they have mostly stopped. I'll get small adrenaline rushes every now and then but they were nothing like they used to be. For about 3 or 4 months they would happen and my pulse rate would go up, I felt jittery, I couldn't sit still and I felt the need to get up and do something. When I have them now they are nowhere like they used to be and I just focus on something else until they go away. Don't worry, it gets better!
jill19850 klm1213
klm1213 jill19850