Anybody feel feel uncontrollable need to pace?
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Hi Ladies,
This is my first try at opening a topic. Going through it right now, and wondering if anyone else has this issue.
There are times, usually after a brutal round of hot flashes or a particularly stressful day/week/month, that I literally cannot sit still. If I'm not up pacing around, I feel like I will explode out of my skin.
My sister gets the same.
Are we weird, or are there others like us?
Any suggestions for getting that to go away?
It drives our husbands bonkers, and is rather inconvenient at work!
Thanks for any and all words of encouragement!
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maria76995 sara97862
Hi sara, yes I use to be like that can't sit still paving up an down in my livingroom unti my favourite program comes on then I will lie down and watch the TV...there were times I could not stay in and then couldn't go out or have to make and appointment with myself to go out,it's brutal hormones doing it
it will stop eventually I'm now better and can sit and go out feel more relax then I was its horrible to be that way so I sympathise with you, you be ok God bless.
sara97862 maria76995
God Bless!
Trishann sara97862
Yes I'm like that right now. It's out of control. I am currently unemployed and I sat at a desk a lot and I don't know how how did it for 3yrs of this! I have to pace myself all day and keep myself busy otherwise I stay in one place and the anxiety kicks in! So weird I find things to do all the time to distract myself. But at the end of the day I noticed my back is starting to kill me from standing all day! Crazy hormones yes! I'm waiting and praying for this to all pass! 🙏🏼🙏🏼
sara97862 Trishann