Anybody get bad symptoms with low iron or low b12
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Hi ladies
I wondered if you could share a year of your symptoms. Doctor is testing me for low iron,ferritin and B12.
My symptoms are restless legs
Tightness on chest always
Hard work to catch breath
Hard to get to sleep
Terrible fatigue
Weak legs
Nausea all day
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Also numbness and tingling all over body and face and body twitches . It's horrible.
gina44061 michelle46271
I'm not sure about the other symptoms but I can attest to the tightness in the chest and the nausea. Years ago I had an iron deficiency (anemia) and was put on an iron pill, low dosage too, and I vomited it up every day. After about 2 weeks, the doctor had to take me off of it.
dee53012 michelle46271
michelle46271 dee53012
Not good 3 weeks ago I was constipated for a week then went a tiny bit then constipated again for 6 days. Since then it changes,yesterday I felt awful and went 6 times. It's not like it was 6 months ago. Today I'm in bed. Got blood tests Monday x
dee53012 michelle46271
maisie05 michelle46271
Hi Michelle, sorry to hear you are not feeling well.
I had all your symptoms about ten months ago, except the nausea. The palpitations and breathlessness were the scariest. And a constant feeling of butterfly nervousness in my stomach. I was taking Omeprazole for gastritis. That is how I came to find this forum after googling Omeprazole side effects. It is pretty scary reading. A lot of the symptoms of palpitations etc, can be from peri menipause or anaemia or omeprazole so I was very confused.
Anyway, my ferritin has been low all year, I'm tested every 3 month, which I blame on the extremely heavy periods even though I constantly take a prescribed iron supplement.
I have found out that Omeprazole can inhibit absorption of iron and other minerals and my doctor agreed, tho why she didn't tell me I'll never know! So I stopped taking that and manage with rennies when needed.
My ferritin went up from 17 to 24 over 3 months but my period had also stopped.
Since starting the hrt patches my periods have returned and I've felt dreadful after the heavy period for a few days, tearful and fatigued. So I'm very confused about what to do now.
So, I noticed you take Lansaprozole and wondered if it's worth checking up on side effects of taking it, regarding absorption of iron?
Good luck with your doctor visit, hope you find some help and feel better soon. Hugs xxx
michelle46271 maisie05
Oh Masie we're always battling something aren't we? I'm waiting for the day I wake up and feel ok! I will look at the side effects now. Poor you. When did you start taking Hrt again? X
maisie05 michelle46271
It does seem like a constant battle Michelle. I asked for the hrt after no periods for 3 month and having night sweats and cold sweats. I started them early September and have had two heavy bright red periods since. I'm actually still losing red blood now after period two weeks ago. I should go back to doctor. Not sure I should be on continuous combined patches if having periods again. I felt good at first, more energy and enthusiasm, so I'm disappointed now about the bleeding.
And I've had bad pmt, must be the extra hormones, which I haven't had for years. You know how much I love my husband and what we went through to be together and I was actually planning in my head how to live my life without him! So irrational. So glad I realised it was pmt and just cried it out. I feel silly admitting these things but so lucky I can talk it through on here.
On a brighter note, I'm just back from a lovely afternoon tea with my mum, two daughters and two lovely grandbabies. Tired now but happy xx
michelle46271 maisie05
Oh I feel for you. Even on HRT things are not all fixed by any means. I know about those silly thoughts,before I went on HRT and at the beginning I thought stupid thoughts and they would not shift. In your mind you know it's all hormones but it's very difficult to change your thoughts pattern at times. Sending love to you xx
jo81414 michelle46271
I have all of the symptoms you have listed but not continually. Although I dont have problems getting to sleep, mine is waking during the night and not being able to get back to sleep.
I did have them all severly and constantly about a month ago for two weeks.
I had urine and blood tests and saw my GP a few times. All results came back normal although they didnt treat me for menopause as my Surgery dont do this anymore!
I was at my wits end and symptoms had peaked when I started a period (which I hadnt had for r months). As soon as this happened my symptoms subsided.
I say period but for the last 2 years I have a couple of days light bleeding every 3-4 months).
I take Black Cohosh as recommended by my GP and at the time my symptoms heightened I had ran out so dont know if this was a coincidence or my symptoms were due to my period arriving.
Im pretty active and exercise 5 times a week when my symptoms were really bad I stopped as just didnt feel able but now when they come I push myself to do something even if it is just a walk instead of my full workout and this does seem to help.
I hope your symptoms fade or at least you manage to control/live with them.