Anybody the same?
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I've been struggling with having my Nissan fundoplaction done in June 2016 to fix bad acid reflux and operation was said to be a successful but been getting bad bloating straight after eating and drinking,dizzness,bad stomach cramps under the boob area, either can't go for a poo or have the runs, sharp pains in my sides, always feeling sick can't get rid of the feeling, sometimes buring in my stomach, struggling to get gas out so I burp/hiccup and sounds terriable and have recently started throwing up but the throwing up isn't as bad as before the op so not all so bad but recent had swallow test that came back clear and today had the camera and got told my wrap isn't to tight and I don't have any slivar (liquid in the stomach) can't full rember that bit but feeling like a lost cause I really am cause none of the issues I'm having ever shows up on the tests feel like I'm going mental with it al so was wondering if anybody has any idea what could be causing this or if anybody's in the same boat as me? Any advice would be nice thank you
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karenwilde cody10998
cody10998 karenwilde
Hello sorry for late reply and that's terrible and so young! I can barley cope at 20! Bless him and had a camera on Thursday just gone and I got told my wrap isn't to tight and they couldn't find anything wrong but since having it I've been throwing up worser so don't know if that has made it worse
mel36561 cody10998
Hey cody sorry to hear about your situation, I have something simular and I can give you the things that have been working for me so far. First I would definetly keep pushing for more tests to be done with your doctor if you still don't feel satisfied see a natural path, once I saw one she gave me the right supplements to get back on track, I'm not a doctor and I can't tell you what's wrong with you but I would definetly give these things a try.
I would start a food diary where you can kind of track and see patterns in your diet that could be effecting you negatively. Try and eliminate major things slowly like dairy gluten ect. (Mind you gluten can take weeks to be fully out of your system)
I would also try and take 2 magnesium before bed and see if that helps things pass better for you.
I take chronic stress pills to help calm me down so that my stomach can focus more on digesting rather then anxiety not sure if you have problems with stress but that definetly could make things worse for you if you do.
If you don't want to see a natural path cause they're stupid expensive I would just go to a health food store and talk to the most experienced person there they will suggest you the best things for proper digestive health.
Additionally you should very much look into "instinew" also found in a health food store, this is a powder you put in water first thing in the morning for a month, this completely cured my chronic acid reflux I only get acid when drinking to much coffee ect.. I really hope this helps you out good luck!!
cody10998 mel36561
I'll mention that to my doctor and see what she says thank you for the advice
pippa58442 cody10998
I would go back to your doctor to complain about this and ask if there is anything they can do to reverse the side effects. Perhaps even removal of the wrap might be better. Even if your hearburn came back, there might be a possbility of getting rid of the current symptoms and you would only have one problem to cope with rather than several. Even if the wrap is not too tight, you are still reacting to it which would suggest your body is treating it as a foreign body. You only have their word for it that it is done properly. If something has gone wrong. they will try to cover up for a mistake.
Did your doctor warn you about the risk of these complications because this is part of the consent process? If you were not, you should have been and this should be investigated.
karenwilde pippa58442
pippa58442 karenwilde
cody10998 pippa58442
Nope didn't get warned the only thing I got told is that I'd lose weight and wouldn't be able to eat a lot and my eating habits would be different and they have said I've got Ibs which sucks cause never can sort it out and I've heard about that promblem I just don't know how you'd be able to tell if my body was doing that cause you can't run any tests I don't think and also I have complained about getting it taken out but my surgent said he won't touch me untill it's been a year so in June but thank you for your help and I'll mention it to my surgent and see what he thinks
cody10998 pippa58442
pippa58442 cody10998
zena75822 cody10998
Hi Cody
I too had Nissan Fundoplaction done last Aug 13th 2016.
I had problems trying to be sick and terrible pain bottom ribs in middle. Dr gave me some domperidone tablets to take 20 min be for eating which did seem to help.
I had appointment back with my surgeon he said it seems like could be a lazy / week gut muscle.
He gave me some more the tablet but told me to only take them when
needed rather than 3 times a day or if you are going to eat food you know may be problem.
He also said make sure you chew everything well and all that stuff .
He also said don't have very cold drinks especially when eating hot /
warm stuff as can make gut go into spasms.
He did say try Green tea but wasn't too keen.
Also try avoid stress as make stomach make more acid.
seams to be bit better laterly .
Mind still only eatting small meal no fizzy drinks no alcohol.
And just graduated trying time introduce diffrent foods.
He said still early days give it another 3 months and should feel better
just you body has to readjust and re program you brain how you body has changed a bit.
I still get gass and feel need to burp from time to time and can hear my
stomach gurgling like watter pipes with and air lock .
Take Deflating if get windows pain can get in Tesco.
I felt quite bad from just before Xmas till a few weeks ago as keep
getting that bad pain and trying to be sick all time but can't be sick just
reaching real bad for hours.
Have a word with your Dr again. may be these tablets could help you for while to move food through system as he said the food wasn't move
through quick enough which caused the pain like was backing up.
I took them for 3 month till I got to see my surgeon.
But now just a taking if need to.
still not feel 100% but lot better than was and seams to be improved
some what ... hope this helps you as worth a try.
I was being to give up as was feeling so bad and was wishing didn't have done But also know what being sick with stomach cancer is like as
nursed my dad that had stomach cancer and died, which pushed me
towards the operation as knew what the other side would be if didn't
have operation and run risk of getting cancer .
Hope helps definitely worth having another word with your DR or maybe see diffrent Dr in practice as they might come up with something.
Good luck hope you get sorted .
cody10998 zena75822
I'm sorry for your loss and thank you for the advice I'll give it ago