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Hi ladies"
Can anyone relate to my symptom?
my body ( off and on for gosh months now), absolutely aches,
the only way I can describe it is I ache all over if I go up stairs my whole body aches?
feels like I have ran a marathon the prior day or been to the gym just aches all over I have this and seems each time I get an aching body comes worse than prior?
why does this happen?
Gosh I'm only 46 and feel like I have aged considerably since entering the peri!!!
can someone recommend somthing please, just fed up with it now , literally nipped out for some odds and ends and my less feel sooooo heavy, was going to do the hoovering BUT all I have done is NOTHING because I'm to tired!!!! How sad?!!
thanks ladies,
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barbara49965 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 barbara49965
thankyou for the quick reply.........
Think I have heard of that is it from Boots?
soooooo how long have you been taking this?
How long we're you taking it for till u noticed any difference?
just that my body just bloody ache' if you have done a session at the gym and really ached the following day.....
thanks anyway.
barbara49965 Shelly0069
Zigangie Shelly0069
Does it feel like you are coming down with the flu?
I've had this a long time, a year ago it was the pits on a day out with my husband I couldn't wait to sit down at the next available bench or café, I even went shoe shopping just so I could sit down a while.
He's very quick if he wants something but on this occasion while he looked for a dvd my legs were turning to jelly and I had to go outside the shop and sit down.
We were out about 2 hours and it was an ordeal.
Then my daughter wanted me to take her clothes shopping for her birthday and after 10 minutes in the shop I'd had enough, gave her some money to get on with it whilst I sat and had a coffee (I needed the energy to walk back to the car).
It's crashing fatigue. Hoovering is hard I used to do the house in the time it takes me to do one room and then I have to rest before going on to the next one.
My husband is good and he does it most of the time now. He can do it all and be done while I wash up or something that involves less effort.
I take b12 it helps a bit.
Since starting HRT in November I have noticed the need to sit down a little less.
I started with occasional bouts of it, I didn't know at the time but early peri, I don't know if it was with my cycle because I just thought I had something horrible going on.
I had it one day when I was 38 then not again until I was about 43, then I'd have odd days.
Worse for being there a lot at 47 ish,
But worst one time occasion last year.
monique_93857 Zigangie
sophie76397 Shelly0069
dane521 Shelly0069
callianne_65675 Shelly0069
My feet ache my legs, my back. Sometimes it is specific. It can be my neck area or my legs. I need to stretch my legs a lot (restless). I HATE having stairs because I pee a lot and that means hiking up there all day because I need the loo.
I can go out and be okay, but not for long, as extreme exhaustion kicks in. Then I have to be almost evacuated. We don;t have a car so its a nightmare. As at that point, I don't want to make small talk with a stranger (taxi driver). It's just easier to not go out.