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Hello Ladies,
who else is or has suffered from very achy legs and sore feet? I've had the achy legs before but never sore feet. Add to the aches the burning sensation and it is about to drive me mad! All my bloodwork came back in the normal range for vitamin and minerals, however my hormone levels are very low to almost non existent. I have not had a period since Nov and dr thinks I'm more then likely post meno due to hormone levels. oh! ans my hips are bothering me also, basically from the waist down I ache with muscle twitches thrown in because apparently I'm not miserable enough lol. I'm just wondering how many of you have experienced this and how long does it usually go on for? I've tried everything and the only thing that seems to help is advil. Thank you and I hope you're all doing well.
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jamie37119 susane84679
I have been like that all through my perimenopause so far. I walk like I am 80, there is no way I can run or walk any faster. Its horrible. I just want the end of all this myself, but not holding much hope when others are still going through it all post menopause. I would definitely say it has a lot to do with your hormones
susane84679 jamie37119
Hi Jamie,
hang in there and don't lose hope! I think at this point hope is all we have ! I really do ! My hope and faith is what keeps me from completely giving up on my life. I try not to dwell on the symptoms but sometimes I just can't help it. We will get thru this hell someday!Feel better soon!
Jaynie12 susane84679
i feel like my ribs are broke on my right side all down my hips. with arthritis now in my ankles..what???? i havent had my period in over 2 years then outta the blue 4 months ago all has fell apart with the anxiety leading the way!!! been to several drs ers u name it..alls fine. im a mess so join the happy menapause train. oh. i havent yet found a dr that will call it menapause they all want to fill me full of meds and send me to a shrink?? im like really?? i had a life a few months ago now my body and mind are kicking my as....u think im making this up?? i damn sure dont like this. i want me back. hang in there lol🤗
kelly55079 susane84679
Yes sore feet and can't figure it out so it's probably the dip in estrogen..And yes at times my body does ache here or there.. Sometimes when i bend down to the floor, I really feel it in my legs..
debra16694 susane84679
hi Susane84 - Well, you just described my life, only difference is, i am 7 years post menopause - didnt really start experiencing the tingling, electric shock, burning body parts until about 2 1/2 years ago...first tingling, then electric shocks & then burning body parts started about a year ago. woke up in December of 2018 & could barely walk, went to ER & only thing they could come up with after MrI is that one knee my right was almost bone on bone - Oddly enough, that wasnt really my major complaint, it was the tendons, muscles, ligaments & just plain debilitating pain - i cried it hurt so badly a few times - Well, knock on wood, its about 7 1/2 months later & my legs feel better - i truly think its the crashing of hormones - i think i am going thru this so late because i am overweight & fat carries a lot of estrogen. i had my hormone levels checked at the end of 2017, & the naturopath was surprised that my hormones were a bit low, but balanced, i am sure now the tank is empty - i sincerely hope this is the last hurdle, since i have had every symptom imaginable -
susane84679 debra16694
Hi Debra,
it is my muscles that hurt and sometimes it hurts to touch them. It's like you described, just very sore muscles in my legs. my knees and hips have been bothering me also. Feet too! It's all just so crazy! I hope you are on the winning stretch and the very best of luck to you!
debra16694 susane84679
oh & epson salt baths, magnesium glycinol oral & magnesium spray on legs & i doubled up on a good quality Omega - Swimming really helped me - any kind of water therapy -
crystals51917 debra16694
I love the magnesium spray on my left knee and the back of my knee. It has also helped with the aching back and spine. It really does help with pain.
debra16694 susane84679
thank you susane84! oh, & in addition to the achy legs & joints my legs also appeared to be retaining water, but they are not (dr checked) they just look puffy to me - anything else to make this menopause mama look any cuter - OMG!
AJacynM susane84679
Weird you mention this as i have just said to my friend that, aching wise, i feel not too bad from the waist up but below the waist i ache like mad and feel my legs have no strength in them. It's been going on for months now as an added issue to all the rest!! I'm on HRT but just feel crap all the time but this leg aching situ is not nice at all.
I too went to see my GP and had all sorts of bloods done plus x-rays... apparently i have very mild arthritis in my hips, which would not cause my aches, but all else is normal... and so it goes on. 😦
susane84679 AJacynM
Yes ma'am, it is very frustrating. I hope you get some relief soon!🙂
sara97862 susane84679
Hi Susane and All,
Same for me, but everything between waist and knees so far... hasnt reached the feet yet.
My Mom asked if I had ever taken Glucosamine. Its supposed to help keep joints from being so stiff. think I'll try it and report back.
Thanks to all you lovelies... I would be completely batty if not for you all.
Take care,
AJacynM sara97862
I have just started taking Jointace which has Glucosamine in - here's hoping! xx
Beverlys1 susane84679
Hi susan,, my legs dont ache alot but they are so weak and heavy feeling,, if i bend down in the kitchen to get my pots out for dinner i can barely pull myself back up,, just like real weak!!!xxxx hugs to all
susane84679 Beverlys1
hi beverly,
I have the weak feeling also but not as bad as the aching. sometimes the heaviness but never sore feet. I think that bothers me more then anything. hope you're having a great day and hugs to you also..