Anyone 39 and peri menopausal?
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I have had regular periods my whole life till a couple months ago! Last month only spotted dark brown for a few days no I'm not pregnant! I have hot flashes, anxiety, and fatigue!! Doctor says I am to young my Mom and sister hit menopause at 42! Is there anyone else out there this young dealing with this?
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karen46733 dalene63026
Hi, I'm 41 and it was confirmed just over 2 months ago that i had hit it!!!
I believe mine started 3-4 years ago, missed periods, fatigue, moods etc but this year's it's hit me like a brick 😲😲😲.
I would suggest pushing for your bloods to be tested. Don't give up with your Dr keep pushing you deserve the help.
I have found this site to be fantastic and all the ladies on it ?.
Keep reading and joining in and let us know how you get on
Take care
Karen 😊
dalene63026 karen46733
Thank you for the reply helps to know I'm not just crazy!
karen46733 dalene63026
You are definitely not crazy........well if you are then we all are 😂😂
notsure47790 dalene63026
dalene63026 notsure47790
I even read that some women ca hit it in their 30's but doctors just dismiss it.
Maestra dalene63026
I'm 44, but have been having problems for about a year and a half. Longer than that if I look back to a dry-eye issue that the optometrist said could be hormonal, and now I know it's a peri symptom.
My doctor also says I'm too young, although my mom says she was fully done with everything by 47. Compounding the matter, I have a fibroid, so my doctor attributes my problems to that.
I think part of doctors' problems is that they look at averages. The average age of menopause is 51. Logically since peri can go on for 10 years, and an average is only an average, it makes total sense that it could start in mid to late 30's. From what I understand, the blood test is really only reliable after you're in full blown per-hell and even that can give different results depending on when you take the test.
I understand your frustration.
dalene63026 Maestra
karen46733 Maestra
I hate averages, we are all different!!!
Girls are starting their periods younger and younger so does that not make these doctors think that menopause could be earlier in women???? 🤔🤔🤔
I would keep pushing for the blood test, from what my sensible Dr said (there are some at the practice which are useless) anybody under the age of 45 they would test due to it being premature, but from 45 onwards they would treat for menopause.
Good luck and keep pushing g for the test 😊
unico31026 dalene63026
A woman can start peri as early as 26 ! It all depends on the woman. When I look back and now that I know the Peri symptoms I believe that I started Peri at 35 . I had all the symptoms and signs and didn't know it and ended up pregnant with a child after 19 yrs.
donna16874 dalene63026
Hi dalene, I was diagnosed as peri at 41 and I suspect it had started long before that.. Probably around your age or younger even...
I am 44 now and still going through it though only just started having what I assume are hot flushes ... It was a huge shock to me to be honest and Ive had a difficult time trying to come to terms with it all as I feel I am too young to be going through this... When they call it the change, they are not wrong! I feel like a different person most days... I wish I could feel more accepting of it but it just feels like a loss to me and of course all the weirdy symptoms don't help either !...x
dalene63026 donna16874
Thank you for your reply!! I am sorry you are having a rough time! 😞
Crazydaisy72 dalene63026
Hello yes I started with it about 39 we have worked out, blood tests at 41 said nothing so the GP decided I was too young, roll on now I am 44 and over the summer bloods showed I was so far into peri I am almost done!! I have always been regular and the erratic cycles and flooding has been the worst part for me. I had no period from July 15 to Feb 16 then had about a 10 day one followed two weeks or so later by a 17 day one then nothing until May when I flooded the entire month. That had to be stopped with tranexamic acid. So nothing then from beginning of June to end of October and I am on about day 8 now of a weird period. I am gush, trickle, gush, trickle...luckily I sit down in work but I stand up and am like whoosh! And this month bad period pains! And hip pain going down to my knee. I have got a simply cyst apparently which I need another scan to measure but not got round to going back to get an appointment. I have my new period pants though (do a google search they really are no leak!) and I am currently trying out all major brands of night time towels to test effectiveness but don't trust anything other than incontinence pads super maxi night time pillow type jobs to get me through in work. So far this time I have not leaked unlike last time which was horrendous. If I am still flooding at the weekend I might take the tranexamic acid again but they give me fog and headaches and I just don't like putting anything into myself. In the last 5 years I have been a bitch, been demented with itchy skin and eyes, had painful joints, muscles and really horrid neuralgia and I grind my teeth to oblivion. I am either very hot or freezing cold, suffer terrible insomnia and cry at the drop of a hat. But overall, and I know this will now sound crackers when you read all that, I feel fantastic so long as I am not bleeding, honestly I feel really well. I think finding this forum and knowing I am not dying or cracking up really helped. I just think great get me through this before I am 50 and then I am going to be able to hopefully zoom around after my granchildren without being stopped in my tracks. Jayne on here is absolutely fab too xxx
dalene63026 Crazydaisy72
Goddess1 dalene63026
Hi Darlene
girl I been feeling your same symptoms for at least 5 years I'm 46 now… but the last 2 years have been a bitch( please pardon my faul language) in this year 2016 I've only had 3 or 4 cycles… I had blood work done the dr. said I'm too young… I was like WTF?! The hot flashes also have been pretty bad, girl your in the right forum… you at least got us on your side… we are here for you hunny… 🤗
dalene63026 Goddess1
Thanks!!! I have a question I'm not sure but I think I get a hot flash then I feel weird which causes me to get light headed and panic? What are your hot flashes like?
Goddess1 dalene63026
Yes girl! I too feel lite headed almost like dizzy feeling…! Oh a the anxiety🙄 Don't get me started. Magniseum is been helping me with anxiety too by the way!
dalene63026 Goddess1
Drives me crazy I will feel just fine not anxious at all then all of a sudden I feel hot then weird then I feel just so weak and exhausted!!! I don't drive farther than 10 mins from house just in case I can't make it back home!!! I want to feel free again! I just can't decide if it's my anxiety causing it or what! 😱 So frustrating