Anyone developed Cough during Peri? With wheezing??I cant take ut anymoreeeee! :(
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kristina14827 nina20271
Hi Nina, I had a lung infection right after my daughter was born. I had a bronchoscopy where they were able to remove the infection (it was localized in a spot easy to get to) and flush my lungs with saline. As a result of this I have to go back yearly for a chest xray to make sure it doesn't come back. I have a cough that flares up worse at different times of the year and I've gone for xrays to make sure it wasn't the infection returning. Each time my pulmonologist said, things look good and the two reasons I may have a cough is from sinus/post nasal drip issues OR acid reflux (silent reflux). I know I have issues with both and so I am now doing a special low acid diet for 21 days. Check out the book Acid Watchers Diet, you could have silent reflux and not know it. Do you ever have sore throats or pressure in your chest? I don't have classic heartburn symptoms but I do have a sore throat that comes and goes and pressure in my chest along with mild coughing, throat clearing that comes and goes. Also, you may have post nasal drip if you have constant throat clearing/coughing. Try doing sinus rinses (neti pot) with Xlear saline added. If I stay on top of doing the neti pot daily my cough gets better (but hasn't gone away entirely) it could be caused by allergies (so trying D-Hist now for one month, 2 capsules 3xdaily) along with curcurmin for inflammation to see if I can knock out this issue. If they can't find anything I would consider allergies or silent reflux. And anxiety can make all of these issues worse, one thing to keep in mind. Hang in there and consider the above. PM me if you'd like to chat or just need a sounding board!!
kristina14827 nina20271
I also meant to say that silent reflux can cause wheezing. I'd consider a low acid diet to see if it gets better!!
nina20271 kristina14827
Hello, thanks a lot answering my post! ❤ I had many xrays and scans and nothing, but I cough terribly , its soundy cough and also sometimes wet sometimes dry, its crazy. I have phlegm but its not coming out , just a bit jelly like ones. I wheez as well. I had bad heartburns like accid comming up , but its gone, it comes and goes. I dont know if I have post nasal drip but every morning there is mucus stuck in my throat back where food goes down. I dont know anymore what to do. Had covid tests - nothing. it started before covid actually is soo lond that I cough.
Thanks a lot for support . Im glad you feel better!!
Rachelpachel nina20271
get allergy tested.
i suddenly became allergic to my cats and grass pollen
im feeling a lot better since i started eating tons of antiinflammatory foods and cut out all the crap. hugs
thank you Rachel, its a good idea .