Anyone else?
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Anybody else ever get weird pains in their neck?
Different places- hurts for a few seconds or a minute or two, almostblike a little "shock", but not excruciating pain at all- just random little "bites" almost.
Always makes me reach up there and touch where it is, and of course anxiety says "you're dying, that's a clogged artery or something ready to burst"
I've named my health anxiety- but his name is inappropriate and I probably can't post it here 😂😂
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juanita93228 Str8tfans
Yes, many women experience "shock like" symptoms in the head and neck area. When I started having them, I thought my glasses were too tight. 😂😂😂😂 The health anxiety kicked in and I was sure it was a dread disease. All of a sudden they just stopped on their own.
Str8tfans juanita93228
Thank you Juanita! I needed to hear
That so bad! Lol
The other symptoms are talked about often but I had t heard of this neck one and it freaked me out.
You're an angel 💕
Thank you thank you thank you!
I might sleep tonight now LOL
Mayfly1 juanita93228
juanita93228 Str8tfans
Glad I could give you some type of mental relief! We're All in this together! This forum has made me laugh with relief when I felt like cutting. The best thing is you're not alone!(((((hugs)))))
2chr2015 Str8tfans
Oh my goodness. I was going to look for you on here and tell you that I have moved on to my throat now lol. Sorry I don't have the symptoms you are having, but maybe someone else will chime in. I just keep telling myself it's all hormones!!
Str8tfans 2chr2015
Seriously lol it's like we all move from one body part to another 😂😂
I love this forum lol
2chr2015 Str8tfans
maria_03422 Str8tfans
i had the same thing it started 3 years ago and scared me so much! the weirdest think! thinking the same thing as you!!! an artery or something horrible!! but it's gone now...dont worry, it will stop and then something else will pop up lol😊
juanita93228 Str8tfans
tracey23628 Str8tfans
Yes, for the past 2 or 3 years. I asked my doctor about it and he said likely something was a bit pinched. I started seeing a new chiropractor and had him take a look at my neck. He adjusted it a couple of months ago and I haven't had it since. Could be coincidence, could be that the pain was due to things being out of joint.