Anyone else been told their symptoms are anxiety and not perimenopause?
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That's what my GP has been telling me, and I suspect he's annoyed that I won't take SSRIs for it...but the more I read on this forum about everyone else's physical symptoms, the more I'm convinced it's perimenopause....or is it? My mind keeps running in different directions because I'm so desperate to feel better...I've had one hormone test done (last fall) and it showed high FSH levels which could be an indicator of perimenopause....and my period has been very erratic....but then when I read about symptoms of anxiety, they're also very similar to how I'm I losing my mind? How do I stop obsessing about all of this? I'm almost back to being convinced that there's something catastrophically wrong with me.....these symptoms are overwhelming me at the moment and the thought of them continuing for years has me almost in a panic
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klvb1162 wearykitty
I feel the same way. People say they has this for years and all I can think is how am I supposed to function like this for years. Then I panic then it gets worse. Then I think am I making all this up. Then stress sets in and it gets worse.
wearykitty klvb1162
marlene21102 wearykitty
if your in UK go on Amazon look up FSH sticks(menopause ) you can do test yourself at home it's a kit like you'd do a pregnancy test,when your feeling your worst day ,do that stick test,they give instructions.The cost is small,you can also buy in Boots the chemist 5 sticks for £10 cheaper of Amazon though and more sticks.they will show up your hormone levels,wait for a dr be waiting for eternity,take matters in your own hands,think Drs wait for you to get so fed up visiting them you do doctoring for yourself,I call that damn lazy on there behalf.will give you peace of mind doing these stick test,then if a positive ,you go show dr,no fobbing off. But do do test correct over say a 2 month period,the timings got to be right.My own daughter will be doing the test.Hang in there Kitty,X
wearykitty marlene21102
marlene21102 wearykitty
Think your body tells you what it is,gut feeling ,wish I knew back at 48 what I do today Kitty,thanks to God for the internet I say.i know where to look for advice on anything,and know there's help from others,no your not on your own,go have one to one chat with aunts there so good at info to,do you know how old your mum was at start of meno?Family females maternal side normally run to a pattern,down to the follow on problems.Bless x
laurie70017 wearykitty
susan44502 wearykitty
I'm 54 and four years into my menopause, I have suffered from anxiety at difficult times in my life and again a few months ago, whether it's peri or not you need practical help to help you through this stressful time. Self Help for your Nerves by Dr Claire Weeks is fantastic, it explains how the nervous system works, panic attacks and how to accept instead of fighting feelings. Calmness is the key to your recovery, panic cannot take place in a calm body and mind. Also I found that negative thinking can cause panic and low mood, keep occupied, you will get through this just try to do it calmly. Also mindfulness helps, look it up! There is books, courses and apps for your smart phone. Take care big hugs xx
anxiousface susan44502
jo92050 wearykitty
yes my doc kept telling me that my symptoms are from anxiety, even though she had my blood test results in front of her with a high FSH and the knowledge that at the time of my blood tests I hadnt had a period for 6 months. I tried explaining that I only started to get anxious when the physical symptoms started to get very bad but she didnt want to listen and gave me antidepressants, which I gave back next visit. I think for most of us ladies that have full on symptoms, we also would have some health anxieties. I find that when I am lucky enough to maybe have a good day I am fine and can function nearly as I used to, no symptoms = no anxiety but as soon as the hormones start to play and the symptoms start again or new ones pop up, the anxiety rears its head. It seems to me to be a vicious circle...
jane21131 wearykitty
deirdre01438 wearykitty
Hi weary kitty, just wondering how you are doing now? I'm suffering and hoping things will. get better son.