Anyone else find peri/menopause worsen PTSD and dissociation?
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Hi, I've had complex PTSD since I was 9 and dissociation on and off. Since I hit peri it seems like the dissociation is getting to a scary level and PTSD in general has worsened. Traditional anxiety meds have never helped much with either so wondering if any of you women are in the same boat and have found anything to help, especially preventing dissociation? My dissociation isn't linked to one clear memory of anything, hence complex PTSD. Has taking more hormones like progesterone etc helped balance things out? Can anyone in CA suggest a doc? I'm desparate for help. I have to be careful with hormones because of a fibroid but want my life and brain back. It's one of the many things going to shizit during peri but the most concerning. Thanks ladies.
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laurie19311 sakura26
Yes, my dissociation is definitely worse with perimenopause (I just did a post recently about the feeling). I am not sure if it's from the fluctuating hormones, lack of sleep, added stresses, or just the plain old feeling of being overwhelmed. It's probably all of it, lol! All I know is that it is worse, and the feeling is absolutly terrifying. I have had it for years (in varying degrees), and it is something you never get used to. I also do not take traditional medicines. I have been trying to do self care and work through things since my PTSD. I also realize it's going to be a long road, since I am the impatient type. All I can suggest is to go through your emotions, sleep (easier said than done), drink water, meditate, journal, etc. These may not work for you, since everyone is different, but it doesn't hurt to try. You will find what does. Please know you aren't alone. Reach out to me whenever you need to!
NothinforNothin laurie19311
Hi Laurie I've messaged with you before and told you that I was experiencing the dissociation too. Which I believe is due to the severe anxiety. Anyways, the past few days I started taking a high potency probiotic and Lemon Balm Leaf capsules and drops. For the first time in 8 months I'm starting to feel relief. It is slow coming each day but, nothing else had worked for me to relieve any anxiety and this stuff is working. I'm still on the GNC meno vitapak. Now three weeks but, I didn't feel any difference since I started supplementing with these items above. Everyone is different but, worth a try. I do also, take otc vivarin for mental alertness but, I've been taking that for a while now so, I don't think that is really what's pulling me through. All though for me that helps with alertness and fatigue. I know your pain so, just wanted to reach out with this. I have hope now that this will end. I still have some time to go but, first time I'm thinking that way. Take care!
laurie19311 NothinforNothin
Hi there! I remember you 😃 I have read about lemon balm and how it is supposed to help with anxiety. Where did you find it? Thank you so much for reaching out!!
NothinforNothin laurie19311
You can get it online. Amazon carries it. I picked it up from a health food store called the Health Basket. Nature's Way Melissa Lemon Balm Leaf capsules and drops. 😮) Your welcome!! Take care!!
laurie19311 NothinforNothin
Thank you! I truly appreciate it! 😃
NothinforNothin sakura26
Hi Sakura, I've messaged Laurie below with what I've been taking for dissociation. Your not alone. It's a sh*tiz show. In time all I can say is that the symptoms will ease up but, it's taking me over 8 months to see a shift. I can't take HRT so, supplementing with everything otc. Get good rest..helps the brain. Low impact exercise too when possible. Stay hydrated. I'm finally feeling like soon I will make it out of this and let me tell you if I can. Anyone can because I got this as my mother in law said "She got this baaaadddd" ha ha not funny but, funny. Hugs
sakura26 NothinforNothin
Thanks! So what is mainly helping you not dissociate, the lemon balm? How much did you take and how often? You say it takes 8 months to help though?
NothinforNothin sakura26
No, for me it's taken 8 months for those symptoms to ease up but, I had severe anxiety and dizziness when peri hit me 8 months ago. I believe that because it was so severe that caused the feelings of dissociation and detachment. I just started taking the Lemon Balm Leaf the last few days along with a high potency probiotic and it's the first time I'm actually feeling some relief from the anxiety which I haven't had any shift in that in 8 months until now. A lot of ppl recommend it online for anxiety and if you can lessen the anxiety. I believe it helps to ease up the feelings of dissociation. That's just my feelings though and what I feel as helped me. Everyone is different but, it really has helped and I know how bad it feels to deal with those feelings of dissociation. Extremely scary. It's worth a try though. I really hope you feel better soon. xo
I only take one or two capsules a day. One in the morning and one at night. I have drops also, that are supposed to work faster and some days I take one dose of them which is 40-60 drops in water. Along with a probiotic though I think they work good together.
Guest sakura26
What does this mean ---> dissociation . How do you feel when this happens?