anyone else get really bad tension headache?
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hi ladies it's me again. I am so sick of all peri symptoms but some are just really unbearable. I have the worst ear problems and tension headaches since almost March 2018. I feel my headaches are only getting worse which brings on more anxiety and palpitations. I feel tension around my jaw and neck feels stiff. I have tried all OTC meds, massage, heat/cold but nothing seems to make even 1% difference. I get them on a daily basis. I have a neuro appt in March. I am really losing all hopes, really debilitating pain to deal with. Anyone else have headaches? have you tried anything that helped? please help me.
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Guest ampat1
My daughter gets them like you the only relief she gets is my "Excedrin Migraine Tablets" She gets the headaches basically everyday and the jaw tension and ear issues!
shannonmairs7 ampat1
me too....and i swear my head is getting lumpier, lol, but i have all these same symptoms
staci88515 ampat1
I suffer from migraines, but never had a tension headache prior to perimenopause. It's constantly tense in my cheek muscles, jaw, neck, and around my eyes. I have to remind myself throughout the day to relax these muscles. By the end of the day, it feels weird when I am relaxed because the muscles are now becoming used to being tense. A trick I have used for years for TMJ is take the tip of my tongue and place it between my front teeth. Try it. You will immediately notice a reduction in muscle tension. Keep it there for a while and do it whenever you feel that tension in your head/neck. Trust me, you'll notice if you start tensing up when the tip of your tongue is between your teeth!
ampat1 staci88515
Thank you so much, I tried your tip and yes definitely felt the tension ease up. it's crazy how these hormones mess up our bodies. I am no where near menopause, 39 and period every month. I am just hoping this madness doesn't continue for too long. Thank you for sharing your experience and tips. Hope we all feel better soon.
CarolKelso ampat1
Hi Ampat....sorry you are feeling this way but i too suffer from awful headaches...the ear pain is also part of the same thing and can be simular to migraine....i use to get them all the time...then i got infection in my sinus and pains in my ears....i had them constantly and then they stopped but now i get them but not as strong...
Keep hydrated and when it gets bad i take 2x paracetamol and 2x ibruprofen as this is the only thing that touches are not alone....and try not to get too scared as heafaches are common with hormonal changes. Get some good rest. I totally get where you are coming from as been there and hyperawareness of headaches sends anxiety through the roof...tonight while watching TV again..more head sensations but i say here we go again...took 2x paracetomol and im okay.. hang tight.....keep checking in for support and i too have suffered and are still suffering from headaches but not as severe so hang in there. you are not alone...Our hormones are powerful and when out of wack, cause a riot in us physically and mentally. a big hug to you. CK
Kadija1966 ampat1
sorry to learn that you are suffering so much with these Menopause symptoms. It will get better though.
I had it very bad too for over two years. every symptoms under the sun.... even high blood pressure.. i tried evening primrose 1000mg every morning with my breakfast. drink lots of water, eat lots of fruits and veg, avoid milk, i also drink two glasses of soya milk a day. i have also lost weight as i rarely eat meat, just fish and veggies. its help me alot ofter taking evening primrose for one week. i find when i dont take it i get some of the symptoms again.
however most of my symptoms have nearly gone now, Thanks God. i feel nearly normal again, my periods have nearly stopped too. havent had one for over 4 months.
try to exercise too, it helps to relax, even a 10 minutes walk help everyday.
ampat1 Kadija1966
thank you, I'll check out evening Primrose. Glad you are feeling better, it definitely helps to hear positive stories and that there's a light at the end of this dark tunnel.
Pookywooky ampat1
Hi there. I had never had headaches before I hit 51 years old and then they started so badly I thought I had a bad sinus infection. I used a litter picker to pick up the post because I couldn't bend over due to enormous pressure in my head. I also had constant ache on one side of my head. I went to bed every afternoon for almost a year, it made my life hell, even though I'm normally someone full of life. I had three brain scans (CT, MRI, MRI with contrast) which showed nothing. I paid osteopaths, accupuncturists, ENT specialist all to continue with headaches. I eventually went to a hormone specialist (Surrey Park Clinic) and sat crying saying my life was hopeless and I'd lost who I was. Long story short....tests showed I had chronically low estrogen levels. I tried different types of HRT, but none were quite right as they were in tablet form. I then joined 'Menopause Matters' site where the ladies were so helpful and said 'If you have headaches you must try transdermal methods (i.e. HRT patches and/or gel). Well I'd try the patches but decided to return to them and use estrogel too. Estrogel was my magic formula because it goes into the system within 2 weeks (everything else takes forever) and is absorbed differently. It has been my saviour. I have started to live my life again and so incredibly relieved to wake up and not have headaches. At the moment I have a cough which is still proving I have a bit of nasty pressure, but other than that I am living a normal life again and happy once more. It is such a hard place living with headaches and I do hope you sort it soon. I hope this story might help you. The progesterone I have is in the mirena coil (you have to have the progesterone to balance out the gel and patches) as we deduced this would also be the best form of meds for my headaches. Good luck to you and I do hope you feel better soon!
Pooks x
ampat1 Pookywooky
thank you pookywooky, I have been trying to tell my dr to check my hormones and see where I am at but since my periods are regular and I am 39 , my ob/gyn doesn't agree to check hormones. he referred me to a neurologist to treat my headaches. my appointment is not till March so I just have to wait until then. I had migraines after my first pregnancy but not this severe and chronic. I am pretty sure my headaches are part of peri. thank you so much for sharing your story with me , I'll keep pushing till I find a solution.
Pookywooky ampat1
I forgot to say that one of my neurologists also diagnosed my headaches as 'Chronic Daily Headache' and didn't even suggest it could be the menopause! There aren't enough people out there who know enough about the menopause and we must make sure the next generation are helped by our lovely selves! ;-D
Thank you all lovely ladies for sharing your stories and tips/treatments/suggestions. so grateful to have your support, can't thank you enough for hearing my stories and sharing your experience and moral support. love to all wonderful peri warriors. take care.
lexie41068 ampat1
Hello ampat1, I hope you are feeling better, last January I had to deal with severe headache/migraine my doc just casually ignored my complaints like you I tried everything and nothing worked I walked and prayed daily and started felling better it's one day at a time. Now it's back again on one side of my head this time with major eye issues that kept me up at night feel like giving up but we have to keep on going.
I wish you well!