Anyone else have ear problems in Peri?
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hi ladies
Is anyone else having ear problems in peri? I have been getting ear pressure, ear fullness, ringing. It constantly changing but I never get a break from it. I noticed I used to get ear fullness around my periods but now it's just random at any time of the month. Not to mention the constant headaches I have since my peri anxiety started. I do take allergy medicine and nasal spray but not much difference in my ear symptoms. Is this another annoying peri symptom?
2 likes, 16 replies
christina81747 ampat1
Yes i get that mostly the ringing i also had a period of heavy head felt full pressure eye pressure feel off balance too! The anxiety can cause all that too as well!
nanc00951 ampat1
I also have had weird ear stuff going on.
Awhile back I had a popping sound in one ear, I just realized it has completely stopped.
But now I have the ear ringing. I have this most days. Some days low ringing, some pretty high.
(it goes away some days but comes back)
As an update, today my ear ringing is gone!
That's just for now. I just wonder why some days it is SOOO bad and now completely gone.
kelle34850 ampat1
me 😦
pamela2016 ampat1
I have fullness off and on and a fluttering sound
2chr2015 pamela2016
i get that fluttering sound too. i took a muscle relaxer and it stopped. I'm guessing it was coming from tight neck muscles?? i still have it off and on
Pamwhid ampat1
i had horrible ringing in the ear. went to an ear nose and throat doctor. he performed a couple of hearing tests and couldnt find anything wrong, thank god. he said it could be hormonal
nancys21 ampat1
Yes. My head pressure is always there. Has been for several years. Ears pop all the time. Almost like cabin pressure on an air plane. Certain sun glasses make indentations on my cheeks cuz my sinuses are always slightly swollen. Tried nasal spray, allergy meds, etc. Nothing seems to help. Now after 2 years menopausal, just trying to accept this as the "norm" 😟
ampat1 nancys21
yes like cabin pressure on an airplane. it makes me off balanced sometimes.
thank you ladies for sharing your symptoms, I guess I will add all this my long list of peri symptoms.
angela87831 ampat1
yes I have since this started a year ago.. I hate it ringing in the ear all the time it seems my left ear.. I havnt had things checked but hormones no period for 3 months then it's back it all makes sense.. sorry to hear.. it's awful it drives me crazy
..I notice it at night when its quiet in the house.. do u have anything that works for
ampat1 angela87831
hi Angela unfortunately no I don't have anything that works or helps my ear symptoms. I take melatonin to help me sleep sometimes. I blame it on anxiety brought on by peri. hopefully as our hormones settle, so will the symptoms
jamie37119 ampat1
I get what sounds like rushing sound in my ears especially during a hot flash I hate it
ampat1 jamie37119
yes I have that rushing sound in my right ear. Also some buzzing, rumbling on and off. Makes my head pressure worse when I get that rushing sound. why hormones have to create such havoc... ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
kathy55991 ampat1
I just had a cat scan because i have the same thing - pressure in the ears and head and headaches. It came back normal.