Anyone else have MUSCLE TWITCHES even when not anxious
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So I have seen a few people talk about this on here. I suffer with muscle twitching/fasciculations every single day. They jump around from my upper arms, my feet, lower legs, upper legs, eyelid, lip, even my EAR can sometimes twitch and my stomach. I basically have them everywhere. They started about 3 months after an intense and extreme anxiety period and have been around for about 5 months now. The twitching happens so fast that I can never really show others as it has gone before I look at it or try to record it. It does not happen 24 hours a day but it does come and go every day at some stage and jumps around to different body parts.
Does anyone else have this? If so how long have you had it and what does yours feel/look like.
I was super worried about ALS at first but since it has been 5 months of it already and no other clinical symptoms I have put it down to the trauma and stress I experienced last year!
Please let me know your experiences! Thanks 😃
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Nae8723 MILAO
yes i do sometimes
Italia06 MILAO
Yes and I'm going on about five years now. Likewise, mine came on after a long period of working two jobs with little days off (maybe two a month for a good 4-5 years). It was more of a mental grind, the jobs weren't stressful but overtime found that I couldn't relax and always found myself in the mode of always needing to do something productive; didn't know how to stop and relax. Suddenly the physical symptoms began to show up started with severe balance issues. Felt as if my head was heavy and always off balance. It was so severe I felt the need to hold onto things to catch my balance. Along with it was tingling of the hands and feet, what felt like buzzing/vibrations under the skin - felt as if you had a cell phone on vibrate in my pocket going off. Also, body-wide muscle twitching exactly as you describe. Now there are days where I don't notice it as much. Likewise, I was fixated on ALS all the time and even to this day still have concerns, but did see my doctor just the other day and I don't have hyper-reflexes with no clinical weakness and my weight has been the same. Anyway, good luck with this as it does appear to be pretty common with severe anxiety.
MILAO Italia06
Thank you for responding. I can relate to many things you said. My severe anxiety developed after around 1 year of starting my first business. It was extremely stressful and like you I worked 24/7 no days off. I also had the bouts of severe dizziness around a year before things got really bad. I had no idea it was stress related. It would come over me suddenly and the room would spin! At my absolute worst I would wake 3/4 times a night with numb and tingling hands. I thought I had every illness under the sun & went through an insane amount of testing from Diabetes to MS. No health issues except stress and anxiety. Still amazes me to this day what it can do physically to the body!
Italia06 MILAO
Wow sounds a lot like me with the constant work and stress. I wouldn't deal with the stress mentally or at least I thought. I would sweep it under the rug per se, but obviously you just can't mentally will away stress. I'd have this mentality that I didn't have time for it...not now...I'll exercise or relax later, etc... Likewise, waking up with numb and tingling hands was annoying. Had multiple MRIs for cervical spine and head to rule out an obvious case of MS.
There are few channels on youtube where individuals struggle with what's called hyperstimulation. Like many, they had stressful events or personality types that gradually led them to extreme symptoms or hyperstimulation. From what I gather it's a gradual buildup of stress that leads to hyperstimulation. Once symptoms are glaring or peaking, it's a difficult process to reverse. It takes many 2-3 or more years to reverse the vicious cycle. As you know symptoms are concerning so drastic lifestyle changes seem common. Myself, I eat much better and exercise more. I'd say my diet is much much better than it was. I finally cut out coffee 4 mos ago as well, which is longer staining my teeth and not relying on caffeine for energy along with it not being ideal as it raises blood pressure.
Fortunately I have hobbies and interests that I still enjoy very much to this day, so I do them as much as possible. I'm working towards intensifying my exercise, but it is difficult for those with hyperstimulation as we tend to fatigue easily along with feeling extremely shaky after exercise.
Anyway, good luck with this.
lisa17089 MILAO
i to suffer with muscle twitches ive had them for many years and they come and go. i too am fixated on als it scares me to death. i suffer with terrible joint and muscle pain and recently went to see phsio, she tested my reflexes and said they were brisk, this freaked me out as als suffer with this also. i was in such a state when i got home that my partner had to ring her. she said she wasnt thinking it was anything like that, but im still freaked out as my limbs feel so tired some days and my arms feel achy and heavy
MILAO lisa17089
Hi there, thanks for responding. I sometimes experience muscle pain. Sometimes when I wake in the morning I will ache and feel as If I did an intense workout the night before (which I did not!). I am also super sensitive to heat and I feel pain very easily. In regards to Brisk Reflexes I have heard of anxiety sufferers also having this, I read that is due to being in a state of apprehension most of the time. Nothing to worry about when anxiety related. I was fixated on ALS but basically everything I research suggests that it develops pretty fast. It would be unlikely to have one symptom such as twitching for a loooong time with no muscle wasting or clinical weakness. This is what reassured me. I actually wonder if I have Fibromyalgia as my problems began after a trauma and I do experience pain. It just seems such a long process to diagnose! Hope you feel better 😃
jan34534 MILAO
you may not believe this but I’ve had muscle twitches on and off for over 30 years! My severe anxiety begin in my late 20s. I had sudden symptoms all over including muscle twitching, floaters in my eyes, numbness and tingling, brain fog, and several more. I was terrified and thought I had a terrible disease. And that was back when nobody was using the Internet so you can just imagine how scared I was when I thought I was the only one like this!
My dad took me to a neurologist and couldn’t find anything wrong
it ended up being caused from long-term stress and anxiety which I definitely had! Some of the symptoms still linger here and there but no not like before. I just ignore the very occasional muscle twitching because I know why I have it sometimes.
Also sometimes we can have underlying anxiety and not even realize it so that’s why you still get the twitching. Don’t worry about those awful diseases because it sounds to me like yours is due to anxiety also.
Plus if it was something serious you would be very ill by now. Googling is the worst thing you can do. .
the more you pay attention to the twitching, the more you will have. That’s because you are telling your brain that do you think something is wrong.
The main thing to do is get in control of whatever is causing anxiety in your life. get some counseling if you’re unable to manage it. Try not to take life too seriously, do things for yourself that make you feel relaxed. I learned that life is way too short to spend on worry and anxiety. by the way the twitching caused by anxiety is called benign fasciculations. Athletes get them all the time with how they use their muscles. take care
MILAO jan34534
Hey, thanks for responding! It is crazy what stress can do to the body. It seems that some people are just more susceptible to the physical aspects. My mother has always been stressed & anxious but has never shown one physical symptom. I on the other hand have experienced a list as long as my arm of physical symptoms, some so severe I was carted off to Hospital in an Ambulance twice. I am glad to hear yours has somewhat subsided over time. I am only 23 and started experiencing severe anxiety and PTSD at 22. It took a while but I am on better ground now. Just hoping these twitches bugger off! Thanks again 😃
david76205 MILAO
yes, many times. not sure its an anxiety symptom. i think it comes with age and my doctor told me not to worry about it. my eyes twitch also, so try that sometime when talking to someone... lol. also, i heard drinking water also helps with that.
reislerart MILAO
Hey Milao, just wanted to see how you're doing now? I also have muscle twitches all over my body, along with brain fog, muscle aches/weakness, dizziness, and several others.
sunny48604 MILAO
I'm sorry you are experiencing this. I have had twitches for almost 2 years now. I was really worried at first and went to a neurologist. I was checking my strenght constantly and worrying all the time. After awhile I sort of forgot about them. The reason ism I realized I was not losing strength so I stopped worrying so much. They did get better but never totally went away. I bet yours will get better with time too. Good luck!
randy41812 MILAO
do you take paxil or other antidepressant's one of the side effects is muscle twitching that may become permanent . Mine is now permanent put its doesn't hurt you it just can be bothering when a random muscle starts jerking around under your skin. It once messed up an EKG I had right where that put the pad thing my muscle started twitching, mad it look like my heart was acting weird , it wasn't but the twitching sent electrical currents into the pad that gave a false EKG reading.