Anyone else have western blot results like this?

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My husband and I are from the New York area.  He had sever lymes when he was about 6/7.  No one had noticed this until he was very ill, which took weeks maybe months.  He was treated with 6 month antibiotics.  A few years later had a flare up and was treated with 6 months antibiotic IV again.  He is now 28 year old military vet, experiencing ALS like symptoms.  Hard time breathing, swallowing, fascinations in his legs and tongue, brain fog and other neurological issues.  After he started getting these symptoms I asked his PCM to check lymes and heavy metal testing.  Although very reluctant, they finally did a month or so after my request.  His Elisa was positive and his western blot showed positive for all 10 IgG and positive IgM p23.  With these results they have told us he is negative for active Lyme.  He is suffering everyday and they refuse to acknowledge what is happening and refuse to help us get treatment.  With these results, is he not actively suffering from chronic Lyme? Any feedback from doctors or patients on what these test results could mean and what we can do to get help would be very appreciated.

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3 Replies

  • Posted

    Consider CIRS  (Chronic inflammatory response syndrome). All the symptoms you have mentioned plus more are part of it. It can also be triggered by Lyme disease. So the antibiotics may have taken care of the Lyme disease but he could still have the toxins circulating in his body. I have not found many doctors who know and treat this. Most are on the coast. Please research Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker. He no longer practices but he is the one who discovered it. He has a symptom checklist online that could give him a good idea if this is what he has going on. If you have questions let me know. Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      Depends where you live, in the U.S. most of the doctors who are Shoemaker certified are on the coast. There are a few elsewhere in Montana, Colorado ( not taking patients), Illinois. But most in U.S. are in California, Florida, Maine. Im not sure for the UK but Shoemaker's protocol is listed on his website so a doctor would be able to follow it if they wanted. But I have found many doctors just are not familiar with it yet or don't understand how much of the body this illness effects,

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