Anyone else having really sore boobs?

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All of a sudden my breast pain has changed to real burning sensation like when you are pregnant.  This is radiating underneath them as well.  Anyone else having this?

This started after having a 17 day period!

Thanks everyone

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Joanna,

    Yes I have experienced burning and pain in my breasts throughout my periods, and even now postmenopause.  I have fibroid cystic breasts and the hormonal flucuations cause inflamation, swelling .  I found Evening Primrose Oil very effective in helping with the severity of this.  Hope this helps if you decide to try it!


    • Posted

      Thanks, Loretta

      someone at work said the same about Evening Primrose.  It is just there is so much we need to take at this time, it is hard to decide what exactly to take, isn't it?

      Thanks again


  • Posted

    I am a 41 yr old breasts have been so sore like when I was pregnant, matter of fact, thought I was and took a test  which was neg. - the past four months have not been fun with horrible headaches, reflux, and sore aching breast pain - guess hormones are raging for some reason - could it be perimoenopuase - not really sure.
    • Posted

      I am also a 49 year old woman and got into this situation a year and a half ago. I must tell you ladies, it has not been easy at all for me till date. I have had all the tests under the sun which proved negative but am still in. The worst is the bloating/gas indigestion, reflux, aches here and there as well as sore aching boobs every now and then. I must admit since I started taking b6, there's been a relief one way or the other. When I get a break for about three to seven days which makes me feel like my old self, then I forget about e everything until am hit by another symptom. God help us and one thing I know for sure, it shall all pass one day. Let's keep on being brave ladies and get the anxiety down. All the best

  • Posted

    Hello joanna49787 and hope you are feeling much better now. Just checking. Hugs and a nice weekend

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