Anyone else put things away in the wrong place?

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is it just me or has anyone else noticed they put things away in wrong place, like food in wrong cupboard and clothes in wrong drawers and I didn't even realise it.  I'm hoping its menopause related and not dementia. I've only done it a couple of times but it's worrying....

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    I picked up Chinese take out for my family this weekend and realized I brought the downstairs T.V. remote with me. Now I keep forgetting to bring it back in from the car. I see it in the passenger seat everyday...and still forget to bring it back in the house 😞

    • Posted

      Oh Valerie that made me laugh😀 So glad that others se doing weird things as well, I really hope it doesn't last too long!

  • Posted

    Oh and last month my son told me I put the cereal box in the freezer....
  • Posted

    I totally lost a whole bag of chicken breast that I am sure I put in the freezer.  I haven't found it yet and that was 6 months ago :P   

    And I also lost a jar of garlic at the same time.  I did eventually find it and had to throw it out.

    But the best part is when I find money i forgot i stashed.  I pulled $25 out of my recipe box yesterday that I don't ever remember putting there...

    I'm not!

  • Posted

    Oh yes, pretty bad at one time too. I put my blow dryer in a shoebox! Thought I was losing it. Then I had read that drinking gingko biloba helps with memory issues so I started taking it, it helped, but I couldn't drive but a few blocks away on my own. It's a vicious cycle of things but they will eventually go away, yet not soon enough.

  • Posted

    Yes and calling people by a different name, I also called one of my cats a name of one who died years ago! I remember putting a fresh whole cauliflower in the freezer once but I think that was some years before menopause lol. I had alot of problems when food shopping forgetting to get items or leaving them on the check out in the early stages and brain fog where all your thoughts seem mingled and fuzzy in your head and you cant think clearly of one thing at a time, this I saw as my brain fog, thankfully it did pass!! X
  • Posted

    Looking for the purse while holding it in your hand 😂😂😂😂😂

    • Posted

      Hahaha!  I haven't done it with my purse yet, but I often search for my cellphone while talking on it...gotta love brain burps :P

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