Anyone else with an irrational fear of the dentist?
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I just made myself an appointment with my dentist. It took me several hours to get up the courage to make the call! What in the world?! I've always, always hated going to the dentist but this is just absurd! I don't like going to medical doctors either, but had no problems going when I was feeling so horrible last year. I don't know why I have such a huge problem with dentists! My appointment is next week, now I'm going to try my hardest to just let it go and act like a normal, mature adult and not think about it constantly and stress about it! Anyone else hate going to the dentist?
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michelle51519 audra86673
Last winter I did the same thing . Made a app and went . I hate the Dentist I shake all over . But I let my Teeth go and really had no choice . I went for months I had to have surgery and all got 2 new Teeth . I had the Gas and it calmed me right down it is worth the little extra money . one Surgery I took a anti anxiety pill and Nitrous Gas it was Great . I slept through it . I am a Big Baby also and have a Panic attack over it but in the end it is worth it . Toothache is worse is How I look at it . Good Luck and you will be Fine . The benefit out ways the anxiety . ❤️
audra86673 michelle51519
I have an old bridge that is failing. Some of the porcelain has chipped off and my gums around it have started feeling irritated and not right. I have decided that I'm sick of dealing with crappy teeth and am planning on just getting implants in lieu of the bridge. I talked about it a couple years ago with my dentist, but couldnt bring myself to do it then because I just couldn't face the process! I'm terrified of the procedures I'm about to go through, but know in the long run I'll be happy about it. I was shaking after I made the call for the appointment today! ugh! I'm such a wimp, I'm sure they will wonder what is wrong with me as soon as I enter the waiting room! I'm going to try to pull off the mature adult routine but I'm not sure if I can manage it for this! Thanks for the words of encouragement! I'm glad you got your 2 new teeth and it wasn't too bad an experience! I hope mine goes the same!
lori93950 audra86673
just making appts in general in so tough with this.... even writing a check putting a stamp on envelope.
im avoiding everything !
audra86673 lori93950
Its just the worst! I hate feeling like such an irrational adult! Maybe one day I'll outgrow it! For now, I'm just trying to make it through this!
Pamwhid audra86673
i would rather go to the gyno then the dentist.
audra86673 Pamwhid
OH!! Same!! All day long! For some reason the gyno doesnt bother me much, but ask me to open my mouth and I feel like my heart is about to explode out of my chest!
susane84679 audra86673
I am not afraid of anything but I am absolutely terrified of the dentist! irrational, yes but there it is!
audra86673 susane84679
You could make a list of 10 really unpleasant things to go through and going to the dentist would be dead last for me! I'm terrified of them like nothing else on this planet!
ImagineOneDay audra86673
I am absolutely the same. I didn't use to be like this. Even in the waiting room for a gp I get great anxiety! I have been delaying mu dentist check up almost over a year. I then had to go a few months ago. I find that everyday tasks and usual phone calls are all a very and drag for me in these days. Aaargggh
audra86673 ImagineOneDay
I know I will never be ok with going to the dentist - ever! My kids never minded going, my daughter even liked going!! Said she liked the way it made her teeth feel afterwards (being squeaky clean). I never let on how terrified I was of the dentist to them. I'd have to go back in the dentist room with them and my heart would be pounding out of my chest... just sitting back there with them!Agh!! I just don't get how anyone could be relaxed and ok with the dentist!
Yellow88 audra86673
Audra, I have just had some significant dentist treatment 2 days ago and I can honestly say I didn't feel ANY pain at all. Dentistry has really come on a long way. Go for it, be brave, its amazing what they can do now and without pain!
All the best.
audra86673 Yellow88
I'm going for it! An d know at the end of the day I will be very happy that I did. I'm planning on replacing a failing bridge with implants. If all goes well, and I dont explode from anxiety ( ;p) from replacing my bridge, I'm wanting to replace a couple crowns with implants as well. I'm over my teeth and just ready for 2019 to be the year of new teeth and dentist treatments for me! I figure if I can get through the first couple visits, I can hopefully have more courage and less anxiety about it. Thanks for the encouraging words! I'm glad to hear you made it through your treatments and felt no pain.
Sassyr12a audra86673
Hello audra
I think everyone hates the dentist, it's the worst. I don't know any other situation where you would allow a strange person to put 2 hands and a foot in your mouth, whilst you're blinded by a huge lamp 😃 I've always hated it, I've cancelled appointments, I've run away from appointments you name it, I've done it. Since menopause I've had to go for essential repairs, but my gosh it was tough. The first appointment I thought I'd pass out, I was shaking, crying, palpations the works. Last time I decided to lie to myself and pretend I wasn't afraid... I breezed in, made conversation, read a magazine and managed to get through quite a lot of work. When it was being done I just breathed nice and slowly, and thought of positive words. When I ran out, I was doing songs from the shows! It worked for me. I still hate it but it's manageable 😃 xx
audra86673 Sassyr12a
I fear I will be doing the same! Heck, I was shaking just making the stupid appointment today! I can just picture myself in the chair waiting for the dentist to come in and ask me to "open my mouth"!! They will possibly think I'm having a seizure- I'll be so tight and shaky and jerky and nervous! I think when they ask me to open my mouth, I stop breathing and that makes it worse! I will practice what you did and just talk some sense into myself as I sit there.... with her hands and a foot in my mouth!! AGH!! I have made it through my hellish peri and meno is going pretty good for me right now, if I make it through this dental treatment series ( replacing a bridge with implants) it will be the thing I'm most relieved about getting through and not actually dying! Crazy, but true!
Guest audra86673
Hi Audra, I am overdue for a cleaning. I have vestibular migraine, along with everything else. If I put my head back, I get very nauseous and dizzy. So, that paired with keeping mouth open while trying to engage in small thanks I would throw up for sure! I really need to go though...gums are so sensitive now since peri! You will do fine at the dentist! Happy thoughts! 😉
audra86673 Guest
Thanks for the happy thoughts, Lou. I will certainly need them next week!
I'm sorry to hear you're still dealing with the vestibular migraines. I just can't imagine how bad it must be for you. Big hugs.