Anyone else with this side effect?

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Hi all not been on for a while I just wanted to know if anyone else has this side effect or if this isn't the mirt. I've been on mirt 15mg since November last year I'd lost a lot of weight and depression after loss of parent. I'm 42 by the way. Anyway it did it's job and helped with appetite and depression but over say the last 4 months I have have severe nausea all day and I'm conscious of it all through the the night and on waking. I literally have no appetite due to this. My doctor decided it could be mirt and I've now been on 7.5mg for a week I've had no side effects other than still feeling nauseous it's driving me crazy I even cut dairy and gluten out but no difference any input would help thanks

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12 Replies

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    Hi Kelly - I sometimes waken up with nausea which does tend to pass as the day goes on, I'm really sorry you're struggling with this.
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    I've never heard of mirtazapibe causing nausea. In fact it is often prescribed to treat nausea. Doesn't mean it can't be the cause of course but you're taking such a tiny dose.

    Do you get headaches too? Could it be migraines? Hypertension?

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      I do suffer migraines but that's during menstrual cycle and it's a different nausea and hypertension ruled out. I have suffered really bad ibs for many years but never affected my appetite. I was rushed into hospital several weeks ago with suspected appendicitis but the pain eventually went never felt pain like it. Even now though I still have a sharp pain lower right abdomen but it's the nausea and lack of appetite that's worse. I've had all the usual colonoscopy etc two years ago and was normal. Docs at a loss but if it continues even after I'm off the mirt will refer me to gastroenterology.
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    I'm so sorry to read this and very sympathetic.  I had the most awful nausea just start out of the blue at the end of last August, this was preamped for a couple of days of rapid heart beat and insomnia and the three lasted for 13 weeks.  It was the worst time of my life I think or one of them.  I lost 1.5 stone.  I had checks for gallstones, pancreas etc. but nothing found.  I was put on mirtazapine by the hospital 7.5mg for a couple of weeks and then 15mg and then 30mg.  I have to say that the nausea, touch wood, has subsided and I have gained all the weight back but on my stomach which is not nice.  The 30mg made me feel unwell generally and very irritable so I cut it down to 15mg and feel better.  When I feel a bit queasy I get panicky and think back to all those weeks.  On an ultrasound report I had in March looking for a parathyroid adenoma (high blood calcium can cause nausea amongst other things) it says there is a possibility of Grave's thyroiditis.  This hasnt been followed up because of the consultant concentrating on the parathyroid possibility but I think it could account for the racing heart and nausea.  I thought I was helping myself by living on ginger and green tea not realising that green tea has caffeine  which was probably making the heart racing worse.   I just buy Pukka Three Ginger tea now and also use root ginger and cut out gluten too.  The nausea used to be at its worse from mid afternoon onwards.  Someone on one of the mirtazapine posts said that her doctor said you can have thyroxine spikes and I wonder if that is what was my problem.  I wonder if you have had any thyroid blood tests.  Also I suffer from IBS and that does cause nausea.  I hope you get some help soon.
  • Posted

    Hi Kelly,

    I've been on 15mg of Mirtazapine for 2 months now for anxiety and still experience some nausea at times. It is a stated side-effect with the drug. I do a lot of running and sometimes experience nausea toward the end of the run and for a while after.

    I think even after a while on any medication, whilst our bodies can adapt to tolerate it, sometimes we can still encounter certain side effects. I had what I thought was a mild anxiety edisode at the weekend - feeling unwell with quite bad nausea but looking back on it I don't know whether it could have been the Mirtazapine. I was also fatigued through lack of sleep the night before which wouldn't have helped. I tried going up to 30mg a couple of weeks ago but this made me feel very ill so I came back down to 15mg.

    All in all I'm making progress but I believe for me that meds aren't going to address the whole problem which is why I'm battling it on many other fronts eg lots of exercise, CBT, meditation, etc.

    Glad you've made progress Kelly - hope you find better days to come also.

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      Sensible post Robert.  I actually am the first to read up side effects and if I dont like what I read, I dont take it.  This particular time I felt powerless to refuse it and so didnt look at any of the side effects until a week ago (Ive been on it since early December) but the thing that jumped out at me was depression of bone marrow.  It seems youre damned if you do and damned if you dont.  I dont want to stay on it anyway as I feel it's masking something else.
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      That's how I feel Elaine damned if you do dammed if you don't but this nausea is debilitating now to the point I wake up in tears thinking here we go again!
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    A couple of weeks ago on this forum I posted up my problem with severe nausea. Am still suffering so will be very interested in your replies

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      Hi sorry never saw you're post. Is it mirtazapine you're on if so what strength. I've really had enough now sitting here stomach churning and feeling sick. I've blamed heaps of things from having icy drinks to having stopped smoking using a vape but I've been vaping since October and I was on a high nicotine but it's lowest now. I'm at my wits end now what's the point if you can't enjoy food or feel sick all the time! I am constantly aware through the night of the nausea and waken with it to. I told my doctor it's like having morning sickness all day everyday but without being pregnant! Be lovely you hear what you're experience is
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      Apologies for not replying earlier - have not had internet access. I'm tapering from 15mg after 6 months on mirt. Nausea has always been a problem but for some reason which has surprised my doc it got really bad on 7.5 mg even though it has been a slow taper. The difficulty I had was dropping by 10% on tablets and part of my problem may be related to varying doses as I tried to cut up tablets. I persuaded my doc to give me a liquid prep which allows precise dosing. My nausea has improved as my dosing has stabilised. Like you I wake up with it and It is still there especially in the mornings and could also be related to IBS which has troubled me for a long time. I guess I will have to try and cope with it until I get off mirt which will take some time. I have tried lots of things but nothing has helped so far so like you I live in hope that things will improve.

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      Its horrible isnt it you try and get better and by doing this youre giving yourself new problems!i might try and persude my doctor to give me liquid but after calmer giving me advice on staying on the 7.5 for 4 weeks ill stick to that first. Ive been using metoclopromide(anti sickness ) but just half a tablet in the mornings for last 2 days and touch wood its either helping im adjusting to the mirt dose. Still waking feeling very down which i hope is just because i did a 50% taper so quickly
    • Posted

      Thanks Kelly - will look into getting the anti sickness tablet that seems to be helping you.  The problem with all of this is not knowing whether it's a side effect of the mirt, changing doses, old problems coming back or new one emerging. We'll soldier on !

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