Anyone experience head problems
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Hi ladies since menopause have any of you experience your allergies act up more than usual my nose stays like a dry stuffy which puts pressure in my head and the side of my head comes and goes then my ears hurt more man I feel like I'm falling apart I get these weird pains in my head every so often and it's always one side or the other never both sides at the same time just wondering if any of you been staying congested more than usual
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tabatha44652 monique_93857
monique_93857 tabatha44652
Yes girl your right the back of my neck top of my head lord why do we go through so much it's scary at times I started last night doing the warm water n vinegar it did wonders this morning I was coughing up so much mucus felt a little bit relief you put two tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar in a cup with a dash of warm water gargle swollow then gargle spit out I looked up home remedies and this is what it showed me hope it helps if you try it
jane63977 monique_93857
Does anyone here get really bad catarrh , that's continuously in their throat and makes them feel nauseous ? It's bad at night when I am trying to sleep . Hugs Jane X
marti53167 monique_93857
shirl15546 monique_93857
tabatha44652 shirl15546
tmpearce shirl15546
I just got over a bout of the buzzing and ringing in my right ear. Then I developed a pressure feeling in it and everything sounded hollow. No pain....just annoying pressure. Doctor checked it out and said no infection but my eardrum looked dusky and diagnosed me with eustation tube dysfunction. He said that the eustation tube was swollen and fluid could not drain properly causing the symptoms. It will usually clear up on its own but he prescribed a steroid/anti histamine spray for sinuses and nasal saline spray along with anti histamine pill. Within a week the symptoms were gone!
It's annoying as heck....hope yours clears up soon.
tmpearce monique_93857
Definitely! I get head pressure feeling behind my eyes and down back of my head. Also sinus preasure and a full feeling in my ears. I've has this off and on for about two years now.
I also just got over a bout of eustation tube dysfunction which causes a lot of pressure in my right ear and it seems like I am constantly suffering from sinus headaches.
tabatha44652 tmpearce