Anyone experiencing persistent nausea with glandular fever?
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Hi I'm 59 years old and into 11th week with this dreadful virus. I have experienced many symptoms which have come and gone, but apart from the debilitating fatigue, the nausea is the most relentless. I get some days when it is more low key than others but it always comes back with a vengeance. How long will it persist and what is the cause of it? I cope better when I understand what is going on in my body. Can anyone explain?
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Aquin christine_51321
Hi Christine,
I can't explain why it happens but i can reassure you that it is very common with long term epstein barr virus. I've read stories and spoke to numerous people online who have had persistent nausea. I get it too although not every day.
christine_51321 Aquin
thanks so much for your reply. It always helps to share experiences even if there are no obvious answers. Are you making any progress lately?
Aquin christine_51321
You're welcome
I'm reluctant to admit seeing progress because i always relapse back into fatigue symptoms! I really don't know how i am these days! I think in the next couple of months i'll be able to answer that question more accurately.. but for now, i'm doing okay! It's been one year for me now and it's taking it's toll on me mentally, but i'm getting there
my fatigue is a lot better. My main physical symptoms are weakness and a feeling of being off balance, but it is managable and not constant.
christine_51321 Aquin
Sounds like you are well on the way to recovery. Well done. I'm looking forward to joining the human race again some day too.
craig07920 christine_51321
Thinking of you both Christine and Aquin - I agree Aquin the virus can do all sorts to you, nausea is a common complaint and there is just this sense of not feeling right, a bit stunted, that you can't really explain or put your finger on. So key message Christine is don't worry, even though it's hard and extremely difficult to deal with, it will pass over eventually.
brianna2830 christine_51321
Nausea was my worst symptom. It started with nausea in feb 2016. and up until today I still get it. In the beginning it was all day until I closed my eyes to sleep at night. I could always go to sleep fine. The minute I opened one eye in the morning it was back. I couldn't eat I was so nauseous. It was the worst feeling every single day for months. Zofran helped a bit and pepto bismol. Sometimes I still take a ginger pill to help in the mornings. But it goes away quickly now and doesn't last all day anymore. Nothing made it go away in the beginning though. I think it's due to the elevated liver enzymes in your body. I'd say rest and eat healthy but it seems like a joke 11 weeks in let alone 8 months in for me I admit I'm 80% better but I'm just not there yet and it's depressing. Good luck <3
christine_51321 brianna2830
Thanks for reply Brianna. Right now I would love to be 80% recovered, but I'm sure total recovery is just around the corner for you. Have your liver enzymes returned to normal yet? The nausea is horrible but the fatigue is debilitating.
craig07920 christine_51321
Ginger could be a good herb for your stomach for sure, another good thing is a probiotic maybe to take every day, or even if you eat things like yoghurt that has lots of probiotic in it. My liver enzymes were off too when I had gf Christine, but they all returned to normal in time so don't worry.
christine_51321 craig07920
Yes Craig,
i have been trying ginger and eating lots of natural yogurt which I'm sure is helping. Hoping to get blood results today of latest liver test and praying there is some improvement. Thanks
craig07920 christine_51321
Hang in there Christine, even if things don't turn around right away, be assured that they will turn around. It's hard to accept when going through it I know for sure, just try to live a simple and stress free life whilst recovering, it's all you can do. You're doing all the right things, also hope the blood test results were okay but don't worry if they weren't perfect yet either because it sometimes takes time and you will get there without any doubt in my mind.
christine_51321 craig07920
Thanks Craig,
blood results are encouraging that things are starting to return to normal. Just need to get rid of this nausea and fatigue now and I'm sorted!!
craig07920 christine_51321
That's good news Christine, just take things a day at a time and don't look too far ahead, allow your body time to recover and it's taken a bit of a beating. Still fully believing in your recovery today, without any shadow of a doubt in my mind I believe that.
jean37210 christine_51321
hi christine, i stumbled across this conversation thread and it was such a relief as my daughter who is 14 suffers terribly from nausea and fatigue having had glandular fever back in sept/october this year. i couldnt find anything about feeling sick after having had it so it was with relief that i came across this discussion. may i ask, how long did you suffer from nausea for?
chloe09418 jean37210
Hi Christine, i'm sorry to hear that your daughter is having issues with nausea. Im 21 and have had trouble with nausea ever since i had glanduar fever in June 2021. When i first got it i had the worst sore throat of my life and a few days later woke up vomiting and couldnt stop vomiting so i had to go to hospital. After that i had regular bouts of nausea and couldnt eat anywhere near as much as i usually did as it would just make me nauseas again. a few weeks after that i went on a camping trip and the vomiting incident happened again. but since then i havent really had any issues with vomiting only persistent nausea. the nausea was definitely more regular within the first 6 months of having it and after that time period, it would happen sporadically sometimes with a month or two in between. i actually saw a naturopath for a few months about it which didnt help at all with the nausea. i found some relief was given with eating fresh ginger ( i know its spicy lol), and it sounds random but using those menthol nose inhalers that you get from woolies, etc. i dont want to get you worried, because there is always the possibility of mine not being glandular fever related. but in any case the severity of it definitely fades with time as most of the time i feel great and can eat what i like. Is your daughter still dealing with nausea now? I really hope that your daughter gets relief and her symptoms go away if they havent already! It would be interesting to know if Christine;s symptoms have gone away too. Happy New Year 😃
jenna65516 christine_51321
Hi, my son 5, had mono back in May and has since been experiencing nausea almost every morning as well. We have been through the wringer on specialists to figure it out and are currently waiting to see if we have been accepted to Baylor research GI specialist to get answers. So far what I can tell you I’ve learned mainly through my own research and experience with this, is regular doctors can’t figure it out…. But that it could be post viral gasteroparesis/GI motility disorder from the virus attacking the central nervous system or gastritis/ peptic ulcer also from the virus.
Hoping we will get answers soon and get accepted to the research facility.