Anyone feel they can’t cope with even the smallest tasks
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hello all ladies
I just feel overwhelmed by things yet i've been doing them for years. Today started as a good day so i've done all my housework, four loads of washing, made the Christmas cake which has been in the oven for 4hrs, just finished ironing and now i'm making a roast dinner but i don't feel like eating it as i'm just overwhelmed by it and feel like running away out my kitchen.
I'm just so tired of feeling unwell and that i'm not coping but when i think back at what i've fitting in through the day i should be happy. my heads spinning and i feel dizzy now, perhaps i've done too much but i have to do while i can because i don't know what tomorrow with be like.
i'm dreading Christmas when everyone in my family will be excited yet i feel so sad inside and worried about how i'll get through the day.
Am i just a misery guts or does anyone else feel me.
WHATS HAPPEND TO ME its been 7yrs and i think i'm getting worse. x
4 likes, 15 replies
Guest anxiousface
Hi anxiousface, This is me at the moment too! All I did was a couple of loads of laundry, bathe, fix lunch, and fed my barn critters...I am resting now as though I climbed Mt. Everest. Apparently, I have used up my brain power for today. Terrible migraines...4 last week...including yesterdays humdinger! Told I had to go off BCP. So wobbly, off balanced and frustrated today. I hear you on the dreading family. Mine visited last week, I did ok...they were actually behaving and it was a pleasant visit! All of a sudden a wave of exhaustion came over me in the afternoon. Sweats, off balanced, fall down exhaustion. Low and behold...a migraine hit the next day.
Going to the vestibular neuro in 11 days. I am still thinking of you and the other dizzy girls on here. It is just so disheartening to hear you have been dealing with this for so long. I have zero interest in the holidays...hard to feel merry when you feel so awful.
anxiousface Guest
Thank you so much I am absolutely amazed at all your replies, you've made me feel so much better about myself. I was feeling guilty after sending my post telling you what i'd done today when some ladies struggle to get out of bed but believe me i have those times of dreading going to bed because i can't sleep with the flushes then dreading waking up because its another day of feeling so bad. Today was one of those days were my headache and dizzy off balanceness wasn't too bad so i thought i could tackle anything but it appears like most of you all of a sudden the energy fades and we want to run away and hide.
Don't know where i'd be without you lovely , wonderful, supporting meno ladies.
Louise4586 Guest
Hi Lou
I have now been on HRT for 5 weeks and sertraline for 6 weeks. Touch wood but the dizziness is gone! I feel so much better - I would give HRT a go. x
Guest Louise4586
Hi Louise, That is so wonderful to hear! Are you completely off amitriptyline too?
I was 3 weeks into the low dose birth control pill...4 ripping migraines last week, obgyn told me I had to stop them and check back in 2 weeks. Have period now and I have been wobbling around all weekend. seeing the vestibular neuro soon. I hope that maybe with his input, I can be put on HRT, a patch perhaps. Along with whatever else.
Thank you for your me some hope...need that today...feel like a turd.
Louise4586 Guest
I am still taking amitripyline - only 10mg and that helps the migraines. Still get a migraine at the time of the month.
HRT has been amazing - i am taking tablets as was still having a monthly bleed. Started to notice a difference in a few weeks.
i do think i also need the sertraline as i lost all my confidence. Had the most terrible side effects but was so desperate i stuck with it and spent almost 2 weeks in bed. Side effects are now gone and my confidence is returning.
i would give the hrt a try
2chr2015 anxiousface
hi anxiousface and lou. yes, dont feel alone. its not just you. sometimes i feel like such a weakling. if i had done everything you did today, i would feel like a champ. i do have days where i get a lot done and consider those good days, but they are few and far between. i was thinking how sad it is that i am 46 and have no desire to fix thanksgiving. i hate seeing commercials on tv showing families enjoying thanksgiving together and hearing friends talk about their plans. i feel the same WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? geez. i dread christmas shopping. and whats worse is this has been going on for about 4 years now. i feel very blessed to have a husband that is understanding and has to pick up my end when i cant. i dont get the dizziness...not yet, bit i am dealing with other gyn issues right now...ugh. i hope yall feel better soon
Guest 2chr2015
I ordered our Tgiving meal, same as last year. Just will be my hubbie and kids. Last year, I had an episode like I described above, but completely lost my appetite too. I was laying down and my aunt was standing over me asking me a zillion questions. I freaked out and went to the ER. I do plan on eating a lot this year! I hope your troubles get sorted out too...big hugs!
Sassyr12a anxiousface
Hello love
You're doing it! Look at what you've managed to fit in today, it's the work of 3 people 😃 I think you've just worn yourself out a bit that's all. I think menopause makes us worry and fear how we feel while questioning who we are. I think it helps to expect to feel a bit off. Once I realised that I'm probably going to feel anxious, Wonky, dizzy and overwhelmed I wasn't quite so shocked by it, and wasn't so afraid of why it was happening . Have a glass of wine with your roast dinner, and just look at what you did today... You're amazing!! P. S menopause or not, Christmas is the most magical yet stressful time of year. It'll come around again regardless of how we feel. Delegate, enjoy your cake and put yourself first xxx
jamie53221 Sassyr12a
I DITTO that Sassyr12a!!!!!
wen_54374 anxiousface
Hi how i feel for you most days i get up and dont feel myself at all.Its like my whole body has been taken over by aliens .I am full of aches and pains and feel very low x Christmas is a sad time for me memories of missing my dear mum .I feel so anxious and worry that i am ill and something bad is going to happen .I suffer with Uti alot and feel fat and bloated most of the time .I so want to feel happy again.Please take care we must help each other through this difficult time of life .xx
kelly55079 anxiousface
I think you have done a lot so far!! : )But yes, totally understand that when your feeling good, go for it!! I get tired of feeling this way too and not sure what to do. I know that I do find comfort that others are going thru the same crap and this helps me. I'm not alone in this and I can only do what I can or what's important for me to get done. Focus on what makes you feel good whatever it is and make sure that you do it. I know when I do stuff for myself (supplements, healthy food, pedicure, a clean house) I feel good.
It's OK to take a nap too-- I used to think naps were weak BUT nowadays I need them on the weekends.
Earlier in the week I wanted my bird feeders out (small project) and I was p****d at myself for not having the energy to do it.-- ground is snowy and cold. I had to call someone to help-- we put out several and then drilled another at the side of my deck.. I'm happy now but jeez why couldn't I do that myself or even my spouse? And yes-- Christmas gives me anxiety no doubt. Family and friends are happy and excited, I just stay neutral until the 26th! I really would love to run away Christmas week-- so many expectations that I don't like!!
ancillas0501 anxiousface
I feel your pain. Yesterday my mood changed in seconds and I burst into tears. I felt even worse as I had no reason. TODAY I stayed in bed all day and simply did not care. So very unlike me. Aches and pains constantly. I JUST WANT TO FEEL NORMAL.
juanita93228 anxiousface
I know how you feel. I was okay for a while, just feeling a little blue here and there. But this weekend I crashed. Didn't get out of bed. My job has completely changed because of new management. I detest it now. I'm shaky, having muscle spasms. The "S" word even crossed my mind. But it was fleeting as am a woman of faith. I have planned some time off in December and it can't get here fast enough. I just want crawl under the covers and come out when I'm me again. I just feel weak, lost, and alone.
Sassyr12a anxiousface
Hello Juanita
Are you taking any hrt? Xx
juanita93228 Sassyr12a
No. Unfortunately it doesn't agree with me. Makes me spot, feel very tired, and my hair gets brittle and falls out. So no HRT for me.