Anyone get weird feelings after eating a heavy meal?

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Hi everyone,

I don't know if this is due to my anxiety or not. I take 10mg citalopram but it is not controlling my anxiety, been on it a few years. I've noticed that when eating a dessert after a full meal I get this weird feeling in my head. It's almost as if I'm getting a panick attack. I start feeling spaced out and when I'm talking to someone it's as if I'm distanced from them. I know I have to stop eating straight away, like there's a switch inside me that turns off. So hard to describe but it feels a bit scary. I have had bloods done recently, chest x ray, echocardiograph and all ok. I don't normally eat desserts but when I go out for a meal I usually do. I suppose the logical thing to do is not to eat desserts. Anyone have any ideas or experienced anything similar? Thanks in advance for any replies.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Marlie, firstly I'm very sorry to hear you suffer from anxiety just like me.

    There is something in it with big meals and then lying down? I'm an online searcher on symptoms myself. But the anxiety can hit you at any time which feels like an attack. I find sometimes if I'm out I start to worry am I going to start feeling the symptoms of the spaced out feeling you witness and the worry of passing out in public.

    But having Anxiety you must have a complete change of lifestyle such as no alcohol, cigarettes. Also sugary foods can cause you to have more attacks. It's best to eat better foods, and to also have a big emphasis on getting a good quota of sleep. That helps relieve symptoms and also exercise frequently.

    Even drinks such as tea can set it off.

    I hope you all the best, I have suffered the last year myself, regards Dean.

    • Posted

      Hi Dean,

      Thanks very much for replying. I suppose it is down to anxiety but I tend to google everything and then come across these serious reasons for my symptoms and my mind runs wild. I don't smoke or drink but I do worry about my health a lot. I don't usually eat a lot of sweet things but when I do they make me feel ill. So weird. I do have trouble sleeping though. So sorry you have this horrible anxiety too. Thank you for replying to me.

      Take care

  • Posted

    I've got to ask, if the meds aren't working, why on earth are you still taking them? If you want to take meds, there are others to try, or therapy is a better option?

    • Posted

      Hi jmcg,

      Thanks for replying. I have tried coming off these meds but my anxiety came back with a vengeance. I know what the withdrawal symptoms are like and I am afraid to go there again. My doctor actually doubled my dose a short while ago but the side effects made me feel worse. They actually felt too strong for me. I'm back on 10mg again. I tried propranolol once but they made me feel sleepy, Zoloft gave me bad side effects. I may start weaning off them again when I pluck up courage to do so.


    • Posted

      Hi Marlie

      Sorry to read you are suffering. If I eat a meal, particularly when eating out, if I start to get full I begin to get my anxiety. It's the most horrid feeling. I now eat less and the moment I start to feel full or even start to think that I'm going to feel strange, I stop. I think it's fear of the fear as anxiety does this. If it's happenened before in a place then we think it's going to again! Sugar is good at giving you the feeling too so try cutting it out. I once ate a large piece of my granddaughters birthday cake and I felt shocking. I hope it improves for you.

    • Posted

      Hi Kang,

      Thank you for replying. What you explain sounds just like what's happening to me. So it could be blood sugar levels rising causing this anxiety. I find going out to new places stressful particularly if accompanied by friends or family and having to remain sociable whilst at the same time fighting off any anxiety feelings. It's probably a culmination of all these things. Next time I'll skip dessert and see how that goes. It's a relief to be reassured that anxiety is the likely cause but I am sorry that you get it too. It's so sad to think you can't even enjoy a slice of birthday cake without feeling ill. It's such a horrible thing that I don't think I will ever properly understand. A few years ago I could go anywhere, eat anything and enjoy life, what's gone wrong I will never know.

      Hope you feel better soon,


    • Posted

      This is exactly EXACTLY how I feel!   I have had a number of test ran and nothing!   Hida scan, multiple ultrasounds, CT scan, MRI's and nothing!   They say it's anxiety!   I take my BSG and it's normal (I am not a diabetic).  

  • Posted

    Hi All,

    This is actually a weird feeling . hitting from last so many years .(having now as well). 

    Fortunately got a solution to this worst feeling . Weed .. yes right Weed . smoke it in very small dose like 1/3 rd or half of joint . relax mind .. trying to let go ..everything .. (music helps ) within minutes u feel back to normal /better .

    Don't get addictive , don't increase dose .... treat it as nature's own Medicine . 

    Everything taken in access has side effect.. so Control is key to have better life. 

    sharing ... out with little courage ..but what is worth is worth !!!  


  • Posted

    hi. im Jay I have been getting this after food to for the last two weeks. I feel very lightheaded after food very on edge I don't eat suger. not big meals either

    • Posted

      so have i as well, i feel super anxious after a meal doesnt matter if its small or big, and it has caused me to decrease the portion of my meals because i dont enjoy the anxious feeling, or how on edge i feel it has affected my way of thinking, im scared that if i take medicine ill get addicted, im 16 years old.

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