Anyone got ATN?
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Neuro told me yesterday i have ATN, has anyone else got it and what are your sysmptoms and if you have been offered any treatment?
mine is on both sides, when i first got it ihad the head pains but don't really get that now, i have ear pain sometimes on the left and on the right side i get the lightening strikes either in the cheek or teeth im not sure which to be honest! i have had this for i think a year caused by dental work which is why i thought i had Trigeminal Neuropathic Pain.
i am on Tegrol, Gabapentin and now on Lamotrigine, im weening myself off the Tegretol as they don't seem to be working. Neuro told me yesterday there is no treatment whatsoever apart from tablets for ATN.
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vicky59618 fed-up
Baudwalker vicky59618
Very close to my symptoms I must say. Face pain, headache centered over left eye,pain around left eye and ear as well. I am taki ng 2400 of Tegratol (almost..I take oxcarbamapine which has less side effects)
The headaches are attacked by Lyrica and that does work but it is an ugly piece of work. Started high and couldn't walk a straight line. Now on lower dose and that is sufferable but still not nice.
I am off for a PET SCAN next Tuesday as 5 MRI's couldn't determine what the causes are.
If that fail then amputation seems the olny certain resolution!!!!!
vicky59618 Baudwalker
joanna66862 fed-up
vicky59618 joanna66862
geoffrey35113 fed-up
It's unusual to have trigeminal neuralgia on both sides of the head. I assume you have had a scan. I have has TN for years and sometimes go into remission for a year or so but it always comes back when I least expect it. Lyrica workds for me at the moment but that could change.
Good luck.
wanganui geoffrey35113
geoffrey35113 wanganui
150mg Lyrica 3 times per day. It doesn't take pain away completely but it's not too bad if I'm careful about touching sensitive areas of head. I don't know the difference between type 1 or 2. My TN seems to move around. Around Christmas (can we still say that?) it affected my mouth and I had difficulty eating and talking then suddenly it moved to the nose area. Then it moved to the temple area with shocking burning pain in the forehead. Now it's calmed down and, as I said, only sensitive if I touch my head. This could change anytime. I've given up on MRI scans and specialists. They just say: 'keep taking the tablets' .Operations would be dangerous as I only have hearing (and not much at that) in my right ear. Anyway that's my problems off my chest. I suppose you're yawning by now and more concerned with your own pain. Anyway think of it as a hobby. It's taken up a lot of my spare time - that's for sure.