Anyone had this?
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Hi everyone,
It's been a while since I last posted, needed a break to be honest. Hope you're all coping with the lockdown.
I seem to have developed something new since reducing citalopram, down from 10mg to 5mg roughly 10 months ago. I take it early evening and I've noticed the past four days after taking it I've been getting an upset stomach with lots of gurgling. I've been searching the internet and came across an old post from 2 years ago when a similar thing happened to a lady who had been taking it for 10 years and had to stop. Has anyone here experienced the same? I'm thinking of stopping it tomorrow to see if it makes a difference with a view of stopping all together or changing to escitalopram. Yours views much appreciated. Thanks.
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toria_07298 Guest
it has always messed with my tummy to be honest x
Guest toria_07298
Thanks for replyng Toria, hope you're making good progress yourself.
toria_07298 Guest
not very well at the mo bad chest infection, how are you keeping? x
Guest toria_07298
Oh, sorry to hear that. Are you on antibiotics for it?
I'm still getting withdrawal symptoms but not as bad as they were. I was hoping by now things would have settled but I know it can take longer for some people. The coronavirus threat isn't helping that's for sure. I took my 5 mg this evening after giving it consideration, stomach started rumbling about an hour later but not aching so much tonight. It could be anxiety/stress related ??
Hope you feel better soon!
toria_07298 Guest
yes but had a reaction to them unfortunately and now anxiety through the roof, was due to drop dose next month but delaying it until all this stress is over, stay safe x
Guest toria_07298
That's my reason for coming off citalopram, I take antibiotics for gum infections but they make my anxiety worse.
Time will pass soon enough and every day is nearer to your goal, your deterination will see you through.
Have you seen the new NHS website, Every Mind Matters, launched by Kate and Wills to help anxiety sufferers during the lockdown? It's excellent, you can draw up your own mind plan which can be emailed to you straight away for you to keep referring to.
Have a good night and keep safe x
toria_07298 Guest
aw thank you sonia, my chest is in so much pain, will have a look at that site now x
toria_07298 Guest
sonia can i ask how long your anxiety is higher after antibiotics? im struggling x
Guest toria_07298
Hi Toria
Sorry you're having a rough time. I am sensitive to meds and normally feel out of sorts for the duration of the course of antibiotics and a few days after, mostly heightened anxiety, jittery, headaches, generally not feeling right. Antibiotics come with their own side effects so it's probably a combination of things. I usually lie low for the duration, not much use to anyone. I haven't had the need for antibiotics so much since reducing and following the removal of a tooth although I have a slight gum infection now which I am using corsodyl gel for. The antibiotics I usually take are flagyl. I have used amoxycillin too.
Whenever I get a cold or chesty cough, which I have now, I take green tea and peppermint tea, helps clear my sinuses and mucous. I've been drinking these for a couple of days for my chesty cough, I always keep them in my cupboard. I like heat too have you tried a heat pad or warm water bottle on your chest? I usually warm up a wheatbag in the microwave.
I hope you start feeling better soon x
toria_07298 Guest
aw thank you for the advice, i had a bad reaction to the antibiotics, caused neuropathy, i had it 3 years ago and ended up in hospital, doctors thought i had ms, so i had IV steriods which i had a bad reaction to, and ive only just joined the dots now that its the antibiotics im allergic to, so frustrating, will add peppermint tea to my list for tomorrow thank you, like you im sensitive to meds, hope youre having a better day today? x
Guest toria_07298
Oh poor you! Well thank goodness they ruled out ms, what a relief that must have been for you. At least this time you figured it out so you shouldn't have to experience it again. Hope your feeling a bit better this evening.
My stomach is better than it was thanks, still rumbling but not so achy, hopefully it will settle down soon.
toria_07298 Guest
glad your tummy seems to have settled a little, i had a better afternoon but this morning bad again, nature of the beast i suppose x
Keepkalm Guest
Hi I've only recently started on citalopram for health anxiety (coronavirus related as I'm asthmatic) but my stomach is terrible! Constantly gurgling & upset with nausea & I know this is side effects but maybe it affects the gut in general? Maybe try probiotic drinks or peppermint tea to calm the bowel down?
Guest Keepkalm
Hi Keepcalm
So sorry you have had to start these meds because of the coronavirus threat. I think all of us who have anxiety issues have been affected in some way. Health anxiety has always been my problem too.
I have been eating greek yogurt lately after meals which has been helping, also peppermint tea. I think lounging around more than usual hasn't helped. I shall be ordering probiotics on my next click and collect order.
Thank you for replying, let's hope this virus fizzles out soon and we can all get back to some type of normality.
Take care.