Anyone had treatment for proctocolitis? Did it help?

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I have had morning diarrhoea for ever. Usually between 4-6 am it begins, then 2-3 times before brekfast. It used to be 5 times a day but I've given up wheat which helps somewhat. Probiotics used to help, but seem to have no effect now.

my doctor think I may have proctocolitis, I'm waiting for a sigmoidoscopy, and after a bad flare up caused me to get a haemorrhoid I was given prednisone cream, and I swear it took me down to 1-2 BM s a day. It really seemed to calm things down. When I stopped using it after a week I'm right back to guts churning, diarrhoea, gas. I don't know what to think. I'm sure I do have IBS but could it be both? I've made an appointment to ask for a more targeted form of steroid, even though I don't have a diagnosis yet.

unutl recently I was taking a couple of codeine before bed due to a pain condition, and that gave me till maybe 7am but still diarrhoea but the pain has improved so I stopped taking them, and now I'm back to getting up at 4-6 am. 

Does this sound like proctocolitis? Anybody else had both? I'm guessing ibs could cause proctocolitis when you're pooping so many times a day.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    It is possible to have IBS along with inflammatory bowel conditions.  I was diagnosed with IBS in May and was also tested for Crohns and Colitis which came back negative.  However, I don't know enough about proctocolitis so it is best to wait for the results of your bowel procedure.  It does seem positive though that diet changes and medication have helped your symptoms.
  • Posted

    Hi Hazel. I have colitis, ibs-d, fructose & bile acid malabsorption(bam) all largely controlled now by meds & diet. I used to have your symptoms + rectal bleeding & rectal tears (fissures) due to urgency of diarrea & spasming of the anal/rectal muscles in addition. Once my colitis was clinically controlled (confirmed by colonoscopy) i was still getting the same symptoms as you minus the bleeding. my gastro consultant suspected bile acid malabsorption which is often overlooked in people with other bowel disorders like ibs & colitis. I was sent for a sehcat scan which was positive & put on meds which dramatically improved my symptoms of urgent diarrea, constantly sore rectum/anus, & stomach churning/pain within weeks. I think you should ask for this simple test if not for elimination purposes. Also i have to stay away from most fruit/veg & fibre as bizarrely fibre makes my diarrea worse as my dietician says people with bowel disorders often have problems breaking down fibre properly. switching to white bread, limiting myself to 2cups of coffee a day, switching to decaf tetley teabags helped. i am also on a liquid probiotic (clinically proven by kings college hosp to help people with bowel disorder like ibs & colitis) this has also helped make daily tummy activities a bit more stable & less discomfort & bloating after 2.5mths being on it. veg i was advised to try was root veg family like carrots, parsnip, turnip, swede in handful amounts which i am ok with, but i cant tolerate fruit really due to the fructose problem as well! so i take vitamins. regarding steroids, i did use liquid & foam enemas & suppositories as well as oral steroids at times. probably the easiest if you are sore is the foam enema, but the liquid ones go further round your bowel, but the liquid ones harder to administer if you are sore. in conjuction with oral steroid prednisolone ( i was upto a max of 35mg) they did used to calm my flares down within a few weeks & then gradually reduce dose of oral steroids. so to summarise, if you are sore with the proctitis which i expect you are, the foam enema in conjuction with oral prednisolone was best combo for me . talk to your specialist. hope you get your sigmoidoscopy soon as that will confirm things. hope this helps x
    • Posted

      Yikes that sounds serious. I cant do an enema for practical reasons we live in a mobile home and the toilets are in an outside block.

      I do have a similar diet. Cut right down on coffee and veg. Maybe i shouldd cut our fruit. I dont understand why for most of my life i could eat anything then since i had kids i cant eat anything. The latest flareup seems to have been caused by stress though.

      Im seeing the doc on Thursday. I had to reschedule the sigmoidoscopy till November as I couldnt get childcare and a lift to the hospital. I am not looking forward to it at all.

  • Posted

    Me too -I could eat anything i wanted, i cant even it salad leafs now as they wont digest & give me diarrea! its amazing what you miss when you cant eat it anymore. my trouble started about 4yrs ago, cannot link it to anything in particular. i too get worse when under extra stress. try not to worry about the sigmoidoscopy. i've had several & colonoscopies. ask for sedation if you can it makes it more bearable you are still awake, but sedation blurs the discomfort. if you have sedation you'll have to have someone pick you up & take you home though. it isn't too bad, most uncomfortable bit is after when you have some air trapped inside you-just go to the ward toilet & yes- let it out! you will feel ok after that - the nurses are used to it! take care x
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      I think I will ask for sedation. Its so wierd I wonder what causes it.
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      I had sedation for an endoscopy and I wish they had offered a throat spray instead.  Within hours of going home I had severe depression which lasted three weeks.  It cleared up but then came back with a vengeance.  Sedation is not the simple solution everyone thinks it is.  It can have serious side effects.  I have heard gas and air is better to relieve discomfort and is less toxic or a bowel X Ray which involves no chemicals.


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      Im assuming its a benzodiazepine they give you. Im ok with those ive had 3 c sections and im pretty sure I was sedated for those. Its not the pain issue that bothers me its just having strangers stick stuff up my behind!

  • Posted

    They are used to it & make you feel at ease, but i know what you mean, dignity & so on. i think it was something like medazaline (not sure of spelling) they gave me-it just makes you sleepy for about an hour & dulls the discomfort. you may feel a bit tired for a few hours after it wears off x
  • Posted

    thats the name of it hazel, i knew i was something like that! x

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