Anyone have a positive effect for hormonal roller coaster from low dose bc?
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I can’t express how much I appreciate having someone to talk to. I feel like I’m losing my mind and my body. It seems like I’m the only one going through this. It’s kinda nice to know I’m not, but sad too that we all have to suffer.
I am 45. Mother of three; 12,10 and 10
I’ve been taking b vits, omegas, progesterone cream and a few other things for a couple of months now. No relief. I mean zero. If anything maybe a little worse.
Now my np, who really prefers a natural approach, has prescribed me a low dose bc. I’m excited and scared to try. Anyone have any positive relief from using a low dose bc?
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Sochima822 Tsc518
Yes, I went on low dose birth control pills an it was the best thing that ever worked for me. However a bit of advice, do not go off the pills too early I made that mistake that I went off a year after I took them and my symptoms came back a 100 fold. When I attempted to go back on the them they had stopped working, my doctor then had to put me on other medication to see if anything else would help, and while other medications did help they also dumb you down which is okay if you don't mind thinking slow or not think at all. Hope you this helps.
Tsc518 Sochima822
Sochima822 Tsc518
Because some stupid women put the fear factor into my head. I should have known better. Worse were the meds I took after I stopped the pill. The side effects were horrible, while other's just dumb you down. I don't advise you go natural, after taking the box, the natural stuff doesn't work at all. I spent tons of money on trying every natural remedy and none work, or barely made dent, the only thing that worked was St. Johns wort, but recent studies suggest that it can cause schizophrenia, especially if it runs in your family.
Tsc518 Sochima822
lorraine59875 Tsc518
Hi, I have just started on a low dose Bc and it is making a difference. I don't have any hot flushes during the day but I do still get night sweats. I am sleeping much better though, I can sleep for 7 hrs now, I was only getting a maximum of 5. I think because I am sleeping better my health anxiety is much better, I still have moments but not as bad. It's not a miracle drug but it has improved my quality of life. X
Tsc518 lorraine59875
lorraine59875 Tsc518
Hi I've been back on the pill for 2 months. My problems started when my GP took me off the combined pill when i turned 40 and put me on the mini pill instead which is progestogen only. I started with anxiety and fatigue then in June time last year i stopped taking the mini pill and 6 weeks later i was getting hot flashes, night sweats, this strange inner tremble, dizziness, brain fog the list is long. The GP told me it was perimenopause and was going to put me on HRT but said to try the pill first which is what i am doing. X
Guest lorraine59875
Hi Ladies, I know this is an old thread...Lorraine, your experience matches mine, dr took me off my bcp June 2017 at 40. Have had a terrible time with symptoms since. Changed dr and am now back on after over a year of bad peri symptoms...Just started generic seasonique lo...extended cycle 91 day.
Is anybody still on this thread? How are you all doing on BCP??
amy602 Tsc518
I have been on BC since dec 2016. It did take about 2 months to "kick in" It doesnt get rid of everything (oh how I wish it did) It def helped with hot flashes. It has helped with my mood and anxiety, although its not all gone it has been making the times it does happen a little easier. There have been sometimes here and there where I hit a rough patch with it but all and all im not as bad as I was prior to the BC so Ill take it. 😀 i did back in october change to a different BC as I learned from the wonderful ladies here not every pill is right for everyone. I wanted to change to a new pill to see if that would help a little more. (Hope that makes sense) and to be honest it really has only helped a tiny bit. I hope this helps you. I just cant wait until this is all over with and I can get back to the old/new mean. Its been a year and a half for me and im so praying it wont be much longer. Hang in there. HUGS. 😍
judy65716 Tsc518
After some negative feedback previously on this matter I wasn't going to reply but here I go anyway. Hope this helps you or someone. I have been on lutera a low dose b/c pill for almost 9 years. I couple of years ago my old gyn told me to stop taking them because of the risks due to my age. I did stop for 8 months then all hell broke loose. Long story short I am back on them again as I tried like a dummy to stop cold turkey a couple of months ago thinking I am now in menopause so I will wing it. What a mistake. My new gyn is allowing me to stay on them for the time being to manage my symptoms. They were extreme compared to most women. I was not sleeping,,,anxiety attacks, hot flashes round the clock etc. Within in a week of being back on I felt better. It was no joke. I was loosing it. I will have to transition onto a hrt down the road at some point to help my body to regulate. Women don't have to suffer, we have options. Everyone is different and what works for one may not for another. I heard it all! Black cohash, evening primrose, herbal this and that. I researched and found that everything has a risk, or may not work at all. But in the end you have to know your body and what works for you and what symptoms you can tolerate. Knowing where to draw line is key. If the natural route is what you want to try, then pursue what do what you feel. Not the guilt trip of others. If your symptoms are not improving and you are feeling like you are loosing the battle then talk to your doctor about options. The birth control helps regulate and keep things even. The lutera works for me. An hrt will replace estrogen lost at a lower dose than a b/c pill. You might do better with a b/c pill for now. They tried putting me on ssri's last year and that made me even worse! Good luck to you!