Anyone have night time leg cramps (calves/ankles) please?
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Hi I'm researching on behalf of my Mum, who I suspect has PMR (not formally diagnosed as yet - GP appointment next week following blood tests last week). She's 84, still working, and guarding her independence with a will of iron! She's always been fit and active but over past months has mentioned terrible pains in her shoulders, arms and legs - particularly in the mornings. She's been uncharacteristically lethargic, which is dangerous given that she's diabetic and needs to ensure she's eating right and often (she's very measured and not prone to excess at all, and manages her own diet really well normally). So not 'being bothered' to prepare proper food is a very fast downward spiral for her. She's walked every day for years, rain or shine, but lately says the pains in her legs make it impossible to walk for even 5 minutes. She still drives (manual) but a few weeks ago couldn't change gear her wrists/arms were so painful. Getting out of a chair (or bed) really hurts too. There have been days when combing her hair hurts her arms/shoulders, so she'll not bother. Sooo unlike her. She says the night cramps in her calves and ankles are the worst though (usually when she hasn't been for a walk that day). Does anyone have a similar experience of the night cramps please and possible prevention? (she detests tonic water, and took iodine tablets which didn't help). Thanks anyone for advice and thoughts go to all suffering. JT x
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whitefishbay jacqueline90654
Good evening Jacqueline
I am no expert but sounds like PMR. If yes your Mum needs 20 mg Prednisolone & usually this helps in a few hours. I had all these symptoms & it was hell for 5 months. As soon as I started taking prednisone I felt better w/in 3 hours.
The experts will come along and give best advice & info. Best of luck to you & your Mum.
This forum is PMR salvation.
jacqueline90654 whitefishbay
Thank you so much, I really hope she gets relief in just 3 hours - would be fantastic to have my 'normal' Mum back!! *
ida40908 jacqueline90654
Lucky mum , to have you looking after her!!!
my advise would be to get her properly diagnosed, sounds like pmr, does not it!!, but magnesium tablets and plenty of fluids in the meantime, and do her calf stretches before going to bed!!!! Might do her some good... keep us posted..😉🌻succes
jacqueline90654 ida40908
Thanks, after reading so much positivity I'm suddenly in a hurry to nail this - the appointment next week can't come round fast enough!
susan29426 jacqueline90654
jacqueline90654 susan29426
Thanks Susan, I'll order some magnesium supplements for home delivery - fingers crossed!
celia14153 jacqueline90654
jacqueline90654 celia14153
To be honest Celia, she had given up hope of ever getting back to her former energised self, until I relayed all the generously shared experiences and recommendations from this forum. Now she's saying 'Bring it on! If it is PMR I'm ready to do battle and WIN' (watch out GP! Lol
BettyE jacqueline90654
She does sound like a textbook case and if her blood tests show raised inflammatory markers I'd be very surprised if your diagnosis is not correct. If so she should see a very marked improvement when she takes Prednisolone. Then it's a case of managing the reductions and there is plenty of advice and experience on here to help iron out the inevitable glitches.
I expect the pain is making er feel depressed. I remember that feeling very well and the euphoria when the steroids relieved the pain within hours. ( Not the same time scale fro everyone but certainly within a week. )
Hope there is someone nearby to keep an eye on her, however much she might protest; the diabetes and food is a worry.
Best wishes. Let us know how she gets on. Ask as many questions as you like on here. Someone(s) always answers and it's good not to feel alone.
jacqueline90654 BettyE
Thanks Betty, we're both looking forward to the 'euphoria' - thank you so much! Unfortunately I live 2 hours drive away but my nieces live nearby, and her neighbours are very kind too. It is a worry when she doesn't eat properly, so I order online and have her shopping delivered, things I know she enjoys with minimum input from her (i.e. little or no prep). I take healthy freezer meals cooked fresh when I visit too (she loves my cooking).
EileenH jacqueline90654
i would try magnesium supplements for the night cramps - that is the usual first-line approach here in mainland Europe if you ask the doctor. They will do nothing until you have tried supplements - which are available in every supermarket!
The cramps MAY be part of the PMR, I used to get cramp in my feet, and in that case it may need the PMR treated to totlly get rid of the cramp. Certainly what you describe is very PMR-ish - and it isn't unlikely given the incidence rises with increasing age and by 80 many people will already have had or have PMR.
Just in case - up to 20% of patients with PMR do NOT have raised blood markers so if that is the case, don't let the GP just write it of with "at your age what do you expect?". Mine tried that when I was 51!
I have every sympathy with her lack of interest in cooking - I had PMR for 5 years without treatment and had I not had to feed a totally handless OH I wouldn't have bothered! As it is, I have totally got out of the way of making anything complicated - if it has more than 4 ingredients I'm not interested and forget anything needing things to be neatly chopped...
jacqueline90654 EileenH
Thanks Eileen! After hearing about your personal experience and sound advice Mum is more than prepared for a GP 'fobbing off'! Lol. She's positively EMPOWERED! Hopefully the GP won't see her newfound knowledge as a challenge to his authority (sadly I can't be there to manage the situation but she is usually very diplomatic). More next week. Thanks again *
freda07782 jacqueline90654
Hi Jaqueline, sorry to read about your Mum. Her symptoms are exactly what mine where a year ago, when diagnosed with PMR. The first Pred of 20mg was like a miracle pill!!!! Hopefully she will have the same experience. But that's not why I'm replying, I want to tell you and anyone else reading this how I have got rid of leg (or anywhere else) cramps. TONIC WATER! I know you said she doesn't like it, but if she knew it would relieve her from the dreaded cramping, maybe she would try again. I take everyday 10 oz. of it and it's kept me free from cramps. Before this, I had tried all the minerals, magnesium, zinc, potassium, even vinegar (with mothering) to no avail. But the tonic water is incredible. If I forget to take it I get the stirrings of cramp in the night to remind me and believe me I don't forget the next day. It is so awful the pain of cramps, before taking Tonic Water I would wake up in the night and walk around, wiggle, stretch, it distrurbed my sleep so much. I have been taking this for about four months now with great success. Hope his helps anyone suffering from cramps and that they get the relief I have enjoyed!
jacqueline90654 freda07782
Thanks Freda, the tonic water solution will need to be worked on ... I'll let you know Hope you're in a much better place one year in, compared with a year ago? *
ptolemy jacqueline90654
jacqueline90654 ptolemy
Thanks Ptolemy, much appreciated. Mum did take quinine for a while but stopped ... not sure why. Without getting her daily walks she's getting cramps most nights, along with other symptoms.
We realise now that we've been addressing each symptom separately, including cramps - until I found this forum yesterday. Now this PMR diagnosis of her 'bundle' of symptoms makes complete sense! Hopefully the GP will agree and recommend a good rheumatologist (and I'll recommend the Tonic Water - wish me luck! *