Anyone have this?

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Lots of Peri symptoms today, I posted earlier- all the normal stuff. But question....

Does anyone ever get like a sharp pain underneath your chin? I wouldn’t call this jaw pain. It doesn’t feel like that, though I’ve had that before as well. This is more like....idk...under the chin,  (more right side than middle) like in the meaty part....

To find the exact area, imagine if you were reaching to feel a swollen gland or something.....and then move a little to the right (on the right side, the right gland)

I know this sounds absurd 😂😂

It’ll come and go every now and then today. 

I’m plagued with minor headaches today too, and LOTS of gassy issues. No stomach aches, just the gurgling and stuff. 

The sharp random pains in different areas from Peri freak me out the way they show up for like a whole day and then disappear for weeks. 

It’s so maddening. 

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    I have that too. I think it is do to stress and anxiety from all of this peri mess since I carry stress in my shoulders and upper back. I also have the stomach gurgling too. Isn't this FUN!!!! Hope you get to feeling better!!

    • Posted

      It’s so strange- the chin/neck/jaw thing, isn’t it? 

      Doing some research I’ve found that there’s a lot of people who get this from anxiety and tense situations. 

      If that’s true- it makes SO much sense that it showed up TODAY.

      It started after I was on the phone with my insurance adjuster trying to get answers on why after  nearly THREE MONTHS , they haven’t paid me for loss of use OR found us a temporary place to live while our home is being “de-hurricaned” lol

      Then her trying to say they never received proof of loss from my public adjuster (which tracking shows they received it two weeks ago). 

      Soon as they found out my final claim astimate was like 127k, they became impossible to get a hold of.

      I’m guessing that’s enough stress to cause some shooting under the chin pains?? Lol

      Thanks for responding.

      I needed to hear someone else gets this and didn’t have a blood clot in their face lol

      The paranoid Health anxiety is my biggest downfall. 

    • Posted

      yes, that sounds very stressful! I too am soooo paranoid about my health, which is new to me since all of this peri stuff started. EVERY little twich, pain etc.. has me thinking I am having a heart attack or stroke. What kind of symptoms are you having?
    • Posted

      Oh wow- you want the list?? Lol


      -Headaches- a LOT.  Many of them in the back of my head- 

      -Often the front of my head, and the vice grip feeling around the top of my head.

      -Random clogging ears.

      -Heart palpitations

      -“Fuzzy/heavy/weird” feeling in the back of my head. Almost feels like my head is hard to “hold up” but it’s actually NOT. Soooo hard to explain that one.

      -Hyper-sensitive lately to the pulse in my NECK. That one drives me NUTS. 

      -minor chest pains 

      -lower back pain on left or right (always thinking my kidneys are failing when that one shows up lol)

      -Sometimes the feeling that I can’t breathe well but I actually CAN. 

      -the weird pain under my chin

      -weird pains in my neck sometimes, random and quick. Last a day or so then disappear.

      -tremors, very faint little vibrations in different areas, sometimes feel like they’re INSIDE

      -periods are wonky lol. Will come a week early and last 4 days or then come on time and last a week. That’s not one of my “scary” ones I don’t even care about that one.

      -super hypersensitive to “non ideal” situations now. The minute someone ELSE is in a crappy mood I can’t deal with them.

      -loud noises I can FEEL in my head now almost. Like someone’s crazy bass blaring in their car, I get irate. 

      And my kids are in a touring BAND for crying out loud! Imagine the fun of MY job now?!?! 😂😂

      - the weird digestion. Sometimes constipated, sometimes super gassy and gurgling. 

      -chest pains from reflux sometimes. I know that’s what it is cuz if I take a Zantac it goes away lol

      I think I’ve got them all there lol

      How about you?? 

    • Posted

      I have the EXACT same things as you!! For me the fuzzy head feeling, heart palpitations, and reflux are the ones that make me craziest. I always assume I am having a heart attack. The palpitations are going away (for now) but the reflux and the head thing is hanging around lol AND the gurgling of my stomach.... what in the world???  It sounds downright crazy at times!!

      Are you taking anything for peri??

      Soooooo over this!!    

    • Posted

      Lol SAME....palps not “as” bad the last week or so, but the head and the gurgling stomach and reflux. 

      I don’t take any meds. Just vitamins and trying to eat real healthy which has caused huge weightless, like 38 lbs since March and believe me I needed it. (Literally  the ONLY good side effect of this crap)

    • Posted

      Me too...lost about 30 lbs since the beginning of the year LOL

      I'm just taking vitamins too. 

    • Posted

      Just curious, have you had all the “run to the doctor and get tested for everything u set the sun” stuff yet? 

      I haven’t- no health insurance.

      That’s one reason why this board has kept me SANE (well- I’ll use that term loosely lol) 

      I did run to urgent care once SURE that I was dying.

      Dizziness/vertigo (that’s how mine started) nauseous, all that Jazz.

      I told the doctor that night- it was midnight- “check again. I’m positive there’s something terribly wrong. I barely even ever get sick. I’m constantly busy and haven’t stopped in 3 years I NEVER feel like this”......She said “you’re not dying. Not today. There’s a small amount of fluid in your ears. Try sudefed and benedryl for a few days”.....

      Long story shorter- that faded and all these other things started slowly but surely adding up, and as you know- some going away for a bit, then coming back and replacing  others lol.

      Once I found this forum I found literally EVERY single one of my symptoms from other women, than started timing them with my cycle and there ya have it.

      I’ve learned soooooo much.

      It’s been incredibly helpful- understatement. It’s been a saving grace. 

      Then some days, it’s just plain u comfortable and scary and then it gets batter for a day or two. 

      I’m coming back as a dude in my next life 😂😂

  • Posted

    I've had all kinds of pains in the past even went to emergency a couple of times i thought i was having heart attack. Didnt have any in the same spot as you though but i'm pretty sure it's a symptom of menapause specially if it goes away. It's very annoying and diff to go through but hang in there. I'm on my 9th year of men symptoms. 

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