Anyone here using natural progesterona cream?

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Hi ladies, I searched lack of progesterona and found it causes many of the symptoms we have been complaining.  I searched for food that could provide some progesterona and I found there are some creams and yam capsules that can boost progesterona in our bodies.  Now I would like to have some advice from people who uses it, like if this is really natural or not and if it is efficient.  



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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Bella

    Read dangers of natural progesterone before you buy it then decide


  • Posted

    I'm using progesterone tablets prescribed by my doc.

    hot flushes are much less frequent now. I also take linseed, and a bunch of vitamins.

    • Posted

      Hi, BxB, thanks.  I have no much to complain and I guess I can do fine without prescribed hormones.  I thought this one was really "natural", silly me...

      big hugs

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