Anyone out there that can put my mind at ease?
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I am 45 years old and have suffered with bad anxiety for over 10 years now, and this past year has been really bad. Especially with flu season, my family had the circle of sickness just continue since October. Now we are all FINALLY getting better, but my anxiety is killing me. I am worried about EVERYTHING! I’m driving myself crazy with worry, especially when I hear someone cough or sneeze! My anxiety has never been this bad before and I’m not sure why, all of the sudden it has spiked.
Also, I have been having this muscle spasm in my right lower abdomen all of the time. It is strong, like a baby kicking. No. I’m not pregnant. It’s been going on for over a week now and it happens quite a few times a day. I see my GYN on the 22nd of this month and get my blood test results that will determine all of my hormone levels. I’m going through menopause, I’m just not too sure where I’m at.
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lana07071 LauraC25
LauraC25 lana07071
I have been on anti-anxiety meds for 11 years now. It’s been pretty well managed, until a couple of months ago, out of the blue. I went to my GYN and she told me that I was pregesterone depleted, so I was put on a compounded cream that I put on at night. That has helped tremendously, so now that I have been on that for 3 months, I just had blood work done to see where I stand now. I also have Hoshimoto’s Disease and will be in Thyroid meds for the rest of my life. Now that all of that is managed...... the ringing in my ears and the muscle spasms in my side have started. I swear I have EVERY symptom that has been mentioned on here, except weight loss and depression. I smorgasbord get sad here and there, but nothing that interferes with my life. Also, I have been on the same 1mg of Lorazepam that I started on 11 years ago. I have never had my dose raised, nor have I gone to the Dr because I ran out early. I will take Rescue Remedy gummies, which are all natural, if I need something extra.
lana07071 LauraC25
wendy36287 LauraC25
Rachel_T LauraC25
Oh Laura, I can empathise completely. I get almost exactly the same. Having suffered on and off with health anxiety since my late teens, I'm used to dealing with it when it raises its head! Occasionally I have had to turn to sertraline to help..just a low dose. More recently with all the peri symptoms + hormonal changes it has gone into overdrive! It's never spiked so suddenly, or reduced so quickly either. I've had to increase my sertraline dose to help and it certainly has. My anxiety is much more under control, as are my peri symptoms. Its a win win for me!
I know some people prefer to work through this without pharmacutical intervention, but for me I figure if I had a broken arm, I'd take pain relief, if I was diabetic I'd take insulin etc etc. Life's short, too short to cope with crippling anxiety if I don't need to!
I hope your GYN has some answers for you. Hang in there xx
LauraC25 Rachel_T
anetta94863 LauraC25
LauraC25 anetta94863
Yes. I take 6,000iu’s of vitamin D3 every day. I just got over pneumonia and a double massive ear infection, but was never tested for the flu. After being that sick, I freak out when someone around me is sick. I never felt like this before, so fearful. I have had pneumonia before, but I never freaked out after that, about sickness. Just suddenly, I’m so afraid. I can’t tell you why, I guess my anxiety just has the best of me and I need to get past it.
anetta94863 LauraC25
kelly55079 LauraC25
Yes. my anxiety is bad too.. Each time one of the kids sneezes, coughs or sniffles I freak out and tell them to use nose spray and wash hands.. I also make sure they are in bed early just in case. The flu is bad this year and I don't want it in my home.
anetta94863 LauraC25
michelle_79406 LauraC25
I can relate to your feelings and as for anxiety omg. I was afraid to be on my own . I was afraid to eat if I was alone. Afraid Togo walking on my own. Although at 44 my doctor says I’m way to you. To be in Peru or menopause .
But I say different and that th e anxiety is a big part of it. Hell for the last 7 years. But seriously cut your sugar and chocolate etc out of your diet as high sugar makes your anxiety 10 times worse and drains your energy. I have it up and for the first time in 7 years I left my own county to go away for a few days, which normally I would be terrified.
So ditch the sugars. You won’t believe the difference. I am fine now to be home alone or go walking alone. And loads more energy.
You will get past this like I did. And I didn’t medicate. Sugar is a demon.
alice1209 LauraC25
Gosh, welcome to my world!
I’ve suffered from anxiety since the birth of my son 9 years ago... been on citalopram that whole time... I’ve tried to come off it, but it’s always been disastrous!
So, I’m now 49 years old and my anxiety is at fever pitch... I’ve had everything under the sun and been convinced I’m slowly dying... it’s just bloody awful... I hate myself for being so weak... 😔
I’ve had spotting the last few months so I’ve been scanned twice, everything normal... and I’m seeing the gyno in a few weeks... I’ve had bloods done, my heart monitored ( thought I was having palpitations), pap done twice, everything looks normal...
My latest anxiety are the two freckles in my eye... on the pupil. The optometrist mentioned last year I had two freckles on my eye (!), he said we would monitor them as they could develop in to tumors.... as you can imagine it totally freaked me out... supposedly he saw them the year before but never mentioned them.... so out of nowhere this week I’m totally fixated with them and I’m convinced they have grown in to tumors.... it’s all consuming... I’m so much worse than ever before... is this because I’m peri, or just because I’m totally losing it😩, I find it it so exhausting and can’t concentrate on anything.... some days it’s such an effort to get up.
A xxx