Anyone taking Evening Primrose?

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Hi guys...  thinking about taking Evening Primrose and wondering if anyone has taken it and if it is good



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8 Replies

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    I take a multivitamin that includes evening Primrose and starflower. I felt a huge difference after a fortnight or so of taking them but now I'm right back to feeling rubbish again sad I started taking them to alleviate dizziness but it's come back with a vengeance in the last four weeks. I have started a new job which involves a lot of writing and data input, plus I use the metrolink (tram) to get there and back so I don't know whether this is having an impact on my balance and coordination. I've convinced myself that I've got an awful neurological illness as it was really bad last week (during ovulation). I'd advise you to speak to holland and barret, they really know their stuff in there. I'm going in tmrow to see if they can suggest anything else for the dizzies. Hope you get sorted soon x
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      hi donna..............make sure you keep rehydrated, drink 2/3 litres per day, sipping every ten mins, if you start weeing a lot, then your diluting your salts so, drop it back, or take in extra salt on food, only drink the water whilst your in peri flare up as we dehydrate this can knock our electorlytes out wo we can become fatigued, which in turn affects us neurologcally, and thats when we get all the weird symptoms, if you suffer with migraines as well they change when were fatigued the pain changes, and sometimes we get other symptoms like poor balance dizzy spells poor co ordination instead. try taking in some magnesium, vit d, b12, you can get potassium by eating bananas, you can do it all by taking in supplements, or from food, some times they work sometimes they dont, thats more becauce we only really get the symptoms when our balances are out of wack, so we dont need them all the time, and you will find that the water doesnt work the same eithe r then, so you can ease up on it. menopause affects all our systems, so when hoprmones are out of balance then so is everything else. 
    • Posted

      Thank you so much for all the advice and info. It makes sense when someone puts things into perspective like you have. You're right, when I first started training in new job, I was drinking apx 2 litres of fluids (water, sugar free vimto) a day and the dizzies (and peeing every half hour)started not long after this, I was probably drowning myself internally hahaha I've only just started with migraines in the past couple of months, all related to ovulation and period time. Thanks once again, you've been really helpful x
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    hi bella....................i did take it for pms, it did work for the tension in the tummy area, but unfotunately it didnt last, but if it gives you relief for however long, give it a go then if it stops working for you move on to something else, doesnt work for everyone, thats the trick its finding what does it for you.
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    Hi bella, i was taking epo but now i take 1000mg starflower oil  from natures best it seams to work better for sore breasts and i feel better in myself  everyone is different  good luck
  • Posted

    Hi bella

    I've taken 1000mg of starflower oil, in capsules, for years now (Stronger than epo) I buy from uk supermarkets.

    I like to think they work for me, or I'm lucky at the mo, but I'm 58 and don't yet suffer from the debilitating symptoms of peri...hope I'm not speaking too soon!

    My mother used to take epo, also for many years, and she seemed to sail through menopause...really tricky to say...but I continue to take daily!

    I also take 400mg Chelated magnesium, complex Vit b 50mg, 1000mg omega 3 daily.

    Then 100mg 5htp at night to help me sleep longer than 4 hours...that seems to gradually be improving.

    I have also bought Starflower oil for both my 20 year old with pms/ hormones etc...

    Hope this helps. Jx

  • Posted

    Hi, everyone...  and thanks for the repplies.  I will consider your experience. Karen and Jeneben, I loved this other recommendation of Starflower - never heard it before.

    I really do not have much to complain now, but joint and muscle pain, and that is why I was thinking abot the Evenin Primrose - it is supposed to be good for that. 

    In my bad phase, I started on multivitamins, but did not see any improuvement, to be honest. But I still take magnesium once and awhile - it is very helpfull and makes me sleep better, too.  

    Agree with Elaine, water is amazing.  Whenever I had any weird thing, I drank lots of it and it helped...  Learned to drink water as well, I was terrible at that!

    Eating well is the main key, from my experience...  Less salt, less sugar, less carbs, more veggies and fruits.  I should be thinner by now rolleyes, lol

    Thanks, ladies...

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