Anyone taking Evening Primrose?
Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi guys... thinking about taking Evening Primrose and wondering if anyone has taken it and if it is good
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Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi guys... thinking about taking Evening Primrose and wondering if anyone has taken it and if it is good
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donna48864 BellaRubia
elaine33371 donna48864
donna48864 elaine33371
elaine33371 BellaRubia
nancy0925 BellaRubia
karen71465 BellaRubia
janeben BellaRubia
I've taken 1000mg of starflower oil, in capsules, for years now (Stronger than epo) I buy from uk supermarkets.
I like to think they work for me, or I'm lucky at the mo, but I'm 58 and don't yet suffer from the debilitating symptoms of peri...hope I'm not speaking too soon!
My mother used to take epo, also for many years, and she seemed to sail through menopause...really tricky to say...but I continue to take daily!
I also take 400mg Chelated magnesium, complex Vit b 50mg, 1000mg omega 3 daily.
Then 100mg 5htp at night to help me sleep longer than 4 hours...that seems to gradually be improving.
I have also bought Starflower oil for both my 20 year old with pms/ hormones etc...
Hope this helps. Jx
I really do not have much to complain now, but joint and muscle pain, and that is why I was thinking abot the Evenin Primrose - it is supposed to be good for that.
In my bad phase, I started on multivitamins, but did not see any improuvement, to be honest. But I still take magnesium once and awhile - it is very helpfull and makes me sleep better, too.
Agree with Elaine, water is amazing. Whenever I had any weird thing, I drank lots of it and it helped... Learned to drink water as well, I was terrible at that!
Eating well is the main key, from my experience... Less salt, less sugar, less carbs, more veggies and fruits. I should be thinner by now
, lol
Thanks, ladies...