Anyone that was diagnosed with blepharitis? What were your symptoms?

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I was just diagnosed two weeks ago and it's been hell for me. I started waking up with crust in my eyelashes, tear ducts really itchy, blurred vision and feeling something in my eye. Now I can't spend to much time in my laptop or cell since I start feeling my eyes really heavy like when your really tired and want to go to sleep. Also I'm starting to get migraines which I have suffered from before in the past. Is this normal for blepharitis

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    Also everytime I clean my eyelashes in the morning my eyelashes are starting to fall sad. I see at least 2 or 3 lashes on my rag.
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    Dear Gabriela,

    I have had several people tell me that their lashes grew back in when they used the Wet Ones, antibacterial handwipes.

    It took me 3 months to kill it with these wipes. It is the Benzethonium Chloride that does the trick.

    Only people who are allergic to shampoo, detergents, handwipes, lanolin or fabric softeners should not use these. They have sensitive skin.

    If you don't why not give them a try. My husband and brother have Blepharitis now and use the wipes and they said they could tell the difference in one day.

    There are various symptoms with Blepharitis. I had the horrible itching and some had the oily problem and that affects the vision. Some have little white bumps and some scaly stuff.

    Sandra told me that someone used it on her dog who was going to be put to sleep as eye problem was so bad and the wipes helped the dog too.

    Blepharitis is often a staphylococcus infection. These wipes kill that.

    You can wear mascara and kill it at the same time. That involves using throw away mascara wands. Use 1 for each eye in a new mascara and never put a used one into the mascara. That goes for all makeup around the eyes.

    I threw out and started all over.

    If you would like more info let me know. This works for about 80% of people.

    Your lashes will grow back in too. One girl had this for 20 years and the doctor said they probably would not grow back in. She used the wipes US Wet Ones with .3% Benzethonium Chloride in them and she said she gets compliments on her lashes now.

    Wish you well soon,


    • Posted

      Linda I started this morning, but have trouble cleaning my upper lashline. Also is it safe for eyes? Was reading the package and says do not get into eyes. I have no trouble cleaning the lower one. Any tips on how to get into the upper lashline?
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      Dear Gabriela,

      If you get it into your eyes, just splash with water. They use Benzalkonium Chloride at .01% as the preservative in steroids and some eye meds. What I read on preservatives (Eileen on this site got me to do that) is that used in the eyes over long periods of time it can cause damage to the cornea. That is why I now use preservative free eye drops for lubrication. I got my dad on them too as he has to have steroids to see. Why double up the problem?

      I wiped my eyeslashes rubbing as I went along. Do what you can. Close eyes or open them. I tried both as the itching drove me crazy.

      Just be sure and tear into strips (8) so that use use only a small section to cover your fingertip. I went over each lash 2 times. Use a new strip each time. Eight was enough for both eyes twice. If you use too big a section of the wipe it could dry out your skin.

      It take 10 minutes for the Quats to work from what I read. There is not too much in the wipes so it does take a little over 3 months to work.

      Let me know if I need to clarify what I said or you need more info.

      Wish you well soon,


  • Posted

    Gabriela - I have had blepharitis for years. I also have Glaucoma and that disease is a snap comparted to blepharitis.  My symptoms started with excessive tearing in each eye.  I had my tear ducts checked and they were ok.  It was terrible.  I couldn't wear makeup because it would run down my face.  I was constantly dabbing at my eyes.  Eventually, my glands looked swollen and my Doctor then made the diagnosis of Blepharitis.  I was told to soak my eyes with warm compresses morning and night.  I have a steriod I use once a month and I also use anti-biotic ointments at night a coupld of times a week.  During the day, I use just regular refresh drops for comfort.  I also bought a mask with the little beads in them and heat in the microwave and use that on my eyes each day.  That is a lot easier for me than doing the warm compresses.  Through the years, my years go from blurry to clear.  I never know how they will be.  If they are blurry then I really have to start doctoring them.  I wash them twice a day and I use  eye washes called Ocu-Wash from Wal-Mart.  They are opthamologist tested and are really very good.   If your doctor would give you a steriod to use from time to time, you would notice a big difference.  It cuts down on inflamation and irritation and your eyes feel really good.  You just can't use it everyday.  Just ever now and then.  I wish you good luck.  I know your pain.  I had to end up putting tubes in my eyes for the tearing and since that takes off the tears completely, then I have even more problems from that.  We took one out in one eye and I may do that in the other.  Don't know yet.  I do feel that when I come back on the compueter my eyes get worse and more blurry.  
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      The ER doctor prescribed me maxitrol and steroids, but after I saw my eye doctor she said to taper those medications and stop after three days. Which I did and I feel that my eyes are swollen. Lol I take pictures and one eye looks bigger than the other. Don't know if that's because of the swollen eyelids. I use the warm compresses in the morning and I use ice at night before I go to sleep. I've noticed that when I take a shower with steam my eyes feel so much better, but then they the uncomfortable feeling comes back. I heard about the eye lid wash and want to try and see if that helps.
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      Also started with the One wipes, but as I was telling Lynda I seem to have trouble cleaning my upper lashline and I'm scared to get it inside the eye since the package says do not get close to eyes.
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      You might find that it is more beneficial to you to use preservative free drops because the preservatives cause as many problems as the drops that they are in solve.

      My Ophtalmologists always prescribe Minims drops, I believe they are available in the US.


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      Yes, the steam should make your eyes feel better.  They told me to get a cool mist humidifier and keep going all the time for the dryness in the room.  Haven't done this yet, but intend to do it.  Also, you can hold your head over a steaming, boiling pot of water and this helps with dryness as well.
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      I probably shouldn't be afraid of the One Wipes, but I am.  When it says not to get in the eye - then this makes me afraid of it.  I Use Ocuwash wipes and they are tested to be safe around the eyes.  I use these twice a day and I do like them.  They can get kinda expensive though.

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