Anyone using PremPak C? What do you think of it?
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Hiya All. Long time - no post. Life has just got in the way, which ain't no bad thing where Peri symptoms are concerned. Nothing like a house-move 130mls away from family to take your mind of Peri!!
Well I've just finished my second month of PremPak C. Well actually I've Finished Full Stop because for the 2mths I took it, I bled for 22 & 24 days out of the 28 days of those two months. Not what I signed up for!
I said I would probably give HRT a go but I suspect this particular HRT probably wasn't right for me.
I'm so anti-meds in any shape or form, that I didn't want to try a different HRT at this stage. I think the constant bleeding was just too much, but I knew that break-through bleeds, spotting, and 'Periods' should be expected up to 6mths of use: sorry that's too long for me.
I'll be going back to my Serenity Bioidential Progesterone Cream at the end of this month. I now know that I felt OK when I was using that.
I'm now on a high dose of Vit D(long term) too. That may do me, for the ol' joints/bones.
I think reintroducing oestrogen wasn't so great for me. I swear this bleedin' stuff BOUGHT ON the sweats, palpatations, PMT symptoms, terrible fatigue, really aching 'Charlies' - not to mention bumping up the weight/mad appetite increase.
I can't say that I'll never go begging my Doc for some other HRT - I have no idea how I'm going to feel at the end of this month, let alone in a year's time. But, as I told my 2 HRT-loving sisters: I gave it a go, and this stuff didn't work for me, so I'll just keep seeing what works best for me.
Be interesting to see if anyone else experienced any of my symptoms. Believe you me, if I felt really bad, I think I would have asked the Doc to prescribe me a different HRT, but clearly I ain't got it that bad.
Having said that, I do hope I don't get much worse than I feel now!
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rstep04 shaznay96184
shaznay96184 rstep04
Dya know what, I think that I too probably only need progesterone. I found that when I was taking HRT, on days 1-16 which are oestrogen only, that was when I felt worse! Actually gave me Peri symptoms I hadn't already had!
From Sept 13-Jan16 I only used serenity progesterone cream. I took it with a daily Menopace and occasionally added a Vit D supplement (I hate taking medication, and have been lucky not to have had to all my life).
To be honest, I didn't feel that bad at all. I'm highly strung, short tempered, like a row anyway, so I didn't think I was much different (my ol' man sometimes checks me: brave man!). The only thing I struggled with was the fatigue (although I'm rarely tired) and the aching joints.
We moved home before Xmas (125miles away), so I thought "New Home, New Me":
First Blood test showed very low Vit D (expected). Probably on these meds for life now: fine by me. Another showed I may be aneamic (probably heavy/prolonged bleeding). Never had my hormone levels tested, but I don't think they are ever conclusive.
Trialled the HRT for 3mths, but only managed 2 full mths due to the continual bleeding. If I hadn't had so many other, unwanted side effects, (bloody PMT! Hadn't had that for yonks!!) I might have gone a full 6mths to give it my best shot. But I could not see the point in feeling worse for taking HRT!
I'm back on the serenity prog cream, Day 2. Early days, but feel so much better for not taking the HRT for the past 2wks, anything's better right?!
I think its a very personal choice to take the bio identical route. Rightly or wrongly, we all use the internet to inform/cure ourselves, but if I had the money to go to a private practitioner of bio identicals, I would. But for me, I took the risk (and we can't say buying something blind off the internet isn't a risk!) and I seem to be OK with it. Even if its a placebo, I feel so much happier than when I was using HRT.
If I find that this isn't working its magic in the longer term, I'll definitely return to my GP to discuss other options. But for now, I'll grin and bear whatever's coming, and hope that I have the resolve to go with the flow. I'm no Martyr, but if I don't have to take prescribed meds (for anything) I won't.
Have a read of their website. You may find it helpful, or you might decide its not for you.
PS - I checked on the internet, and believe that there is a bioidentical Progresterone patch that is prescribed on the NHS. Before I go and have a row with a Doc, I do like to go armed with info ha, ha. Maybe I'll try that for myself one day, who knows?!
brendababy shaznay96184
I've tried a few different ones all of which I had to stop due to unbearable side effects
I also think I'm intolerant to progesterone as j felt much worse on that
Like Donna my worst symptoms are dizziness/ poor physical balance, stiff sore neck, anxiety and low mood
I was on tibolone for a few months last year until my gyno changed it thinking an estrogen patch and utrogestan tablets were better but it wasn't the case
My GP is trying me again on tibolone as the side effects are usually milder
I've been on it 7 days now and although I've not been sleeping as well as when I was taking progesterone tablets I feel less depressed and less anxious
I know it can take 3/6 months to get the maximum benefit from HRT so fingers crossed this works out for me
I think you should keep going shaznay and hopefully you'll find an HRT or tablet that will give you some relief, believe me I know how bad life can be with meno symptoms
Good luck
Let's us know how things go
Brenda xx
shaznay96184 brendababy
My sisters encouraged me to keep going, but to be honest neither of them had experienced the relentless bleeding that I had. The thought of putting up with that for another 3+mths wasn't worth it for me. I hate wearing pads, hated the smell, the inconvenience......!
I also felt that the HRT gave me symptoms that I hadn't really experienced, or had to the point that they were a problem!
I think my GP (I'm new to the area, so only been to him about HRT really) probably listened to me and realised straight away that I wasn't overly keen, hence he didn't suggest trying other HRTs at this stage. But I did say that I wouldn't rule out coming back to discuss other treatment if things didn't improve long-term. I've now been off HRT for 15 days, haven't felt any fall-out, haven't had a melt down, and Thank Gawd, the bleeding has now abated!
I feel the opposite to you: I felt all the rotten symptoms during Days 1-16 of taking oestrogen alone. Maybe I don't need to supplement that at this stage?
I feel embarrassed still having to buy tampons and 55! Could not wear pads alone: hate the mess of it all. I think Kotex will honour me for 'Services to Sanitary Wear' after 42yrs of propping up their sales
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I truly hope you find something that works for you too!
MoodyNoire shaznay96184
shaznay96184 MoodyNoire
Yep. Yep.Yep - on all fronts
I'd been using bioidentical progesterone cream between Sept 13-Jan 16: felt fine, coping OK. But for the terrible joint aches and fatigue (but rarely feel/felt tired however).
Thought I'd bite the bullet and see if the synthetics could help me with these symptoms. Hardly. They made them worse.....along with giving me many other side effects/Peri symptoms!!!
Have to say that I have been very fortunate not to have needed any medication for any illnesses during my 55yrs. Other than the usual antiBs, and the necessity of some sinus relief (remedied by some surgery a few years ago: brilliant results!), I have a sort of aversion to taking meds unless absolutely necessary.
I am definitely my mother's daughter: she was a 4'10" power house, who lived a hard life, had 5 kids, and loads of very major illnesses/ailments, but had a brilliant 'get on with it'-attitude that I inherited. She was a fantastic role model - nay my Hero - and I think I have very little time for all this Peri mullarkey as a result!
My brief affair with HRT ended after 2wks of almost continual bleeding and the unwanted side effects.
The first thing I did when my GP told me to stop taking the HRT, was to whizz home and order some bioidentical progesterone cream again! I've felt absolutely OK during this past 2wks (HRT-free), am on Day 2 of my Prog Cream, and will just continue and wait and see.
I have many sisters who sing the praises of synthetic HRT, and its really helped them. However, by my age (55) they had all entered proper Menopause, whereas I was (Jan 16) still getting Periods as regular as clockwork! On reflection, that was so much better than bleeding/spotting for 24 our of 28 days.
I will, for as long as I feel its benefitting me, continue using my bioidentical prog cream. My blood tests showed, unsurprisingly, that I was very low in Vit D3, so will probably be supplemented for life. Also awaiting results of further tests for aneamia. Hardly surprising considering I've had long, sometimes very heavy bleeds for yonks. When I recall the young girls I worked with moaning about having a tummy ache during their Period, I had to stop myself telling them how bad its going to get!!!!
Yeah, may cheap ol' synthetics are just not for me.
Thanks every so much for your reply. Appreciated x
MoodyNoire shaznay96184