Anyone with anxiety feel unbalanced and dizzy when trying to concentrate or focus?

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I suffer from anxiety and had like 5 Brain ct Scans in the least year most recent being 2 months ago. I also had an EEG done, which was normal as well.

I feel like like my left leg is shorter than my right foot and feel like I'm dropping towards my left side, i also feel like if i am swaying, and also getting shaking in my eyes like a heatwave image, and also when trying to concentrate on computer tv feel like i will pass out unconscious . My doctor told me my neurological exam from him was fine and i don't need to see one again, i last saw one 18 months ago and didn't have these symptoms then, but doctor still insists i don't need a referral since the ct scans are normal.

I am just getting frustrated i have been to the ER so many times for chest pains, abdominal pains. And now im getting this dizziness and unbalance feeling i described earlier and cant concentrate or focus or feel like i will pass out. My family doctor links it to anxiety and a few ER doctors have as well, sometimes i worried if its neurolgical , since my throat also feel like its closing off too.

I am also worried if the radiation exposure i had could me a brain tumor, since i probably had maybe 6 ct scans for various things and maybe 10 chest xrays in the last year. I asked the ER doctor and family doctor and they said no I dont have a brain tumor.

But in summary I feel like i will pass out, feel like im swaying, feel unbalanced when walking, and when trying to concentrate on stuff feel like ill faint and pass out and my vision is blurry and shaking.

Does anyone with anxiety experience this.

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    Hi, I also have the same issues, it started almost 10 years before when I was doing work-out. it felt that my left chest muscle is bigger than right one which is in reality everybody has. but it was really difficult for me to take this thing out of my mind...this thought became depression & continuously coming again & again in my thoughts....& slowly slowly I applied this thought on everything, like now I feel while driving car that my car is not balanced, & now this anxiety is so severe that I can't work among my colleagues, whenever i saw somebody coming to me i feel fear & dizziness seems like I will pass, my doctor suggested Zoloft, it is helpful but not completely. After all these happening what is my thought i am gonna summarize it.

    Our Brain is like a Machine whatever we enter in it it will give the same return....

    First Thing, Now these days we are so dependent on social media, we listen music believing that it will calm ourselves while it is the biggest cause of anxiety/depression....It is said that music is the food for our souls, while in reality it is the food of our Ego!

    Second Thing, Everybody posses a Soul in his body & just like ears & eyes of the body, soul has also his ears & eyes, if we do bad we are polluting our souls....So the food of the soul is not music but it is try to become a good person & going near to GOD!

    I am a Muslim & i don't say to all to become Muslims, but I say everybody has a truth buried in shape of soul in his heart, which we need to find.

    By saying Truth, i meant everybody is born as a good person, some who find initially or later on, that why we are here in this world remains good person some who doesn't find become bad person. Its all the matter of finding the truth inside you.

    So in short since I am going more near & near to GOD, I am becoming more relax & calm, The one thing i believe is that "Surely we belong to GOD and to Him shall we return"

    All the anxiety/depression gonna end One day & if it doesn't go away then may be its GOD plan to make effort until we find truth inside us.

    Thanks for reading!

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