Anyone with confirmed gastritis able to tell me the symptoms please
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Hi, I have GERD, IBS and Diverticular so lots of stomach related things going on. This time I have been feeling really unwell with stomach pains, starts under left rib, across stomach into area above belly button, really burns and stings, also pain in left shoulder blade into back, really windy and gurgly and have smelly poo, as I am a bit constipated. I believe I have gastritis due to taking antibiotics, but not sure what symptoms from those I would be gastritis. Maybe all. I had a CT scan on abdo and pelvic areas last Tuesday, go just over a week now and awaiting results. The fact that no one called within first couple of days hopefully means all ok, but could just be that they are busy. Any self help tips on helping stomach in case it is gastritis appreciated. I currently take 40mg esomeprazole, sometimes 60mg and 2 x 150mg ranitidine, but this does really help for long, which is why I think it may be inflammation rather than acid.
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lotus15549 youngatheart1
When you go to the doctor ask for endoscopy with ultrasound. All of the digestive organs are very close together so pain can radiate. Ask for blood work and fecal exam for elastase, parasites and infection. Doctors are very quick to give out Ppi without taking the simple tests first. I am on my 5th gastro doctor. Do not drink while taking these medicines. Pain is our bodies way of warning us. Lots of times we ignore it and keep on with bad habits to Our own destruction.
youngatheart1 lotus15549
Guest youngatheart1
Hi, I have diverticula, ibs/ small hiatus hernia, I get pain in my tummy too. It's usually after I eat chocolate or fatty food, it starts with an aching in my back,( which sometimes is a severe aching in my shoulder blade, my tummy gets bloated then I get a pain under my rib's and it goes across my tummy, the registrar at ibs clinic gave me kolantican gel which is brilliant most of the time, I've had all if the tests which were negative, I think its trapped wind, I also think when I don't get a good nites sleep, and I'm stressed that gives me an attack. Take care 😊
aimee1970 youngatheart1
Please let me know because for the past year almost 2 I have been experience pain on the mid section to the left from the belly bottom towards the left upwards the ribs below the breast , with also pain on the left shoulder down to my left breast , fatigue and when I sit sometimes on above the belly button it feels something is Ripping. I have abdomen CT scans, MRI, blood work from celiac , liver, pancreas, boodwork for gluten, cervical cancer, Lupus, allergies. Tc scans for the shoulder , mammogram, you named it. I had a angiocardiogram All negative the only thing my A1c was 5.9. My doctors won't do no more Ct, because i have too many including Ct of my head, endoscopy in may 2016 and I have GERD and a small sliding hiatal hernia and small inflammation in the duodenum and small intestine. I am due in October for a colonoscopy . I hope they find the cause
youngatheart1 aimee1970
HI, got results of CT scan today, it shows small aortic nodes and a thickening of fundus and body of stomach? Hospital consultant said not cancer, google say's otherwise so a bit scared. I am going to see my own GP next week and hopefully he will explain what it means and whether it is causing the pain. Will let you know.