Anyone with experience of the early days of HRT?
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Hello ladies.
I have been through a real rollercoater of emotions over the past year and the last 4 months have been a living hell. I have a history of a anxiety but had been coping well for many years with SSRIs. Recently my anxiety rocketed to ridiculous proportions and I dont mind admitting I got so desperate I didnt want to keep living. My doctors were useless, shoving sleeping tablets at me. Eventually I was recommended a lovely lady consultant outside of my area. I had to ask to be referred out of area but it was the best thing I did. Finally I found someone who listened to me and understood what was happening for me. She suggested I have a Mirena coil fitted and start on HRT in an attempt to help me get my life back. I have now had the coil for 2 weeks and have been taking estradiol 2mg for just over a week.
I was feeling ok but this weekend my anxiety reared its head from nowhere and I experienced panic again last night for the first time in a few months. A lot of the posts on this site are anti-HRT. Does anyone have positive experiences?
Does anyone have experience of those early days with HRT? Ive just started to bleed so don't know if its linked to my cycle still? I also have a rushing feeling in my head and legs like I'm super aware of my pulse.
I'm trying to remain rational so some positive experiences of HRT would be helpful
Thank you ladies
Anita x
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MrsMerm anita31460
I tried HRT and it didn't help me
Fresh air, a walk really helps my anxiety issues, I know it's cold and God knows I haven't felt like going outside lately but if you can do it you'll feel better
Mrs M xxxx
anita31460 MrsMerm
thanks for the reply. I walk my dogs every day and do loads of relaxation and mindfulness exercises. I also deliver training on mental health so I'm doing everything I know how to do to manage my own anxiety. I just got to the stage where whatever I did it didn't help... hence the decision to go down the HRT route. It wouldnt have been my first choice, believe me. I'm glad fresh air and walking works for you.. I think I've walked the equivalent of 3 times round the UK in the past 4 months :-)
Anita x
MrsMerm anita31460
jayneejay anita31460
Oh bless you sweetie.
Just remember HRT will also take time to settle, and your hormones will be thinking whats going on, good 6 months needed for HRT to settle and body to adjust and accept and sort its changes out.
Then you should know if its helping or not or whether its the right HRT for you
Jay x
mel64317 anita31460
i had a very demanding job, doing shift time or inclination to wait for the often long term effects of homeopathic remedies.....I had to be " firing on all cylinders" 24/7....
after 6 months of going it alone is n the change, various natural remedies, horrible symptoms and thought I was losing my mind !!! My doctor said " have you considered HRT ? " I replied that I was considering throwing myself of the top of the car park if she didn't do something ( joke) !!!!
6 weeks after taking more nite sweats, so I was sleeping for the first time in months. 3 months joint aches, and a return of my body fluids...the nite itches went....and along with it a lot of my mood swings.
You may have to try a few different drugs.....We were lucky, I had taken a duel contraceptive pill when younger which really suited me, so looked for an HRT with the same combinations ..and hit pay dirt..!
..good heart goes out to you.
kim94523 mel64317
teresa_grace anita31460
susan21149 anita31460
I do not have any experince with HRT but with my anxieties that I have I feel that HRT will throw my body off if I add HRT when I'm already on medications for anxieties and depression My philosophy is this why put hormones in your body when your body is lowering the hormones plus I'm on a thyroid pill for low thyroid hope things get better for you
kim94523 anita31460
I can't live like this and I know from experience AD do not help me. And I do know from other people that it's normal to have weird cycles when you first go on hormones.
I would keep a journal of your bleed days and all symptoms each day. then show your practitioner and see if something needs to be adjusted. I would love to hear some positive things about HRT. I would LOVE to find out that it worked for someone!
Best of luck to you and don't give up hope. Your life is worth it and you want to live it because that's why you sought answers and that's why you came here. Message me if you want to speak privately. Do NOT give up!
anita31460 kim94523
Thanks for your kind words. It truly is a struggle isn't it. I have some good friends around me though and we manage to have a laugh about it which is the best medicine there is. Getting up and going in the morning is my toughest time as I always wake with anxiety. It's exhausting! But as you say, the alternative is not an option as I too couldn't bear the thought of what it would do to my children and husband if I decided to bow out.
Thanks again for the encouragement. Onward and upward!
Anita x
kim94523 anita31460
kathy46259 anita31460
I also have problems with stress and anxiety. I do take medicaiton for it when it pops up. I am also on an antidepressant that does help a lot. Only problem is that all the doctors want to blame my depression for any and all physical problems I have. I am on HRT and feel much, much better. A more balanced feeling.
I gave up listening to all my friends tell me not to do HRT, they do not understand what I deal wih everyday so I have stopped thoes conversations with everybody. Its there to use and I am going to use it.
I hope you find some answers and peace with the anxiety or depression. Its awful and non of us can just get it under control with positive thinking or smiling and sucking it up. I have no more problems with taking meds. It is a decision we all must make for ourselves.
bless you
kim94523 kathy46259
Sydneymum anita31460
Me too!!! I am 44, 3 years of perimenopause with 14 year history of moderate anxiety successfully managed with SSRI 's (first paxil, zoloft for 10 years and effexor xr for last 13 months). Effexor has been the best of all for me (dose of 75mg daily). But recently have had really bad anxiety and panic attacks out of the blue (no extraordinary lifestyle reasons).
I saw a new GP yesterday (a lady) and she was wonderful. She told me I had classic symptoms of perimenopause (erratic period/cycle length, occasio al night sweats, occasionally insomnia, headaches at start of period (never before), sweating and last week weird panic attacks and anxiety.
She reassured me that it was not a case of the effexor being ineffective but rather erratic hormone shifts. She recommended blood tests in about two weeks (first day of period) to check hormones, than possible HRT treatment.
She said under 50, HRT is safe and anyway new science suggests cancer risk post 50 may not be risk.
Also suggested that if I have any panic or bad anxiety in next two weeks before I see her again after blood test results, to take my xanax (a benzodiazapine)as needed. I have low dose at .250mg.
Let me know how you are travelling with HRT and what brand you are on. I am in Australia so would be interested your brand and what your doctor recommended.
Best wishes,