Anyone with Hyperparathyroidism?
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I was diagnosed with this some years ago after suffering for years with kidney stones, they did try and remove my parathyroid glands but couldn't find them, mine aren't where they should be and further tests have come up blank as to where they might be in my body (looking for a needle in a haystack was the term used!) I take Bendrofleumezide (sp) alternate days to alter the acid in my urine. I'm constantly tired and fed up being told i need to watch my weight and i should exercise more, i'd love to exercise more but some days it's all i can do to get my head off the pillow. I could go on and on here just wanted to know if there was any sufferers out there and wondered how they cope with this condition?
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mynyddrob kate29836
My problem started after routine blood tests, showed high PTH and elevated calcium, Had one procedure to locate parathyroid but they failed , now awaiting second attemp by top man, so I would say to you ,make sure you have a expert in the field before any other procedures.
kate29836 mynyddrob
angela46352 kate29836
mynyddrob angela46352
My problem started after routine blood tests, showed high PTH and elevated calcium, Had one procedure to locate parathyroid but they failed , now awaiting second attemp by top man, so I would say to you ,make sure you have a expert in the field before taking any other procedures.
As a follow on to this response to Kate :
My dodgy parathyroid gland has been found, Eurika !!. It is in my chest !! It was found by a scan using a radio active isotope. Please persist with scanning for it as it is there, my radiologist at the Heath hospital ,Cardiff ,did not give up and now I am hoping to have a simple procedure to remove it . It has taken me Nine years to get to this point. My surgeon who is regarded in the top five specialists in the country, strongly advised me against " the Norman Institute"
Get the right scans done by the the top people ! Do not give up. Rob
holly15259 mynyddrob
hi rob, did your dr say why he did not like the Norman Institute in tampa?
mynyddrob kate29836
My dodgy parathyroid gland has been found, Eurika !!. It is in my chest !! It was found by a scan using a radio active isotope. Please persist with scanning for it as it is there, my radiologist at the Heath hospital ,Cardiff ,did not give up and now I am hoping to have a simple procedure to remove it . It has taken me Nine years to get to this point. Rob
angela46352 mynyddrob
About why not go to The Norman Institute? Before I spend money and waste any time on it?
angela46352 kate29836
i am considering going!
angela46352 kate29836
mynyddrob angela46352
I had no symptoms, aged 54, just a routine blood test but showed up elevated PTH. On refferal to Swansea hospital, consultant explained everything and started on scans to identify dodgy gland.Many scans later, after ultrasound , CT, Nuclear and even PET scan ( very expensive done privately ) still no gland. He was advised by expert, that a exploration of the neck would reveal the gland lying behind the Thyroid, which is the typical hiding place !. He operated and found my four parathyroids in excellent condition with no problems, he removed two healthy ones just in case and stiched me up. My PTH was still elevated and my calcium level rising, unfortunately, the hospital underwent computer upgrading and I became" lost and forgotten for five years" in the system. I belived that there was no solution so as I had no symtoms forgot about it. My GP pushed me to rectify my increasing calcium level so I contacted the top man in Wales and the team have found it at long last.
As for Norman Institute I have heard that a telephone consult can cost hundreds of pounds before they start !
Please Angie, if your team cannot find the gland around your thyroid, insist on a chest scan using nuclear tracing ( very safe ) The Norman inst., will only do the same !
We have some of the best in the world but can get bogged down with people who talk a lot but achieve nothing. Rob
angela46352 mynyddrob
donna38794 kate29836
Before finding out what it was I felt horrible I was tired
All the time my skin was very dry I was losing my hair and
I had symptoms of carpal tunnel. I wondering if anyone has
Experienced swelling in just one leg with this.
angela46352 donna38794
I don't know the results yet.
Wishing you all the best.
ThankfulWanyana kate29836
In the meantime I'm going ahead with being put on the waiting list for an operation, I have my ultrasound scan tomorrow, Tuesday the 24th of November .
It would be good to hear from those members who have replied above to find out how you are getting on now please ?
I have had "M.E. " for 19 years , I'm being treated naturally, this helps with my weight and also some of the other symptoms , however I'm still not well enough to work and need help at home etc
Feeling positive to hopefully get a good outcome eventually .
I believe the natural treatment has helped me to keep going so far .
tim77647 ThankfulWanyana