Anyone with Stomach Issues?
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Hi Ladies...Its goes from one thing to another. Though I can say that I am better than the start of peri since March 2017. But does these symptoms ever completely stop. I've been having digestion issues since the beginning, but it has lessen in the past . But it seem ongoing on now. I don't understand how i was getting off so well for the past 2 months and all of a sudden out of the blue it seem to trigger again. From having hot flashes , naseau and stomach discomfort and slight burning, etc. So many food allergies, even certain foods brings on a hot flash, just lying on my stomach makes a hot flash. I had abdominal ultrasound done and everything was fine. I also had bloodwork done last week and my t3 is low and estrogen 14, and progesterone 0.4. I get this feel of something in my neck ( thyroid area) especially if i look down pressing my chin against my chest. I get air hunger. I was told that I need to take something to support my hormones and thyroid. Ive tried progesterone cream but it gives me heart palps, and trigger hot flashes. My poop has been green for almost 7 months now but no one can tell me why. I don't know if it's any connection but I believe that it is. Ive lost weight and I cant gain any weight at all , my digestion is so messed up . I just want to feel normal again.
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sharcerv52408 mary27278
Oh wow, I am so sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time. I know how tummy and bowel issues can be. I started having them early on in peri and they come and go randomly. I had the weight loss and loss of appetite too a few years ago. It's scary! I looked like I was dying. I had dropped down to a mere 125lbs and that weight just didn't look good on me at all. I am afraid to even look at my poop at times for fear that I will see something strange. Recently a very dear loved one passed away suddenly and that was two weeks ago but my stomach has still been unsettled since I heard about it. So stress can also cause our stomach and bowels to be thrown off. I hear the other women say that it gets better. So all we can do is take it one day at a time and hope and pray that it will and soon! 😊
stephen55302 mary27278
Hey there,
I am soo sorry about all this that you are going through.
Have you tried probiotics? Preferably yogurts or kefir. Probitoics are friendly bacteria which help in digestion related problems.
Another recommendation I have is a supplement called Flourish Probiotics by Eu Natural. It is basically a combination of healthy, friendly bacteria and highly recommended for digestive, gut and urinary tract problems.
mary27278 stephen55302
Right now I can't take probiotics because I get severe symptoms from die off of candida.
MissNC mary27278
i have been full menopause for two years
i do understand i just had two beavments in my life and since then has been hell bloating, lost of appitte , consipation tummy does not feel well tiredness , emotiomal stress ,
hot flushes the list goes on just wating for bloods results just dont feel happy just low and worried something is serious wrong x
mary27278 MissNC
sorry to hear you 're going through a rough period too..were you having stomach issues during perimenopause or only afterward?
MissNC mary27278
hello mary
stomach problems have just started two weeks ago during peri i hsd lump in throat , pain in neck and joins , hot flushes are not bad at moment but stomach is really bad
i am eating but small portions , its my fiffty next week and going to london so i hope results will be ok and i will be feeling better i think sometimes the stress makes you feel even worse i just pray every day x you to keep strong
this website has kept me strong and i have only join recently after three years reading please keep strong us women keep strong together xx
mary27278 MissNC
Are you feeling any better with your gut? Im at it again with my gut. It had eased up quite a bit. Did you get any testing done?
kel02886 mary27278
Hi Mary. I came across your post whilst searching for stomach problems during peri menopause. I'm sorry you, and what seems like many others, are suffering but at the same time feel relieved that it's not just me! I have been taking Omeprazole for months to try to stop my stomach discomfort and bitter taste in my mouth. It hasn't really worked and I believe my trouble is less acid reflux and more IBS/ trapped wind. My pain moves about my abdomen and, coupled with a non-stop period (I have a period then spotting every day until the next one) I was convinced I had ovarian cancer. Thank fully all tests came back normal. My GP has told me that gastric problems, including IBS, are all part and parcel of peri menopause and that the right diet is the only way to manage the symptoms. I have recently cut out dairy and take tumeric but as yet have seen no real improvements. I have the usual night sweats, often feel jittery and weak and have become more anxious. I could cry sometimes. I really hope that you start to feel better soon - it can't last forever! Take care X
ruth24048 mary27278
i am also suffer stomach issues at the moment, my poop is fine but i have stomach aches on and off. ive had this in the past and this recent bout started 4 days ago. I am hoping this too will pass soon, that is my prayer.
sara97862 mary27278
Hi Mary,
YES, you are not alone at all. I am really having a time of it with stomach issues right now. Some days I have zero stomach acid and whatever I eat sits in my stomach for hours. Other days I have so much acid I can feel the burn all the way through my system.
Unfortunately (I guess?) I don't seem to get average old heartburn symptoms, so I can't always tell its happening until its too late to do anything about.
One thing about the green poo... are you by chance taking ibuprofen or any other NSAID drug for aches and pains? This happens to me (along with gastritis) if I take NSAIDs.
I hope for better days for you soon.
mary27278 sara97862
Sara your symptoms sound like mine..not the typical acid reflux symptoms. No I take no kind of pain meds..I dare to do that. Do you ever get the chest pain with it?
sara97862 mary27278
Not always, but I have had chest pain and back pain with it at times, yes. It's horrid.