Anything positive about peri/meno?
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I feel so depressed now, so I try to think about positive thinks about peri:
at last I feel "mature ",
I become outspoken,
not afraid to speak my mind,
not afraid of others and their opinion,
enjoy simplicities of everyday life,
enjoy good relationship,
not afraid avoid people who drain my energy,
not ashamed,
enjoy success, positive comments etc.
I think that this is all due the "living hell " of peri, that you enjoy simple things and do not dwell on sucking people/situations.
Do you ladies have you own list?
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Azzumi lena53512
I enjoy my own company
I love being at home with my cats
I don't need the support of others anymore
I enjoy peace and quiet
I don't like going to the shops to spend money
I don't care if I eat cake and chocolate
I don't care if my boyfriend is late home
I love hanging out in my daggy clothes
I don't care if I miss going to the gym
That's all I can think of at the moment.
bobbysgirl lena53512
I'd agree with all of that but would add to 'I become outspoken' - to the point of menopausal tourettes!
There was a time when I'd hear people spouting rubbish and just mumble under my breath. Now they a inclined to get both barrels! I'm going to get into awful trouble some day. But perhaps they will put it down to me being a mad cat lady (I have four kitties)
A politician came canvassing, I said 'OK you tell me why I should bother my axxe to vote for you'. He said he was opposed to fracking. I said 'What?! Is THAT IT? Come back when you have some real policies!'
I'm turning into a real Victor Meldrew - and you know something - I don't care.
DaisyDaze bobbysgirl
I have both sides.
I have become very patient and nice to people who are respectful and polite.
I have become a raging maniac when someone is rude or acts stupid.
I cannot stand idiots, for example, people who drive stupid, waste my time (politicians coming to the door), yell at street corners, treat their babies nasty, those who speak rudely loud, etc. I tend to blurt comments out, like "why have kids if you are going to bitch at them?". I guess I'm a bit like you.
metamorphed DaisyDaze
'I can't stand idiots', hehehe.
sounds familar
Azzumi bobbysgirl
That's brilliant!! and Victor Meldrew has always been one of my heros..
I'm not holding back anymore!!!
Azzumi DaisyDaze
Omg idiots.. My tolerance has gone from low to zero. People who dawdle in the supermarket and people who drive too slow in front of me and people who make me wait for equipment at the gym and customers at my work who fart around instead of just paying me and having to wait too long for my burrito (how hard is it to make a burrito?) and people's annoying ring tones on their stupid phones and people walking into me cause they're texting....
I know there's more....
DaisyDaze Azzumi
The phone thing...UGH. They walk right into you or stop in the middle of walking. The other thing--they talk loudly in the elevator and it's only you two in there. On planes, trains, in the street...really? We do not want to hear their personal problems about nothing to wear, he was a jerk, she slept with him, kids are bad, etc. Keep it to yourself and keep us happy!
lena53512 DaisyDaze
I agree, I have also both sides. I decided to use my new "power" to struggle for what I think is neccessary... it is a strange feeling to know that I can decide and use the power as I wish.
Guest lena53512
2chr2015 lena53512
I'm still thinking. Lol. I'll gat back to you. Lol😁
bobbysgirl 2chr2015
Thought of anything yet?😁
2chr2015 bobbysgirl
It doesn't bother me what people think about me. That's about all I can think of. Lol
bobbysgirl lena53512
Thinking about this thread I am reminded about the misery that was the monthly period. The terrible stomach cramps ...... that I DON'T get anymore!!
Then I thought about the song that used to go through my head at such times, 'I enjoy being a girl', what fatuous idiot thought THAT one up?! I used to imagine putting his (must have been a man) dangly bits in a vice and saying 'how do you like it?'😂😂
There we go, menopausal tourette's kicks in again! I'm starting to sound like Father Jack!
DaisyDaze bobbysgirl
Too funny!
The cramps were horrid for me. I understand why they used to call it the curse. Horrible and to think of the days wasted on lying on the couch, while trying to take care of babies, trying different pain killers, etc. I missed events, parties, dinners. I missed tons because I couldn't go anywhere. So I guess I found a positive!
Azzumi lena53512
Works every time.
bobbysgirl Azzumi
That works in a lot of cases. Years ago we lived next door to a tribe of horrible kids. The excuse for the bad behaviour, they come from a broken home! Yeh, THEY boke it!!! 😂😂
I agree with you, from now on I'm going to say 'I can't help it, it's me 'ormones!' Or should that be horMOANS.😉
Azzumi bobbysgirl
My darling boyfriend has been along for the Peri hormone ride with me and during a little tiff we had thismorning he stopped and said. You seem uptight dear but its ok, i think your hormones are playing up.
He appologised for being an ass even though I think I actually started the argument..woops..gave me a hug and said let's have a nice day together.
Won't say I use menopause to my advantage sometimes, but then again..maybe I do.
bobbysgirl Azzumi
Oh bless him. Sounds like you have a 'keeper' there!?